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Suggestions for eclipse engine


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Yay first topic

1\. We could start doing a 3d third person engine that something we can all do ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png)

And put some of your suggestions on the comments below ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png)
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I suggest to think trough combat more. Combat is big part of all eclipse games and it needs to be fun. I like what rob did in aloria, it was faster and more fun, but sometime in the future, I would also like to see non tiled combat and movement, could be more fast paced and fun.
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> It's not a bad concept but it requires a TON of work, that's why there are large companies that takes years to create those engines. FYI I deleted a post advertising other engines, they do exist, just google them.

Please think about combat system as I said before starting 3d engine or something. ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png)
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I think some of the things asked here are better with another engine supported by another developer, Jeff for example is developing some sort of engine in DotNet.

I believe Rob Jane's goal is to provide the community with a simple, stable, engine that anyone can wrap their head around.

When you start to add in these complex requested features, it blogs the engine's performance and increases the complexity of the program at hand. Don't forget we're using Visual Basic 6.0 here, 3D isn't exactly easy to accomplish.
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lol 3D Eclipse. I do think the the combat needs to be improved though. Its pretty boring walking up to an npc and holding down the ctrl key while numbers going flying through the air. I don't really have any suggestions other then what Rob has already implemented into his engine which is how I've always felt is how the combat in Eclipse should have been in the first place.
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make the attack animations have a turn off spot. lol best thing the engine needs is a back up. maybe server back up the files once in a wile so in case of a crupted map( ik we all been here) we can just replace it with an earlyr one.
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> - Path Finding (NPC and Player)
> - Real Minimap (Thumb)
> - Click in minimap and walk to the point.
> - Animated mouse cursor

We're not going to create features that not every game needs. I'm going to have a talk to the others about a certain way of easily making features.
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> We're not going to create features that not every game needs. I'm going to have a talk to the others about a certain way of easily making features.

MMORPG without path-finding is not game, NPC and Player must walk with less path.

Real Minimap (Thumb) is not needed? Ok then.. i dont think same. Many peolpe want to have large maps. and this requires minimap
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> Maybe for their games

Exactly and you need to take that into consideration, if you want that feature, hire someone to do that for you. Don't expect a version of Eclipse to have everything you want to make your game with. Eclipse is more of a base, not a "lazy asshole" type thing. You want it? build it. can you build it? no but learn.


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> Yay first topic
> 1\. We could start doing a 3d third person engine that something we can all do ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png)
> And put some of your suggestions on the comments below ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png)

Haha, you're funny.

But, in all seriousness, a shocking amount struggle to use -2D- rendering libraries.

What on Earth are you smoking to think that 3D is something that we can all do? o.O

Sorry to say; but as a team, we generally agree that we're more inclined on optimisation, and usability.

If it isn't usable, or not viable, it's quite likely that we'll agree that the matter should be shot.
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> Exactly and you need to take that into consideration, if you want that feature, hire someone to do that for you. Don't expect a version of Eclipse to have everything you want to make your game with. Eclipse is more of a base, not a "lazy asshole" type thing. You want it? build it. can you build it? no but learn.
> Sincerely
> Growlith1223

In no time I said somebody's got to do all things for me.

I'm not demanding anything.

The topic is about ideas for a new project.

I gave ideas that are not implemented in any other. Is that wrong?

You better think before you quit criticizing Growlith1223
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> In no time I said somebody's got to do all things for me.

I never said all, learn words before you speak them.

> I'm not demanding anything

I never said that. I said that you request and request and request ._.'

> The topic is about ideas for a new project.

i will give you that but also you are suggesting ideas that NOT all games need or want.

> I gave ideas that are not implemented in any other. Is that wrong?

You gave ideas like i said above.

> You better think before you quit criticizing Growlith1223

You need to actually consider how many others on here that don't want or want features, don't make others stress over having to change crappy systems or take them out…
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Ok, noooww kids, please be nice, people can suggest whatever they want it's not like their ideas will be implemented if the developers of the engine don't want.

Lord Pegason just suggested, it's up to Dev team to decide if those are good ideas or not.

So please chill
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