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Eclipse Renewal

Officer Johnson

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Eclipse Renewal

Hello everyone welcome to Eclipse renewal.

Eclipse Renewal is an Eclipse Engine being worked on by: **Mohenjo Daro** and **Officer Johnson**. Our base was Eclipse Mirage, and Eclipse Origins from 1.7 on. We are trying to make a feature rich engine while letting you turn off whatever features you don't want in your game.

Eclipse Renewal is now the main engine here at Eclipse. With that we are working on updates and will be posting news and information in this thread.

* * *

Version: 1.8.2: [DOWNLOAD](http://www.mediafire.com/file/qxc5t27tqf8jb8j/Eclipse+Renewal+1.8.2.rar)

1.8.2 Changelog: [https://www.eclipseorigins.com/Thread-ER-1-8-2-Changelog](https://www.eclipseorigins.com/Thread-ER-1-8-2-Changelog)

We support all versions but we **recommend** you to use the most recent **up to date** version.

* * *

The current features in the most recent version.
>! - 5 Masks and fringes
- Account Editor
- Agi based Running
- Auction House
- Crafting system
- Development panel
- End + Will based Stamina for how long player can run for (Added to server side)
- EXP modifier for overall EXP and Party EXP along with Party EXP options (This includes tooltips to further explain the functions)
- Events
- Game time with options
- GUI drawn to screen
- Night tint gradually changes
- NPC attack speed option
- NPC movement speed
- NPC hivemind (NPCs will attack the player if one of the same type is attacked) with range (NPCs outside the range will not be affected by the hivemind)
- NPC Hivemind range (if you attack one NPC with hivemind, the others in range will attack you)
- NPC level set on the map instead of in the editor
- NPC movement frequency
- NPC spells
- Onscreen chat
- Permanent death OPTION when player dies (player is kicked and the account is remade)
- Players drop items on death option separate equipped and inventory options)
- Quests
- Red tinted dawn
- Resizeable screen
- Serial codes
- Set motd from server
- Set spawn in classes file
- Settable's from the server
- Stamina stat for sprinting
- Smart and dumb NPC option
- Tags for access levels
- Version system
- Weather patterns that are determined by the server so everyone sees the same  

Planned/ to add list

>! - Chat channels/drop down chats
- Friends system
- Killcount
- Leaderboards
- Oxygen System
- Privatechat from friendslist
- Stackable map attributes
- Trade from friendslist
- World shops

* * *

* * *

All versions and change logs can be found [HERE](https://www.eclipseorigins.com/Thread-ER-Version-History-and-Changelog)

Credit: To any of the systems added to the base before or since i started i give credit to you.
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> Is this DX7 or 8? Also, you should add in projectiles, spell casting npcs, and projectiles spells. Those just seem like basic orpg features that most engines and lacking. Also, more info and some screen shots would help.

Projectiles are in forgot to add to features list op updated ***llittle announcement we're working on next update will post a few sneak peaks tomorrow once we're done with some of the features stay tuned!***
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Here's some screen shots, they will be added to the main post soon!

They aren't all that special seeing as most of the changes were in the code, but there are some slight changes:

Common fighting (with an awesome sword)

>! ![](http://s27.postimg.org/aa06gal1v/ER1.jpg)

Pet Attacking an NCP

>! ![](http://s27.postimg.org/n7x3n0aab/ER2.jpg)


>! ![](http://s27.postimg.org/4n8vfxour/ER3.jpg)

Just Shopping

>! ![](http://s27.postimg.org/uy3vs5clv/ER4.jpg)

Current Night System

>! ![](http://s27.postimg.org/kgdtwebrn/ER5.png)

Editing Serial Codes

>! ![](http://s27.postimg.org/lxu8aua6r/ER6.jpg)
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No, there is no lag, drop of FPS, or anything of the sort, the only thing there is it will look a bit off because of how the system is working, but it does no ill effects to the game.

(There is also an option to leave the game time at only day, only night, or default on the server)
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Update coming this weekend Version 1.1 "Server improvements and features and other bug fixes"

Planned to be up for download tomorrow night! I will update this post with what's been added. Up until downloads ready

So far, We've changed the server stuff around so less tabs added more features to server option to pm player from server and to kick everyone who's not above the 0 or player access that's all so far.

Player stats button on server that shows info about player.

Still planed for this update: Heal from server, fixed pet summon so summons your choice of Npc instead of having to match up. We have a few more features planned but not releasing at this time stay tuned and hope your enjoying Eclipse Renewal.

Current Progress of Eclipse Renewal Version 1.1 = 55% complete
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Update Version 1.1 Is now available download from the main post :D hope you enjoy this update was mostly server stuff, I've added tons of new server commands and buttons so you can do lots more stuff. Added membership system and Custom Exp Generator (creds to richy) hope you guys enjoy this update and if you used the first version 1.0.0 just simply replace your src folders with the new files (you need to delete accounts however for stuff to work properly)  

Enjoy all :)
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~~Ok, due to us pumping out updates and such so quickly, and some people wanting to take this completely unfinished engine into their own novice hands, we are making the Engine Closed Source UNTIL we reach a late enough version.~~

Most likely it will stay open source, we will see how it goes.
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> Ok, due to us pumping out updates and such so quickly, and some people wanting to take this completely unfinished engine into their own novice hands, we are making the Engine Closed Source UNTIL version 2.5.

Really? Not that I'm using this engine but making closed source for even a short period of time is a bad idea. The main reason most people would even use this engine is because it is open source.
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My List of Sujjestions… [ Came From ]     X = Must Have :D

FullScreen [ Eclipse 4.0 ]

Player House [ Eclipse 4.0 ]     X

Exp 100 x [Player Lvl] Balanced and Simple [ Me ]

Dungeon System… Random Dungeon... [ Eclipse 4.0 ]    X

Edit Update Options [ Eclipse 4 ] [ Update.ini ]

Change Stats Pur Level [ Me ]     X

Max Level changer [ Me ]     X

.Mp3 Music dont work

Function GetPlayerMaxVital(ByVal index As Long, ByVal Vital As Vitals) As Long

    If index > MAX_PLAYERS Then Exit Function

    Select Case Vital

        Case HP

            Select Case GetPlayerClass(index)

                Case 1 ' Warrior

                    GetPlayerMaxVital = ((GetPlayerLevel(index) / 2) + (GetPlayerStat(index, Endurance) / 2)) * 15 + 150

                Case 2 ' Mage

                    GetPlayerMaxVital = ((GetPlayerLevel(index) / 2) + (GetPlayerStat(index, Endurance) / 2)) * 5 + 65

                Case Else ' Anything else - Warrior by default

                    GetPlayerMaxVital = ((GetPlayerLevel(index) / 2) + (GetPlayerStat(index, Endurance) / 2)) * 15 + 150

            End Select

        Case MP

            Select Case GetPlayerClass(index)

                Case 1 ' Warrior

                    GetPlayerMaxVital = ((GetPlayerLevel(index) / 2) + (GetPlayerStat(index, Intelligence) / 2)) * 5 + 25

                Case 2 ' Mage

                    GetPlayerMaxVital = ((GetPlayerLevel(index) / 2) + (GetPlayerStat(index, Intelligence) / 2)) * 30 + 85

                Case Else ' Anything else - Warrior by default

                    GetPlayerMaxVital = ((GetPlayerLevel(index) / 2) + (GetPlayerStat(index, Intelligence) / 2)) * 5 + 25

            End Select

    End Select

End Function

Make a fuction where you can easily mod this in server…

how much each class hp/mp start with and the amount you gain for statpoints :D     X
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