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  1. @Sealbreaker: Unfortunately we agree with you. My brother and I have already come to acceptance that we won't receive our funding goal this time. Not because it's an unrealistic goal, there are games that ask for a much much MUCH higher funding goal than us, and we are really only asking the bare minimum of what it'd take to make this game. The problem we had was that we have no demo to show the press or any indie game review sites, therefore we got no press coverage at all. Over the next few months we will be working on a demo for Primal Hero (basically the tutorial for the game) and when that is finished and polished up we will try again :) Hey everybody! It's Day 17 of our Kickstarter. If you haven't checked it out yet you can see it here: [https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/74016924/primal-hero-next-gen-online-monster-fighter](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/74016924/primal-hero-next-gen-online-monster-fighter) Today we're showing you all a new Primal. This week is the wind transmutation of the Gargoyle, Tyrignan! Tyrignan will make for a powerful mAttack striker with it's natural mAttack and mDefense stats being above the others. Tyrignan will be a good choice if you want a Primal to do some pretty devastating damage in the game. We hope you all like the new Primal, we have more updates for you later this week so stay tuned! ![](http://stormforgegames.com/wp-content/uploads/Gargoyle-Evolution-Release_wind.png)
  2. Hi everyone! It's day 15 of our Kickstarter, if you haven't seen it yet you can check it out here: [https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/74016924/primal-hero-next-gen-online-monster-fighter](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/74016924/primal-hero-next-gen-online-monster-fighter) **What are Dungeons?** For today's update we are going to go more in-depth into the mechanics of Dungeons in Primal Hero! In the game, some Primals that exist are far too powerful for one Summoner to defeat. These Elite Primals or "Boss" Primals take up lairs and lead armies of Primals against the people of Archaeis. To progress in the game, players will need to form parties with others in order to team up and raid the lair of these bosses. **Why should I do a Dungeon?** The amount of experience you get for defeating Primals in dungeons is much higher then if you defeat Primals in Wild Zones. Many dungeons will also have quests to go along with them to increase the amount of experience you get for doing them. Also, Elite Primals will have a chance to drop great items for your character such as armor, weapons, or cloaks. The Elite Primal also has a chance of dropping an egg, allowing the player to then have that boss as a Primal in their own party. **How do you join a group to do a Dungeon?** Primal Hero will offer a waiting room queue system (similar to a first person shooter) for each dungeon in order to make finding a group easy. Once you click the Dungeon icon on the world map you will be transferred to a new UI filled with player created waiting rooms meant specifically for that dungeon. You can join an open one or create your own if you wish. Players will also be able to form parties with people on their friend’s list or by talking to people in different chat channels. **What kind of group do I need to complete a Dungeon?** When fighting as a team in a dungeon, each player will have one Primal out at a time and will take turns commanding their current Primal to fight the enemy. Many dungeons will require the group to have a particular combination of roles (tank, striker, and support) in order to defeat them. A "**Tank**" is meant to take all of the hits of the group, or at least the majority of them, and still be able to stand. "Tank"s will be able to learn various attacks that can taunt enemy Primals to attack them for a turn or two in a row (these attacks will have a different effect when not in dungeons). Tank roles are filled by Normal and Wind-type Primals. "**Striker**"s are the damage dealers. While the Tank is taking the hits, it's the Striker's job to dish out as much damage as possible to the enemy Primals or the Elite Primal. The best part about this role is every single element in Primal Hero can be a striker. Finally, "**Support**" Primals are the ones that boost the group's stats to make them as strong as possible, but more importantly, they heal the group. Support Primals will have various healing abilities with varying effects. Whether it's a one time heal that restores a lot of health, or a mass heal which can heal not only the Tank but the Striker as well, or an attack that will restore health slowly each turn. Water and Earth-type Primals fill the Support role in Dungeons. **How will it feel to go through a Dungeon?** Clearing your way through a dungeon will involve several different levels of fighting groups of wild Primals before reaching the boss. Bosses will have special passive mechanics and abilities that will make them much harder to defeat than regular wild Primals (area of effect, immunities, rage timers, etc.) . For more information on Primal elements and the roles they play, check out our previous post: [http://stormforgegames.deviantart.com/art/Elements-Mechanics-413003381](http://stormforgegames.deviantart.com/art/Elements-Mechanics-413003381) ![](http://stormforgegames.com/wp-content/uploads/dungeonmockup.png)
  3. Hey there everyone! Don't forget that we are posting an in-depth explanation of how dungeons will look and feel in Primal Hero on Monday, with pictures! We will discuss what makes dungeons unique in our game and how it'll be beneficial to a turn-based monster fighter. But for now we've got more wallpapers for you! This one is for the Drakken, we hope you like it, the Gargoyle one will be coming soon. And don't forget, if you haven't seen the Kickstarter yet, take a look here: [http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/74016924/primal-hero-next-gen-online-monster-fighter](http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/74016924/primal-hero-next-gen-online-monster-fighter) [1024x768](http://stormforgegames.com/wp-content/uploads/drakken-family-wallpaper-1024x768.png) [1280x800](http://stormforgegames.com/wp-content/uploads/drakken-family-wallpaper-1280x800.png) [1366x768](http://stormforgegames.com/wp-content/uploads/drakken-family-wallpaper-1366x768.png) [1600x1200](http://stormforgegames.com/wp-content/uploads/drakken-Family-wallpaper.png) ![](http://stormforgegames.com/wp-content/uploads/drakken-family-wallpaper-preview.png)
  4. @**Zesh**: Everyone has said he looks like Tony Stark, I'm the only one that doesn't see it o.o Happy Primal Wednesday! Today is our 10th day into our Kickstarter, if you haven't checked it out yet you can see it here: [http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/74016924/primal-hero-next-gen-online-monster-fighter](http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/74016924/primal-hero-next-gen-online-monster-fighter) This week we are showing off the final Drakken transmutation. It's the fire transmutation, Pyrosaur! Pyrosaur will be a hard hitting striker. As a fire-type, Pyrosaur will be able to burn the opponent. When a Primal is burned they will take damage each turn after they attack, this extra damage plus the heavy hitting physical fire attacks will make Pyrosaur a force to be reckoned with. This Friday we're presenting another new wallpaper for all of you and on Monday we will be having a big update presenting the design of what it'll be like to do dungeons in Primal Hero. See you next time! ![](http://stormforgegames.com/wp-content/uploads/Drakken-Evolution-Release_Fire.png)
  5. Hi everyone, As we said in yesterday's update, today we will be talking about what it'll be like to craft in Primal Hero! As we've mentioned before, players will have three pieces of gear that can be equipped to their character: * Armor * Cloaks * Magical Tools(Spell books, Staff, etc.) There are also three crafting professions in Primal Hero that will allow players to create one of the three items for themselves and allies. * Armorsmiths will craft Armor * Tailors will craft Cloaks * Artificers will craft Magical Tools Crafting professions will allow a player to pick and choose which statistic bonuses they wish to have on their gear, as opposed to hoping for the right item from a quest or random drop. Materials for item crafting will be found from exploring Wild Zones and defeating enemy Primals. For instance, in our example image below the crafting materials are some torn cloth and some Nemean leather. You'll find Nemean leather by going out into the Plains and defeating Nemeans. And the Torn Cloth you would find as a random drop after you defeat certain low level Primals. The crafting plans for different items can be acquired by crafting more and leveling up the profession, buying them from a merchant, or as random drops in Wild Zones. If you have the widest variety of crafting plans then you'll be the one that all your allies come to for gear. Don't forget we still have 22 days for the Kickstarter, so go take a look and if you like what you see and want to support it then back us up :) [http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/74016924/primal-hero-next-gen-online-monster-fighter](http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/74016924/primal-hero-next-gen-online-monster-fighter) ![](http://stormforgegames.com/wp-content/uploads/innercity_blacksmith_preview1.png)
  6. Hey there everyone! Just giving a quick reminder that we will be posting a little tidbit tomorrow on what it'll be like to do crafting in Primal Hero. We will go over the different professions you can learn and why exactly crafting will be useful in a turn-based monster fighter. We will also be showing a small preview of what crafting will look like as well as introducing the main blacksmith that'll be teaching you the ways of the hammer and anvil in the game. As a little thank you to all of our supporters and our community for keeping us motivated we're releasing new wallpapers for each of the starter Primals! This week is the Garuda! We'll be releasing the Drakken and Gargoyle wallpapers in the next week or so, so look out for those! We've still got 23 days people, let's not see this project go down, at least not without a fight, if you haven't seen the Kickstarter take a look here: [http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/74016924/primal-hero-next-gen-online-monster-fighter](http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/74016924/primal-hero-next-gen-online-monster-fighter) [1024x768](http://stormforgegames.com/wp-content/uploads/Garuda-family-wallpaper-1024x768.png) [1280x800](http://stormforgegames.com/wp-content/uploads/Garuda-family-wallpaper-1280x800.png) [1366x768](http://stormforgegames.com/wp-content/uploads/Garuda-family-wallpaper-1366x768.png) [1600x1200](http://stormforgegames.com/wp-content/uploads/Garuda-Family-wallpaper-1600x1200.png) ![](http://stormforgegames.com/wp-content/uploads/Garuda-family-wallpaper-preview.png)
  7. Alright people! We still have 26 days left for this Kickstarter and we need to spread the word. We're giving a FREE SIGNED PRINT away. All you have to do is share this on Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr with a link to the Kickstarter as well (go to our pages and share the exact one we posted instead of posting a brand new one so we can count it in). Links are below: Twitter: [https://twitter.com/StormForgeGames](https://twitter.com/StormForgeGames) Tumblr: [http://forrestimel.tumblr.com/post/73637938287/alright-people-we-still-have-26-days-left-for](http://forrestimel.tumblr.com/post/73637938287/alright-people-we-still-have-26-days-left-for) Facebook: [https://www.facebook.com/stormforgegames](https://www.facebook.com/stormforgegames) Kickstarter: [http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/74016924/primal-hero-next-gen-online-monster-fighter](http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/74016924/primal-hero-next-gen-online-monster-fighter) Don't forget, you have to share this AND the Kickstarter Link together. In other news, our next update will be on Monday. We'll be going over crafting. What it will look like in the game, why the players will want to try it out, and how it'll be beneficial in a turn-based monster fighting game. We're very excited to get more in-depth with this feature and show you all what we're working on. So stay tuned! ![](http://stormforgegames.com/wp-content/uploads/printgiveaway.png)
  8. You're right Dr. House. We didn't have enough information about our different systems so I've gone ahead and explained a bit further about each feature and added the synergy system into the mix as well. I'd love it if you guys went and told me what you think.
  9. Sorry for double posting, it won't fit all the text in one post. EDIT after seeing your last post Dr. House: You had to have not seen the Kickstarter or watched the video to see our game is so much more than just turn based monster battles. We would be the very first Monster Fighting, catching, and training mmorpg on the web that is not based on Pokemon's layout. We will be the first monster fighting game with cooperative dungeons AND with player vs. player arenas that actually reward players for their victories. We would also be the first monster fighting game that has character creation and customization that actually makes a difference in combat, as well as our Synergy system which is basically our "talent" system that you would find in common mmorpgs… again... first monster game to do all of that. And we state so in the kickstarter and in the video, you may have your opinions on our success that is up to you, at the moment admittedly it's looking bleak, however you'd be lying or misinformed to say our game is JUST "turn based monster battles."
  10. @Orb: Thanks for the love orb :) @Dr. House: It was certainly too early to launch, we don't have a lot of programming done however we do have a lot of the game designed already. We did say why we need the money; for additional programmers, for a composer, and for an animator, we also have a pie chart on the Kickstarter page dividing how funding will be spent for anyone who might be skeptical. The reason we launched the Kickstarter so early in development is because we have no choice, if this project fails my brother will have to look for a job that more than likely will be non-game making related due to this being the game he would show potential studios that he worked on for his portfolio. We literally couldn't have waited any longer without both of us running dry of money, I've refused almost all freelance jobs so that every day I can put at least 10-12 hours of work into the game. So this is our big plea to people so we can not only make our dream come true, but also…. yknow... not starve. @Murdoc: Thanks Murdoc, I went with your suggestion and added a small spot under Game Summary for a section summarizing Transmutation in the game :) Hey there! Thank you everyone who has backed us so far, it means a lot to us, but we've still got a long way to go! If you haven't seen the Kickstarter yet you can check us out here: [http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/74016924/primal-hero-next-gen-online-monster-fighter ](http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/74016924/primal-hero-next-gen-online-monster-fighter%C2%A0) We're going to get back into the tri-weekly updates starting with a new Primal release today, the Kaphoon! The Kaphoon is the water transmutation of the Gargoyle, one of our starter Primals. The Kaphoon will make a great support class in Dungeons and Raids with it's high mAttack (Magic Attack). As a Water type it'll be able to help heal and remove DoTs (Damage over time) exceptionally well. Our next update will be on Friday where we will start a little contest on our Facebook page where you could win a free signed print so if you haven't liked our page yet just click the link below, see you then! [https://www.facebook.com/stormforgegames](https://www.facebook.com/stormforgegames) ![](http://stormforgegames.com/wp-content/uploads/Gargoyle-Evolution-Release_water1.png)
  11. I'm streaming myself working on some artwork for the game, come watch! [STREAMING!](http://www.livestream.com/artwithforrest?t=973595)
  12. Hey there everyone, so in the Non-Eclipse Projects section I've been posting updates on my game Primal Hero, you can see it >> [HERE](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/134435-primal-hero-online-browser-based-monster-fighter/)
  13. Our kickstarter is now up and running! Thanks everyone so much that's supported us and helped us build the confidence to get to this point. It's the last 30 day stretch to see if we can't make this game a reality so PLEASE share and spread the word :) We will still try to update tri-weekly starting this Wednesday with another new Primal release, so stay tuned! [http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/74016924/primal-hero-next-gen-online-monster-fighter](http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/74016924/primal-hero-next-gen-online-monster-fighter)
  14. @**Sealbreaker**: Thank you :) We love the praise ha @**Murdoc**: Thanks :) Happy Primal Wednesday everybody! Today we're showing you the Exclusive Kickstarter Primal that backers who give $10 or more will receive! We're going to keep it's transmutations a secret for now though. At the moment we are having some technical difficulties with trying to get the Kickstarter situated so the launch date may be delayed a day or two. However we are going to try our hardest to get everything sorted out before tomorrow. In the meantime keep up the support everyone! Big things are coming :) ![](http://stormforgegames.com/wp-content/uploads/kickstarter-slime.png)
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