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  1. ~~You need to make sure you delete items maps and players or use a convertor~~ Can you show me what line its highlighting
  2. You also have to make sure u add a save and load sub when the server shuts down or is restarted. If u make them stay on the map there is nothing in the code that makes it save them to map so when server is restarted they will be gone. I have this in my source I did something similar for a house system. I can share with you when I get home if u have issues
  3. Still looking for this if anyone needs to make some quick money
  4. Looking for a sprite converter to convert vx sprites to the eclipse format willing to pay a little to anyone who wants to make one.
  5. > im new to vb6 and have a noob question is this script client side or server side and one more noob question does it load the player on the start map on every log in thanks in advance It is in the server side. On first login it will spawn to the class.ini points you put for the players class.then when a player dies and no map boot properties are set then it will spawn back to the original class spawn in the classes.ini
  6. This guy does good work for cheap prices. He worked with what I needed and gave me even more than I asked for and for same low price he quoted. Very trustworthy and doing it for fun and to help rather than making a lot of money. Great work Jaxx!
  7. OK after "working" with this programmer I would advise everyone here NOT to hire him for any sort of paid work. When I first contacted him to see if he could do some work that I did not have time to work on he responded within a couple of hours. He asked what I needed done and seemed very excited to help. I decided to start of with a couple of simple things he already had advertised on this post to see how things would work out before I had him do other things I needed in my project. He said he would start right away but wanted payment up front. I figured since someone recommended him this would not be a problem.. Once I paid him he said he would start that same evening when he returned from work. A week went by and he never responded. I then checked my source download only to find out he still never downloaded it. After a few more days I asked how it was going. He said he was very busy at work but would work on it that day and update me on the progress. A couple of weeks went by and I asked for a refund. He stated he wanted to link my Dropbox folder to show me what work he has done.. The only thing he had done was added an editor from another engine and a module. Clearly someone with no coding experience would think he had started but I knew he just added a couple of files and nothing else.. A few more weeks went by I asked again. He had another excuse about having the flu and he would work on it again… Keep in mind these were two small features he already has in other projects.. So its been over 2 months and no word from this guy.. I filed a complaint with visa and sent over all of our chat history. So its safe to say with someone of his talent had no intention of finishing what I paid for. DO NOT USE THIS SERVICE YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED
  8. Sekaru has this added in EVB rip it from there. It keeps player in game for a fixed time if they exit or kill the client and not on a safe map
  9. Hello this is a tutorial requested by [Strik3R](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/user/42684-strik3r/) . We will be adding a new player vital (hunger) that will decrease over time and a player can die if they don't eat. We are also adding to the consumable items so you can eat and get full. Basically this only for hunger. To add thirst just do the tutorial again changing Hunger to Thirst. This tutorial was made with EVB. If you are using EO you just need to change all the TimeGetTime's to "gettickcount" (without the quotes). If you cant get this to work let me know. **Client and Server** **ModTypes** In PlayerRec before End Type add this : ``` 'Player Vitals New HungerTimer As Long ```In ItemRec before End Type add this: ``` addHunger As Long effectHunger As Long ```**ModEnumerations** Add this to the bottom of the server packet list ``` SPlayerHunger ```Next find this: ``` ' Vitals used by Players, Npcs and Classes Public Enum Vitals HP = 1 MP ```Under it add this: ``` Hunger ```The above steps must be done both in the client and the server! **Client** **ModGameEditors** Find this : ``` If frmEditor_Item.cmbType.ListIndex = ITEM_TYPE_CONSUME Then frmEditor_Item.fraVitals.visible = True frmEditor_Item.scrlAddHp.value = .AddHP frmEditor_Item.scrlAddMP.value = .AddMP frmEditor_Item.scrlAddExp.value = .AddEXP frmEditor_Item.scrlCastSpell.value = .CastSpell frmEditor_Item.chkInstant.value = .instaCast ```Under it add this: ``` frmEditor_Item.scrlAddHunger.value = .addHunger frmEditor_Item.scrleffecthunger.value = .effectHunger ```**ModHandleData** In InitMessages add this to the bottom of the rest: ``` HandleDataSub(SPlayerHunger) = GetAddress(AddressOf HandlePlayerHunger) ```At the bottom of ModHandleData add this: ``` Private Sub HandlePlayerHunger(ByVal index As Long, ByRef data() As Byte, ByVal StartAddr As Long, ByVal ExtraVar As Long) Dim buffer As clsBuffer ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler Set buffer = New clsBuffer buffer.WriteBytes data() Player(MyIndex).MaxVital(Vitals.Hunger) = buffer.ReadLong Call SetPlayerVital(MyIndex, Vitals.Hunger, buffer.ReadLong) Select Case Player(MyIndex).Vital(Vitals.Hunger) Case 0 frmMain.lblHunger.Caption = "Dead" Case 1 To 20 frmMain.lblHunger.Caption = "Starving" Case 21 To 40 frmMain.lblHunger.Caption = "Very Hungry" Case 41 To 60 frmMain.lblHunger.Caption = "Hungry" Case 61 To 80 frmMain.lblHunger.Caption = "Slightly Hungry" Case 81 To 100 frmMain.lblHunger.Caption = "Full" End Select ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "HandlePlayerHunger", "modHandleData", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub End Sub ```**Server** **modDatabase** In Sub AddChar find these lines: ``` Player(index).Dir = DIR_DOWN Player(index).Map = Class(Player(index).Class).StartMap Player(index).x = Class(Player(index).Class).StartMapX Player(index).y = Class(Player(index).Class).StartMapY Player(index).Dir = DIR_DOWN Player(index).Vital(Vitals.HP) = GetPlayerMaxVital(index, Vitals.HP) Player(index).Vital(Vitals.MP) = GetPlayerMaxVital(index, Vitals.MP) ```Under it add this: ``` Player(index).Vital(Vitals.Hunger) = GetPlayerMaxVital(index, Vitals.Hunger) ```**modServerTCP** find this: ``` Select Case Vital Case HP Buffer.WriteLong SPlayerHp Buffer.WriteLong GetPlayerMaxVital(index, Vitals.HP) Buffer.WriteLong GetPlayerVital(index, Vitals.HP) Case MP Buffer.WriteLong SPlayerMp Buffer.WriteLong GetPlayerMaxVital(index, Vitals.MP) Buffer.WriteLong GetPlayerVital(index, Vitals.MP) ```Under it add this: ``` Case Hunger Buffer.WriteLong SPlayerHunger Buffer.WriteLong GetPlayerMaxVital(index, Vitals.Hunger) Buffer.WriteLong GetPlayerVital(index, Vitals.Hunger) ```**modServerLoop** Find this: ``` For i = 1 To Player_HighIndex If IsPlaying(i) Then If Tick > tmr25 Then ```Under it add this: ``` ' hunger timer If Tick > Player(i).HungerTimer Then If Player(i).Vital(Vitals.Hunger) > 0 Then ' remove 1 hunger point Player(i).Vital(Vitals.Hunger) = Player(i).Vital(Vitals.Hunger) - 1 If Player(i).Vital(Vitals.Hunger) < 0 Then Player(i).Vital(Vitals.Hunger) = 0 If Player(i).Vital(Vitals.Hunger) = 0 Then KillPlayer i End If Call SendVital(i, Vitals.Hunger) ' for every 30,000 in tick Player(i).HungerTimer = timeGetTime + 30000 End If End If ```**modPlayer** Find this in sub OnDeath: ``` ' Restore vitals Call SetPlayerVital(index, Vitals.HP, GetPlayerMaxVital(index, Vitals.HP)) Call SetPlayerVital(index, Vitals.MP, GetPlayerMaxVital(index, Vitals.MP)) ```Under it add this: ``` Call SetPlayerVital(index, Vitals.Hunger, GetPlayerMaxVital(index, Vitals.Hunger)) ```Right under that you should see: ``` Call SendVital(index, Vitals.HP) Call SendVital(index, Vitals.MP) ```Under those two lines add this: ``` Call SendVital(index, Vitals.Hunger) ```In sub UseItem in the consumeable case find this: ``` ' add exp If Item(ItemNum).AddEXP > 0 Then SetPlayerExp index, GetPlayerExp(index) + Item(ItemNum).AddEXP CheckPlayerLevelUp index SendActionMsg GetPlayerMap(index), "+" & Item(ItemNum).AddEXP & " EXP", White, ACTIONMSG_SCROLL, GetPlayerX(index) * 32, GetPlayerY(index) * 32 SendEXP index End If ```Under it add this: ``` ' add hunger If Item(ItemNum).addHunger > 0 Then Player(index).Vital(Vitals.Hunger) = Player(index).Vital(Vitals.Hunger) + Item(ItemNum).addHunger If Player(index).Vital(Vitals.Hunger) > GetPlayerMaxVital(index, Vitals.Hunger) Then Player(index).Vital(Vitals.Hunger) = GetPlayerMaxVital(index,Vitals.Hunger) SendActionMsg GetPlayerMap(index), "mmmm", BrightGreen, ACTIONMSG_SCROLL, GetPlayerX(index) * 32, GetPlayerY(index) * 32 SendVital index, Hunger End If ' effect hunger If Item(ItemNum).effectHunger > 0 Then Player(index).Vital(Vitals.Hunger) = Player(index).Vital(Vitals.Hunger) - Item(ItemNum).effectHunger If Player(index).Vital(Vitals.Hunger) < 0 Then Player(index).Vital(Vitals.Hunger) = 0 ' SendActionMsg GetPlayerMap(Index), "mmmm", BrightGreen, ACTIONMSG_SCROLL, GetPlayerX(Index) * 32, GetPlayerY(Index) * 32 SendVital index, Hunger End If ```**modCombat** In GetPlayerMaxVital you will see this: ``` Case HP Select Case GetPlayerClass(index) Case 1 ' Warrior GetPlayerMaxVital = ((GetPlayerLevel(index) / 2) + (GetPlayerStat(index, Endurance) / 2)) * 15 + 150 Case 2 ' Magician GetPlayerMaxVital = ((GetPlayerLevel(index) / 2) + (GetPlayerStat(index, Endurance) / 2)) * 5 + 65 Case Else ' Anything else - Warrior by default GetPlayerMaxVital = ((GetPlayerLevel(index) / 2) + (GetPlayerStat(index, Endurance) / 2)) * 15 + 150 End Select Case MP Select Case GetPlayerClass(index) Case 1 ' Warrior GetPlayerMaxVital = ((GetPlayerLevel(index) / 2) + (GetPlayerStat(index, Intelligence) / 2)) * 5 + 25 Case 2 ' Magician GetPlayerMaxVital = ((GetPlayerLevel(index) / 2) + (GetPlayerStat(index, Intelligence) / 2)) * 30 + 85 Case Else ' Anything else - Warrior by default GetPlayerMaxVital = ((GetPlayerLevel(index) / 2) + (GetPlayerStat(index, Intelligence) / 2)) * 5 + 25 End Select ```Under it add this:(please note you can add whatever formula to get the max hunger like they do for mp and hp I just used a set amount at the current time) ``` Case Hunger Select Case GetPlayerClass(index) Case 1 ' Warrior GetPlayerMaxVital = 100 Case Else ' Anything else - Warrior by default GetPlayerMaxVital = 100 End Select ```**Client Form Work** Now the way I currently have this base the player's hunger level is displayed as a text on frmMain. I did this for myself as I plan to add moodles for displaying hunger levels when i finish the graphics. But you can use bars such as the hp/mp/xp bars its very simple if you look at how they are handled if you need any help ask me and i will add it. **frmMain** Add a new Label anywhere on frmMain, name it: lblHunger **frmEditor_Item** Find the frame : **fraVitals** Add two new scrollbars and two labels above them in the frame. Name one scrollbar : scrlAddHunger Double click this scrollbar and add this code: ``` ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler lblAddHunger.Caption = "+Hunger: " & scrlAddHunger.value Item(EditorIndex).addHunger = scrlAddHunger.value ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "scrlAddHunger_Change", "frmEditor_Item", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub ```Name the label above this scroll bar: lblAddHunger Set the caption to this: +Hunger: 0 Name the next scroll bar this: scrleffecthunger Double click the scrollbar and add the following code: ``` ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler lbleffecthunger.Caption = "-Hunger: " & scrleffecthunger.value Item(EditorIndex).effectHunger = scrleffecthunger.value ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "scrleffecthunger_Change", "frmEditor_Item", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub ```Name the label above this one : lbleffecthunger Set the caption to this: -Hunger: 0 And that should be it. If I missed anything please let me know and do know you can customize this anyway you want to fit your game =)
  10. Hey I have a thirst and hunger system I will share with you give me a few mins to write a tutorial EDIT: Here is the link: [http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/136474-evb-eo2x-hunger-system/](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/136474-evb-eo2x-hunger-system/)
  11. Here is a link for a tutorial [http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/118924-playernpc-names-on-mouse-hover/](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/118924-playernpc-names-on-mouse-hover/)
  12. Justn


    Currently using this engine for a project. Great base with features that are easily added onto.
  13. this is what it use to say on the FAQ for EO2.0 Strength: Adds to your max melee hit at [STR / 2] Adds to your base melee damage reduction from a successful block at [STR / 2] Adds to your base parry rate at [STR * 0.25] Endurance: Adds to your max health at [END * 5] Intelligence: Adds to your max mana at [INT * 10] Agility: Adds to your base armour rating at [AGI * 2] Adds to your base dodge rate at [AGI / 83.3] Adds to your base crit rate at [AGI / 52.08] Willpower: Adds to your health regen rate at [(WILL * 0.8) + 6] Adds to your mana regen rate at [(WILL / 4) + 12.5]
  14. Justn


    Girl friend got me an Xbox one.. I only got her some gift cards and some dumb candles she wanted :/
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