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Dream World.Net v0.1.0


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* [v0.1.0](http://www.mediafire.com/?q58dtjbip1kz1t2)










___**_v0.1.0_**___ __**>! **Editions**
>! * Revamp the entire quest system
* Edited entire engine
* Separated editors of the game
* Increased the speed in byte buffer
* Edited the way to receive packages
* Removed some useless subs, functions and variables
* Add new effects in DirectX8 (Use in fog)
* New map report
>! **Systems**
>! * Tags of access
* Map tint
* Fogs
* Packet debug
* Item of aleatory reward
* Spell damage based on status
* Multiple characters
* Chat room
>! **Corrections**
>! * My - Receive the reward of experience after finishing a quest
* My - Alert msg
* My - Draw tile out line
* My - Sound to consume any item
* My - Quest
* Close the admin panel after logout game
* Clear arrays on the client
* Movement of players and NPCs
* Initial message of server log
* Location of the names of players and NPCs
* Maximum number of the item that the npc drop
* Definition of index of the player
* Reset the action of a player in a shop
* Npc attack player
* DoT and HoTAttack on sight
* Npc shopkeeper
* Combat effects
* Various others bugs


>! **Corrections**
>! * My - Quest
* My - Errors very, very, very serious
* Close the bank after the player leaves the game
* Buy Item


>! **Editions**
>! * Edited some functions
* Removed some useless functions and variables
* Removed shadow of texts
* Add timer for render graphics
* Added RenderSprite in a good part of the engine
* Edited some things in DirectX8
* Using enumerations in place of constants
* Faster client
>! **Corrections**
>! * My - Quest of type none
* My - Draw title in hotbar
* My - Get the picture size to draw something on it.
* My - Render resource and door in map
* My - Render items
* My - Draw player title
* My - Npc moving diagonally
* My - Moving titles
* Draw currency values in inventory when trade is open
* Various others bugs


>! **Editions**
>! * Edited some functions and subs
* Removed some useless functions and variables
* Removed timer for unload textures
* Localization of pictures of descriptions
* Description of title
* After the render sprite
* Removed CPS of client and added back into the FPS
>! **Corrections**
>! * My - Draw text in picturebox
* My - Drawing tile on editor of map
* My - Definition of vital player to create account
* My - Draw if control of the form is open
>! _v0.0.7_

>! **_Editions_**
>! * Edited some functions
* Removed some useless functions and variables
* Faster server
* Do not clean the chat server when it has 500 lines.
* Server debug
* Edited various functions and subs of the server
* Removed friend system
* Form Load, Main and Menu caption for label
* Removed auto tile
* Created a new way to measure the stability of the client (TCI (Tick count interval))
* DirectX8
>! **Systems**
>! * Title
>! **Corrections**
>! * My - Clear the target after leaving game
* My - Reset attack timer
* My - Add the door attribute on map
* My - Load texture of door
* My - ScreenShot resource cache
* My - ScreenShot resource and door
* My - Moving in directional
* My - Add door in map
* My - Change number and value of quest task
* Send packet of player
* Can player block
* Can npc block
* Reset attack timer on attack player
* Clear the target after leaving map
* Regeneration of npc
* Damage to Npc of DoT and HoT
* Close the shop, trade and bank after death
* Function TakeInvItem
* Take and give various items
* Subscript out range in some functions and subs
* Render items of bank
* Clear the hotbar after take items or spells
* Grey screen in shop, bank and trade
* Display the amount of currency in inventory when in trade
* Various others bugs
>! _v0.0.6_

>! **Editions**
>! * Edited some functions
* Removed some useless functions and variables
>! **Systems**
>! * Quest
>! **Corrections**
>! * My - Chat
* My - ScreenShot map
* My - Friends
* My - Server map sizes
* Time of npc attack
* Npc critical hit
>! _v0.0.5_

>! **Editions**
>! * Edited some functions
* Removed some useless functions and variables
>! **Systems**
>! * Friend
* Move form
>! **Corrections**
>! * My - Location of descriptions
* My - frmMain buttons
* Target
* Ban
>! _v0.0.4_

>! **Editions**
>! * Edited some functions
* Removed some useless functions and variables
* New GUI
>! **Systems**
>! * Autotile
* Door
* Quick tips
>! **Corrections**
>! * Animated inventory items
* Draw number of player gold
* Resource cache
>! _v0.0.3_

>! **Edition**
>! * Edited some functions
* Removed some useless functions and variables
* Edited numbers of layers for 10
* Using "Surf_Icon" instead of "Surf_Spellicon" and "Surf_Item"
* Text drawing using DirectX7
* Added the standard FPS
* Added timer for rendering
>! **Systems**
>! * Npc multiple items drops
>! **Corrections**
>! * Server system tray
* Update player inventory when cutting a resource
* Captcha
* Private message
* Level up security hole
* Initial chat message
* Player max vital
* Blt player spells
* Npc drop item name
* Item weapon, spell and consume
* frmMain start up position
* Server to be down
>! _v0.0.2_

>! **Edition**
>! * Edited some functions
* Removed some useless functions and variables
* Use enum in spell type, npc behaviour
>! **Systems**
>! * Captcha
* 8 directional movement
* Starting location by class
* Bar HP, MP and Exp with percentage
* Panorama
>! **Corrections**
>! * Say msg
* Npc stats and vitals
* Hotbar cooldown
>! _v0.0.1_

>! **Edition**
>! * Edited DirectX7
* Edited Buffer
* Edited some functions
* Removed the duration of the drop item
* Removed some useless functions and variables
>! **Systems**
>! * New way of editing layers
>! **Corrections**
>! * Talking npcs
* Packets Client
* Slide
* Attack animation
* Attack sound
* Initial spells
* Message private
* Loop of sound
* Currency of bank
* Currency of trade
* Use of trade items
* Do not lose items in trade
* Learn spells
* Trade
* Party
* HP Spell Damage
* Npc Movement and Player
* Excess Gold
* Taking the last item on the Ground
* Sending the client version to Register
* Loading the editor shop
* Class of magic required
* Kick by the client
* Hotbar
* Player Experience
* Player spells
* Spell Warp
* Spell icons
* Numbers in warptome and warpmeto
* Numbers in kick player
>! **Credits**
>! * Eduardo (GuardianBR)
* Robin Perris
* Mark Morris
* Sephir0th
* Abhi2011
* Gustavo Torres**__

__**Suggestions are welcome**__
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_New Version!! v0.0.2_



* Edited some functions
* Removed some useless functions and variables
* Use enum in spell type, npc behaviour


* Captcha
* 8 directional movement
* Starting location by class
* Bar HP, MP and Exp with percentage
* Panorama


* Say msg
* Npc stats and vitals
* Hotbar cooldown
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> I Like layers and panorama system good job!

Thank you

> Not dissing your version. But I can't fathom people needing more than 4-5 layers for ground/fringe tiles.

The maximum number of layers are editable, so you can put all you want. Moreover, as I am mapper and create real maps, I use several layers.

> hi u tel how to fix this?
> * Talking npcs
> * Packets Client

* Talking npcs: Change your Sub ClearNpc, in client, for my(You must delete the npcs :/)
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> Error: Run Time Error 9.

Sorry, it was one of my my silly mistakes. To fix just change the classes.txt (Eclipse Project \ data \ classes.txt) to:













































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