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  1. Marsh


    Nope, im not the boss anymore :P the site has been sold several times since then. How you doing Unnown? Long time no see. I havent seen Baron in years.
  2. Marsh

    I Have Returned!

    I am not on much these days :) good to see people around still though.
  3. Cool tutorial, I like that you included how to get the software. That was one huge annoyance for me when I was trying to learn programming. They were all tutorials on code and I had no idea how to run it. @'HookJordan': > **I forgot to mention that you need to end each line of your code with a semi-colon ';'. This tells the compiler that that line of code is done and anything after it is a separate statement of code. I will go more into this in the next tutorial when we begin C# data types and basic flow of your programs.** This might confuse people however, not every line ends with a semi-colon.
  4. Oh hells yea, old school runescape was awesome.
  5. Thats awesome man, congrats on so many players.
  6. Changing the name from Eclipse has more implications then I think you guys realize. You are throwing away all the SEO and branding. Not saying its not worth it, just be aware.
  7. Marsh

    A New Engine: Atlas

    Looks decent, looking forward to updates.
  8. Wish I had the skills or non lazyness to do something like this. Very cool.
  9. Looks really solid, I used to play a lot of games like this so I am looking forward to it.
  10. These are gold they should be kept in some hall of fame.
  11. Marsh


    Want to play that good? http://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=2232
  12. Cool show, would make a good game.
  13. Good game! Cool to see something like this on android. Two things. Man you move slow. If this is for android you should consider adding android functionality. When i opened the chat menu i instinctively hiy back to leave the menu, which exits the game. Looking good though, with some npcs and gameplay this could be cool.
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