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Eclipse - Event System


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Eclipse - Event System

Current Version - 2.3

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What is it?

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* This is a new version of Eclipse featuring an event system. Ever used Rpg Maker? If not, an event system is an easy way to create custom events in your game without the need to make source edits. This is achieved with a powerful system based on commands/switches/and variables that give Eclipse a whole new standard of gaming.

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Change Log

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>! * 5/30/12 - Initial Beta 1.0 Release of Event System, there are several bugs that exist but these will be cleared out over time. - Working Demo Included -
* 6/1/12 - Release of Beta 1.1 fixes several underlying issues with the event editor, action button to activate an event and core engine issues server-side. Should be more stable.
* 6/2/12 - Release of Beta 1.2\. I would go as far as to say that this will fix 95% of the RTE9s. Could probably actually make a game with this version if desired.
* 6/3/12 - Release of Beta 1.3\. Added the switch/label namer and the new Give EXP command. Also includes new commands to open shops/banks along with set access.
* 6/5/12 - Release of Beta 1.4\. Fixed bug with setting player switches and enabled sound/music in the options.
* 6/6/12 - Release of Beta 1.5 and 1.6\. Fixed bug with event self switches and hopefully the CTRL error, again.
* 6/9/12 - Release of Beta 1.7\. Fixes a bug with local event movement being sent to everyone and another bug that I cannot explain ![:D](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.png).
* 6/11/12 - Release of Version 1.8\. Stops the large amount of event data from being sent to client unless map editor is opened. Also stops the data from being saved client-side. I deem this version to really be ready to make games with.
* 6/15/12 - Release of Version 1.9\. Fixes bug with empty move routes. Optimizes the server a bit and gives option for showing an events name…
* 6/16/12 - Release of Version 2.0\. Fixed the editor to create/delete events using left/right click like normal tiles. Also remembered to compile this time around ![:D](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.png).
* 6/16/12 - Release of Version 2.1\. Added some checks for show text and choices to make the closing of an event's chat look better..
* 6/17/12 - Release of Version 2.2\. Fixed the open-shop command..
* 6/19/12 - Release of Version 2.3\. This version includes A TON of bug fixes including all the general EO bug fixes in the Script Tutorial Index (Thanks Justin!). It also includes a new demo meant for new users to Eclipse as a whole. It is kinda fun, even for advanced users of Eclipse. (Thanks for the mapping Kibbelz!)

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Known Bugs

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* None!

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Please report all bugs to me in this topic.

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* Fix any remaining bugs that may exist.

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>! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/33e8d59a869e95864fefabc5d5b357e1.png)
>! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/2298229cf8bb6d0b23acd69f7c41401b.png)
>! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/3e86e312c1e7f1ca10ff7cf61c255d8b.png)
>! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/a4022239e6eea0d2d8fe715fe58e2b95.png)
>! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/f2879003629613b7ab5d8f67459b0188.png)
>! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/1da2f44f438fcb35984752e929977436.png)
>! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/53b46c583c1345348949fb600c71b4f3.png)
>! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/f3ed802ef78824e6100e9e86fbc1f657.png)
>! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/adb58377492c1d8e9c5755bfc38c89d7.png)
>! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/f57a91500d6e0d2800036f19972dbf1e.png)
>! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/aa9b03717263c8049ff6236bfddd2460.png)
>! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/2cc72c9e4f4908708dd704752cb4295f.png)
>! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/6f7c27621e3a4e860634e4e9d6c28a04.png)
>! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/cfe018b092a2431d8ce1e5afb052b489.png)
>! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/fc254dd6690b3cf2f2913a929f95a2a7.png)

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* The latest download can always be found here. It comes open-source with a small playable demo to get a grasp of what this event system is all about.

[Eclipse - Event System 2.3](http://www.jcsnider.freemmorpgmaker.com/Eclipse%20-%20Event%20System%202.3.zip)
* For those who began mapping before version 2.3, use this converter to convert your maps to the new format. [- Download Here -](http://jcsnider.freemmorpgmaker.com/Event%20System%20Map%20Converter%20to%202.3.zip)

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Final Notes

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* I would like to say thank you to everyone who supported me in the creation of this and the support that will follow as I continue to work on this system and perfect it.

Special Thanks goes to Robin for EO and the event editor form which he gave me permission to use.

Special Thanks also goes to Richy, Daxterxx and lel for their awesome and through testing of the system as I have been working on clearing out the remaining bugs.

And Finally, I would like to say that I hope you all enjoy this system!
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Wow this is a pretty nice little system you have here. One bug I noticed though is if you set an event to change a sprite the sprite will not change until you change the current map. One easy way around this is to make the event warp you to the exact location you are at.

I am curious though will there be a tutorial on how to use the features? I have noticed the demo maps but I haven't looked into them much yet.
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I might go on to write tutorials but at the current time I am more worried about fixing the current bugs.

Can you elaborate on your report? Are you changing the graphic or are you actually changing it through an event with a move route?

@Wing, if you want to make a few tutorials, go for it :D. It would help out a lot for those who never used Rpg Maker before.
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I made an event that would check to see if I was a warrior and if I were the event would then set my sprite to a specified number. The problem was my sprite wouldn't change until I switched maps. So in order to fix this issue I simply modified the event to warp the character to the same location as the event tile right after the event switched the sprite number.

Basically the sprite change attribute in the event system doesn't update the player data right away so until you switch maps the data isn't sent to the server thus not changing the sprite right away.


> I could make a tutorial. I love RPG Maker's event system, so as you can imagine, I know it inside out.

Well if the event system is the similar couldn't I just look up some RPG maker tutorials?
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> why you dont released tthis earlier :cheesy:, now i cant use this becouse im so far with my game :P

If you can find out where the changes to source were made you can add it without having to redo maps etc.. I may attempt to do this myself since I also have a project already in progress
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The event data is stored in the map rec but is saved into seperate files, in order to copy this over, you would have to copy my edits to the bottom of your map rec, edit the loading and saving subs of your maps (you would not lose current data) and then copy over the core event system and all the little edits here and there that branch from it, IE: PlayerMove and HandleAttack server side where it checks if the player touched an event or used the action button on one :?
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Working on fixing bugs. I am aware there is a terrible RTE9 bug when working with advanced events. (Alot of conditional branches and such). If someone can find the exact steps to re-create it, it would be very useful in fixing the issue :P. I am trying and just cannot make it appear at all right now :/
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This is wonderful. I loved the eventing system back in the RPGmaker games and this is seamless with the map editor.

Out of curiosity, how do variables work out for individual players? Are they reset after a certain point or do they stay with the client?
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