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Eclipse: Skywyre Edition v10


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> The darkness level is actually really easy to play with, it's just a bunch of if then statements with values, just find where they are (just look up night or something, time maybe) and change the values.

The Value isnt the Problem ^-^

if I make a dungeon, I would like 1-3 floor normal day only, 3-6  floor Dawn only, and 7-9 night only. That would feel really convey that you also goes down in the dungeon

I have added this to the modGrafics Code

    ' Always dawn maps

    If Map.DayNight = 3 Then
    Alpha = 155
    End If

But i cant find any buttons from the map properties to add this to the client :-3

Edit: OK ^_^ have found it. I havent seen the second List under Itemdata :-) now i can change it to Dawn Only
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> Umm if you are reporting the sprites that keep moving that is most likely because they have been programmed to be animated sprites. Just search for 'Animated' in the client source and you will be able to remove/add any sprites you want.

How do I do that? Sorry but I am a pretty newb…

EDIT : Nevermind, found it.

Now, how do I import bigger character sprites like that giant in joaovitor1819's video?
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Good day readers!

Sorry for posting in here but there is no new topic button under "other eclipse engine->answers & questions".

A bit about me before I go into details:
I am 23 years old, and work as a php developer for a company. I mainly use PHP, Javascript and HTML. I wanted to make a game so I went looking around for 2D game engines and landed here.
My plan is to create a small multiplayer 2d pokemon game, big fan of pokemon and thought it would be nice to have a community to get back to after work.

Basically I downloaded the Eclipse: Skywyre Edition (Primitive) V6\. My plan is to build a game. So here is the deal, I need some help. I got this now a bunch of files and I feel totally overwhelmed with some files containing over 2k lines of code and no semicolons :S
I am willing to learn everything myself and do all the coding myself as well but I need a tiny bit of support, someone that holds my hand.

I was wondering if there is someone who is willing to answer a few questions. Perferbably adding this person on skype so the delay isn't that huge(don't worry, no need for calls or anything like that, messages are fine :) ).

Questions like:
"what would be the ideal IDE to use?" I have been looking at microsoft visual community 2015, since its free. Currently using notepad++
"I want to have a box that pops up in the middle of the user screen after the user interacts with something. Like what files would I have to edit . Only server wise?"
"I saw there was a custom script event, I edited the file modCustomScripts.bas but for some reasons these changes do not work?"

It says this is my first post but I have been busy for over 3 full days already trying to puzzle things together searching everywhere, the motivation is there, the knowledge is still lacking because of the language.

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> * Stuff you wrote *

So you'll first want to download Visual Basic 6, whether pro or enterprise. that's the only IDE I know of and about it, you can go to google to find and install it.
Next, you'll want to read through parts of the code to get something of a feel. A pop up message would be a client side edit.
And I don't think custom scripts work? Could be wrong, I don't know much about those.

Also, I wish you luck on making a pokemon game since this community is, for the most part, sick of them because they always just die/stop development.
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Every version of this engine seems to have a pretty dire glitch, Sky. Randomly the screen will just turn red and once it happens once it continues to occur even on a different vanilla version, but not on other eclipse engines. I've completely removed all of your data from my pc and reinstalled and still every version of SkyWyre is unusable now.
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> @'Azizele':
> > You can find the damage formulas in ModCombat server-side Hanoxx.
> Thanks. :angel: :D
> * * *
> In ModCombat, what is "Item(weaponNum).Data2"?

I'm not too sure but it's defiantly something to do with the weapon you're holding. Maybe it calculates the formula basing your weapon? It'd be best to ask Sky!
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**Please do not try to help if you cannot substantiate it or do not understand what it is that needs explaining yourself.** I say this many times: it is detrimental to who you're trying to help, the sentiment is appreciated, but overall it is unhelpful.

In Eclipse Origins, many of the UDTs have Data1/Data2/Data3/etc. The reasoning being that it's rather difficult to store "dynamic" properties, for example, an item type that's a sword might need properties that define its damage, parry rate, block rate, etc, but a healing potion does not need such thing (however, that itself may need a property to store how much it recovers).

Item types vary largely, and it'd be wasteful to declare every property, so the MS4 devs took the liberty of condensing down what wasn't shared. It's simply making the best of a rather crippling limitation (In VB6s case, this limitation is lack of [coherent] inheritance/polymorphism which would make this massively easier).

(On an unrelated note, this is part of why I dislike many of the attempts to update EO to a more modern language; they retain very bad programming practices that have no place outside of literally making the best of a bad scenario.)
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