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If you look on the overall impression. This game just bind you on it.
On some things it could have more detail.
Like if you view around or change direction, it does it suddenly. On GTA4 for example it's more realistic. Even a jump is more realistic. But it doesn't scratch the gameplay experience though.
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> If you look on the overall impression. This game just bind you on it.
> On some things it could have more detail.
> Like if you view around or change direction, it does it suddenly. On GTA4 for example it's more realistic. Even a jump is more realistic. But it doesn't scratch the gameplay experience though.

Why in God's name would you play an Elder Scrolls game in third person?
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> the 2-handed battle system with finishers is just awesome :)
> what "classes" do you guys play? I play something like a sword/battlemage, using spell (flamethrower atm :D ) in left and sword in right hand, wearing some heavy armor.

I'm doing the same thing. Flame in left hand, sword in right. However, I switch it up to shield sometimes for example when I fought the snow troll going to talk to the greybeards. Since the bash seemed stop him for smashing my ass in the snow.
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I am not sure what system you are using to play skyrim.

On the xbox you would press the left handed attack button on your spell in your favorites menu then do the same for the right. Once you have it set up correctly it seems to remember your dual wielding preference and next time you equip one of the spells it will duel wield it.
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> Err, having  bit of a problem here. I dual wield spells a lot, currently with Spark. But i can't figure out how to unequip that spell and dual wield a different one, such as flame. Any ideas on how to?

Left click then right click.


> It's fun… but I'm not really amazed. One thing that I did found randomly cool. Try to drop a weapon on the ground in front of some guards.

You have no soul.


> what "classes" do you guys play?

Assassin/Thief Khajiit. The Dark Brotherhood quest line is awesome, and the Radiant quests you get from that and the Thieves guild are genuinely immersive, which is pretty impressive for an algorithm.

I'd say my perk build is pretty overpowered. I do like 1,500% damage if I get a sneak attack in with my double dagger attack. Bows also make kiting pretty damn easy, so I can just run away, double heal then start attacking again.

Couple that with the shouts you learn through your… darker adventures and it's an awesome experience. Oh, and I suggest everyone play with a 360 controller if you've got one lying around. The entire thing feels a lot smoother and once you get the ability to slow down time whilst zooming in with a bow the accuracy you'd gain from a mouse is moot.
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Rob, does the Dark Brohood story line gets better deeper in? By better I mean in the same mood as Oblivion. I'm doing my first 3 contracts so don't spoil too much… I'm just interested if they return to the mystical approach with the Night Mother and Sithis?

Or can I at least kill the jailbait vampire?

What bothers me quite a bit is that the AI is still ultra dumb when dealing with ranged enemies... I killed a dude I couldn't normally kill by luring him in the same bear trap 20 times, because you don't even have to stand still to arm them. Basically when the enemy sees you (because I'm trying to be the sneaky kind of archer), you eliminate the enemy ranged, jump on a roof/stone/ fence/wall or anything the melee enemies are not scripted on and kill. Same with giants, the AI script simply ignores the fact that they can't fit between trees and smaller archways, so they just keep walking while I launch arrows at their balls.

It's like they refined the Oblivion gameplay experience a bit while returning to the Morrowind mood and interaction. Works fine.
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> Rob, does the Dark Brohood story line gets better deeper in? By better I mean in the same mood as Oblivion. I'm doing my first 3 contracts so don't spoil too much… I'm just interested if they return to the mystical approach with the Night Mother and Sithis?

The contracts are just filler. I personally loved the quest line. Finished it earlier today. Babette is awesome.

> What bothers me quite a bit is that the AI is still ultra dumb when dealing with ranged enemies… I killed a dude I couldn't normally kill by luring him in the same bear trap 20 times, because you don't even have to stand still to arm them. Basically when the enemy sees you (because I'm trying to be the sneaky kind of archer), you eliminate the enemy ranged, jump on a roof/stone/ fence/wall or anything the melee enemies are not scripted on and kill. Same with giants, the AI script simply ignores the fact that they can't fit between trees and smaller archways, so they just keep walking while I launch arrows at their balls.
> It's like they refined the Oblivion gameplay experience a bit while returning to the Morrowind mood and interaction. Works fine.

Pretty much. It's just Oblivion with all of the big problems fixed and a lot of the awesome shit from Morrowind back in. The game world is also much more detailed than Oblivion ever was. I'm level 20 with about 3 days of play time logged. I've only finished one story arc so far and I've barely touched any of the side quests.

When running Oblivion before you needed to mod it to shit just to get a playable experience. Fixing the level scaling, skills, weapons etc. They seem to have got it pretty damn solid from the get go this time around. No more min/max levelling, no more useless grinding of athletics/acrobatics, no more being forced to fast travel.

Obviously if you didn't like Oblivion or Morrowind then it's not the game for you. This isn't ground breaking stuff, it's just a very, very polished progression from the previous titles.
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Oooh, they added a marriage system. Those are usually fun to play around with ^^

Oh, and Left clicking and then Right clicking won't work for me when i try unequip the spell. Maybe i'm running the first version and not the updated one? Pretty sure i used the updated razor crack though :P
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