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Everything posted by saadhamza

  1. saadhamza

    Dota 2

    Add you on this forum, or on Dota 2?
  2. saadhamza

    Dota 2

    If you could possibly get me a beta key, i'd love to have one. I've been wanting to play, i just don't have a key yet.
  3. Ehh. oh… sorry, that was me. Us brown people like trolling you white people
  4. You can talk to botsa in the shoutbox? o.o What is this blackmagic?
  5. saadhamza

    Please choose

    I swear to god… if you listen to a single person here saying Medieval. Every single Eclipse game is basically Medieval. Be Original. Make some Mecha stuff. I'd play it.
  6. I've said this before. And i'll say it again. FFTA
  7. Hey everyone. This game… is pretty sick, tbh. I think it may be in open beta right now, not sure if it's released. It's a team based shooter. Excellent graphics, excellent gameplay. Now it just needs players. So, lets play ![:D](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//biggrin.png) I'm Zonova in game. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fTUq4DaOgg[/media]
  8. To this day, Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced has been the best game i have played. It was awesome.
  9. That would be fucking awesome.
  10. Looks very cool. Do you know what language this is in?
  11. >.> …... .< I got this! :D http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811147153 = 50$ http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811129066 = 70$ http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811119197 = 90$ Those are actually just the cases that i wanted, you might like them as well.
  12. @General: > Spend less time looking for the 'perfect site' and more time actually messing with the code. You aren't going to learn anything with the path you are taking. > > You learn through experience my friend, Pretty much like sex. Are you trying to tell me… that watching porn isn't telling me about how to actually have sex? D:
  13. It looks like a fun game. I've been watching TotalHalibut play it for quite some time, however i haven't brought myself to buy it yet. Soon, definitely ^-^
  14. Nope, at least not in comparison. On my computer, i find it taking about 30k memory on Task Manager. I also don't notice any performance decrease while using it. Of course, it's probably just easiest to leave it on for yourself and see if you like it.
  15. Voted. I've been wanting to get into this non-profit thing too, and i wish your gf the best of luck ^^
  16. Hey everyone, you might not be aware of this nifty thing called the League of Legends recorder. What it does is saves your game data, and then you can watch that game again from spectator mode. From there, you can either upload the game, or record it with a program like fraps. It's pretty useful, since it doesn't make you lose any fps during the actual game ^^ http://www.leaguereplays.com/
  17. (How about extra points go to the people that actually record there rap and post it instead of just giving the lyrics ^_^)
  18. I can't think of any reason why it wouldn't. And since it's a PC, you can upgrade any part you want yourself. So maybe further down the line, you can trade out the graphics card for something killer, or upgrade the CPU and add a few sticks of ram. I've had my gaming laptop for 3 years now, it still runs everything new perfectly. So yes, you'll be fine :)
  19. Yup, 8 gigs of ddr3\. That's all you should ever really need, however with the way that program development is going, perhaps maybe one day we'll be needing a full 16 gigs or something. Who knows. But yeah, it's got more than enough.
  20. Holy !@$%. That's awesome, i've been here forever and i've never known that -_-;
  21. Alright alright, if you insist :3 This one is 610$: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883229330 and this one is 530$: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883227392 The difference between these two and the first two is that the graphics card is even more of an entry level card. It will run medium to high on most games. I think it'll do just fine unless you plan on running a lot of games on high to ultra high. In that case, the first two computers might be a bit better for your needs. Fuck, i haven't been productive on this forum in months, something must be seriously wrong XD
  22. Check this one out: http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=1418813&CatId=114 If that doesn't meet your requirements, tell me what else you need and i'll see if i can hunt something down. Otherwise, i'd say that is an excellent deal. Edit: This computer also seems very nice, and it has a bit of a better graphics card: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883227408
  23. I found this extremely easy to get off to… am i alone in this?
  24. I agree with what you're saying. However, i think a lot of people find it silly to now buy from them anymore. Here's a picture that sort of sums it up. ![](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-PlZBYSXoRlw/UBLjGXHaxUI/AAAAAAAACKQ/v6vKBZc0qKQ/s400/chick-fil-a_gasoline.jpg)
  25. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgBH6G4CvjY&feature=plcp Meh, screw all of you guys, i'd rather have 1tb per second
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