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Everything posted by luriok

  1. Looks really nice, man. Keep it up!
  2. Looks amazing! Nice work.
  3. I like the shape of the new one much more. It feels more balanced while not being exactly symmetrical. I like that one alot ICT, keep it up! Cya around.
  4. Thanks for this tutorial eckhart, I'll be using into help me get started in java. I plan to actually learn to program! *Gasp. Anyways thanks.
  5. I'll be following this game. I like it jake, so keep it up!
  6. Looks amazing, I will defiantly try this out when I get home! Nice job Rory!
  7. Yea! I loved this game. I would love to see it actually happen on a bigger scale. I say go for it! -Azy
  8. Welcome back Devo! I'm glad your back and helping the community once again. I always loved your work, simply amazing. Keep it up!
  9. Looks pretty good, but I'm a little confused as to what the blue part under the pumpkin is in the jack o' lantern animation. -Azy
  10. > Lolwut? He means like a satyr from Greek mythology: http://www.creativeuncut.com/gallery-16/rift-satyr-disruptor.html That's what they look like.
  11. Older one, or a new one but yea out of those two stay with the older one.
  12. > If you need help on your Spanish, I'm an AP student in Spanish - you can Skype me. ;] Or I can help you as I am Hispanic ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png) anyway that sounds pretty easy, nice job.
  13. Man that is very nice work. He is very talented. Tell him to keep it up! ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png)
  14. I say chibi unless those are the sprite if so stay with retro. Those sprites are stick figures with real heads. If you can make a new version of the sprite ill stay with chibi, but for now I'm switching to the retro style. -Azy
  15. The dunes look much better. But I think the transition between the darker and lighter shades of sand should be smoother and softer change.
  16. I like the color of the dry grass, I just don't think it looks like dry grass. Maybe add more dirt spots idk really.
  17. The large trees look like they are just wider versions of the other tree with maybe a different perspective? Idk hard to tell. Rocks look better as do the flowers.
  18. If I have time I'll make some mock-ups, but once school start I will pretty much only be able to help on the weekend. Just in case no one else offers to help.
  19. ….Really? How long have you been around Smf? I noticed that after a couple of days, lol. Well at least now you know. It can be very useful.
  20. luriok

    Sprite Critique

    I think its too talk if you are planing to use it with those tiles, he is as tall as the trees. Otherwise I think its good.
  21. Here you go guys: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmvtYRyBdvQ&feature=youtu.be ^video link
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