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Miracle Reborn v0.1.0beta (before this was Eclipse Reborn)


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**Basic info:**

I always wanted to fix Crystalshire:DE. But this custom version won´t be only CS:DE fixed, like everyone thinks. In this version i am trying to finish everything, what wasn´t finished, rework anything what need rework and fix anything what need fix.


Here is some tutorials what should help you with making your game with Miracle Reborn.

- Event System tutorial: [link](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/130238-er-event-system-tutorial/)

**Features for now:**

* Custom Event System with no hit to performance
* Real shadows
* Map Tinting, Fogs and Panoramas
* Mouse Movement
* Client-Side account editor (credits to Ertzel)
* Social icons in menu
* NPCvNPC Combat
* Projectiles (both Players and NPCs)
* Really advanced spell system
* Fully rendered GUI
* Simple server side account editor
* Easy2Use Directx8 and FMOD classes
* Searching in game editors
* Cleaner mapping
* 64bit timer with time roll-over - No more server restarting every 50 days
* Advanced NPC AI - NPC Spells
* Server side Debug info
* Clean and simple Admin menu
* Many EO bugfixes


**-** Download from [DropBox](https://www.dropbox.com/s/8cxqgd4pqneml2n/Miracle%20Reborn.rar)

**-** Runtime libraries: Download from [DropBox](https://www.dropbox.com/s/4lq2xkd58zo11ny/Runtimes.exe)

>! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/uploadfiles/090492bf91bf7ae0ac53e7c612f49f14.png)
>! ![](http://freemmorpgmaker.com/uploadfiles/cc896e936e94ebc55c95f8b6c3ae8c05.png)
>! ![](http://freemmorpgmaker.com/uploadfiles/e65fc0573a923d031a7a8a6a520b2e36.png)
>! ![](http://freemmorpgmaker.com/uploadfiles/4f309cdf9a46492e9ff2ce0c23a89f5a.png)
>! ![](http://freemmorpgmaker.com/uploadfiles/e40c17de8710958660c6fa6aa9169423.png)

>! v0.1.0beta:
>! • Renamed this engine to Miracle Reborn
>! • New logo and main menu background
>! • Changed cursor icon
>! • Now some major constants are dynamic, you can change them in config.ini in server
>! • Improved NPC AI (added proper A+ pathfinding)
>! • Fixed item editor for weapon layout.
>! • Added mouse movement with integrated pathfinding (A+)
>! • Becouse of above addition i also added attacking with mouse (RMB)
>! • Also i added auto looting items from ground when player walks over them
>! • Added autoattacking
>! • Added Time Engine
>! • Added Genders to character creation screen finnaly
>! • Fixed major Loading screen issue
>! • Fixed tutorial window
>! • Hopefully fixed all bugs with stackable items
>! • Fixed issue on some PCs caused by second surface
>! • Now when player dies or changes map, NPCs what was attacking him will stop with it
>! • Now chat window is "slashed" when it is not opened
>! • Cleaned method of loading server-side options a bit
>! v0.0.11.5 -> v0.0.12
>! - New rendering, now with HQ support
>! - Added Event Graphics (applicable only for map tile events)
>! - New documentation
>! - Added drawing of item descriptions
>! - Added drawing of spell descriptions
>! - Added Loading… screen when loading game
>! - Game cursor is now rendered (to change cursor, just edit cursor.png in client/data files/graphics/misc)
>! - Fixed drawing currently selected tile when mapping
>! - Removed old shadow system completely
>! - Tileset rendering in map editor is now cleared to black (before it was cleared to white)
>! - Added many missing errorhandlers to client
>! - Classes textures are now in separated folder
>! - If class do not have defined class select graphic, warrior graphic will be used as default
>! - Removed some junk from /gui folder
>! - Fixed some bugs with stackable items
>! - Fixed drawing of item amount in shop
>! - Fixed Fog speed and opacity
>! v0.0.11 -> v0.0.11.5:
>! - Added Panoramas folder to graphics
>! - Fixed small OnDeath bug
>! v0.0.10 -> v0.0.11
>! - Fixed taking more than 1 item from Event (Sub TakeItems)
>! - Fixed trade bug (cannot trade or exit when you press exit button)
>! - Fixed currency drop bug
>! - Fixed tutorial Unrecoverable DX8 error bug
>! - Added Two handed weapons
>! - Added stackable items
>! v0.0.9 -> v0.0.10
>! - New logo
>! - Added Client-Side account editor
>! - SendPlayerDir fix
>! - Added NPCvNPC combat
>! - Added Projectiles
>! - FPS locked back to 32
>! - Fixed withdrawing currency from bank
>! - Added Social Icons
>! - Added Y-based rendering for NPCs, Characters and Resources
>! - Fixed spell editor bug what was causing to not loading fraWindow correctly for each spell type
>! - Fixed cmbBranchSkill populating
>! - Added real shadows
>! - Fixed minor ClearAttributteDialogue bug
>! - Now on attackable NPCs if event is choosed then it will run when that NPC is killed
>! - Npc critical hit fix
>! - Fixed client side Player_Highindex
>! - Changed MAX_LEVELS to 99
>! - Added Fogs, Tint and Panoramas
>! - Added new Resources graphics
>! - Added new Tilesets graphics
>! v0.0.8 -> v0.0.9
>! - Fixed NPC events for "Not Moving" and "Guard" NPC behaviour
>! - Fixed NPC message for "Not Moving" and "Guard" NPC behaviour
>! - Fixed Tutorial RTE 9
>! - Fixed Trade automation error
>! - Fixed drawing of trade window (simple bug caused by swapped Width and Height)
>! - Fixed withdrawing from Bank, and entire Bank_Doubleclick procedure
>! - Fixed idiotish bug in resetClickedButtons, what was only spamming error log
>! - Added GDI drawing for resource graphic in Resource Editor
>! - Added new function - RenderTextureByRects
>! v0.0.7 -> v0.0.8
>! - Added hotbar tooltips
>! - Replaced GetTickCount in server by 64-Bit timer with time roll-over
>! - Replaced GetTickCount in client by 64-Bit timer with time roll-over
>! - Fixed error with Boss scrollbar in Map Properties
>! - Fixed max animation 39 issue
>! ToDo:
>! - Finish DoT and HoT for new spell system (Now it is changing only HP, not MP)
>! - Sort things in modText and move text engine to clsDirectX8
>! - Finish Fogs, Weather and Map Tinting
>! - Add change Fog, Weather, Map Tint, Play Sound, Stop Sound, Play BGM, Stop BGM and Spawn NPC to Event system
>! v0.0.6 -> v0.0.7
>! - Added searching to all Game Editors
>! - Moved all color constants from modText to modConstants
>! - Made some minor changes in Item Editor
>! - Renamed D3DT_TEXTURE to gTexture
>! - Changed Main Menu again
>! - Changed Logo texture rendering to support dynamic logo size and to be always centered
>! - Added version displaying to Main Menu
>! - Added Server Status to Main Menu
>! - Fixed High_Indexing on server load
>! - Changed method of Event name saving in Event editor to suit other editors
>! - Added Debug tab to Server
>! - New server layout
>! - Removed unused button graphics
>! ToDo:
>! - Finish DoT and HoT for new spell system (Now it is changing only HP, not MP)
>! - Sort things in modText and move text engine to clsDirectX8
>! - Finish Fogs, Weather and Map Tinting
>! - Add change Fog, Weather, Map Tint, Play Sound, Stop Sound, Play BGM, Stop BGM and Spawn NPC to Event system
>! v0.0.5 -> v0.0.6
>! - Changed MainMenu interface
>! - Added drawing of ping and FPS permanently under hotbar
>! - Added drawing of Map name under GUI Bars
>! - Removed sub resetButtons, becouse it was never used and it was just adding error reports to errors.txt
>! - Fixed CurX and CurY when frmMain is resized
>! - Added basic Account viewer to server
>! - Fixed Sub DeleteName in server
>! - Fixed ban system
>! - Re-added High_Indexing (added check for enabling/disabling to server)
>! - Fixed Options.Logs to be used and removed ServerLogs boolean
>! - Added button for saving MOTD to server
>! - Fixed Trade interface to match GUI
>! - Fixed SpellDesc texture
>! - Now TileOutline is drawed only when Layers is selectd in map editor
>! - Fixed 32x32 grid checkbox to be not showed above picAttributes
>! - Fixed Event Map Attribute
>! - Replaced scrollbox for spawning items by textbox
>! - Fixed minor bug with hiding admin menu with Insert (picAdmin was not hided)
>! - Replaced Health scrollbox in Resource Editor by textbox
>! ToDo:
>! - Finish DoT and HoT for new spell system (Now it is changing only HP, not MP)
>! - Sort things in modText and move text engine to clsDirectX8
>! - Finish Fogs, Weather and Map Tinting
>! - Add change Fog, Weather, Map Tint, Play Sound, Stop Sound, Play BGM, Stop BGM and Spawn NPC to Event system
>! v0.0.4 -> v0.0.5
>! - Made FMOD class and removed modSound and modFMOD
>! - Made DirectX8 class and removed modDirectX8
>! - Removed unused source files (modDirectDraw7, modDirectSound, modDirectMusic and frmDrop)
>! - Client side CMSG_COUNT to SMSG_COUNT fix
>! - Replaced Conversations by Events
>! - Added check for minimizing to system tray or not to Server
>! - Added Options.Logs and Options.Tray
>! - Added MOTD editor to Server
>! ToDo:
>! - Finish DoT and HoT for new spell system (Now it is changing only HP, not MP)
>! - Sort things in modText and move text engine to clsDirectX8
>! - Finish Fogs, Weather and Map Tinting
>! - Add change Fog, Weather, Map Tint, Play Sound, Stop Sound, Play BGM, Stop BGM and Spawn NPC to Event system
>! v0.0.3 -> v0.0.4
>! - NPC Dialogue clicking fix
>! - Tutorial Dialogue clicking fix
>! - Removed inTutorial and replaced by new value in Enum GuiType
>! - Made separated sub for rendering Chat
>! - Added blood back to engine
>! - Added blood fading-out
>! - Added Rendering into timer
>! - Added calculation for drawing fps to not show CPS, but real FPS (idk if i calculated it right)
>! - Changed FPS lock from 32 to 64
>! - Edited MenuLoop and GameLoop a bit
>! - Moved some things from modDirectX8 to modRendering
>! - Fixed sub DrawSpellDesc and sub DrawItemDesc
>! ToDo:
>! - Finish DoT and HoT for new spell system (Now it is changing only HP, not MP)
>! v0.0.2 -> v0.0.3
>! - MapNpc multiple adding fix
>! - Admin Panel - total overhaul
>! - CS:DE GlobalX and GlobalY fix - Now you can make your frmMain resizeable and everything will be working perfectly
>! - Fix for loading and rendering of Options.Debug
>! - Map Name drawing under hotbar with color based on current map moral
>! - Fix for drawing Map Attributes when in map editor
>! ToDo:
>! - Finish DoT and HoT for new spell system (Now it is changing only HP, not MP)
>! - Replace Conversations by Event System and fix NPC Dialogue clicking
>! v0.0.1 -> v0.0.2
>! - Added Trade rendering and removed server side exit early check
>! - Added Bank rendering
>! - Added Dialogue rendering
>! - Added Currency menu rendering
>! - Removed inChat value and replaced it by GuiWindow(GUI_CHAT).visible
>! - Made separated GuiWindow handling for NPC Conversations (before it was handled in GUI_CHAT)
>! - Removed Spell Advancement
>! - Removed Handed, Mastery, CastSpell and instaCast from ItemRec
>! - Removed Walkthrought from ResourceRec
>! - Removed Spirit from NPCRec
>! - Removed entire Door, Key and KeyOpen system (not needed becouse i will add Event System later)
>! - Renamed NPC Behaviours in NPC Editor for better orientation
>! - Overhauled Spell system
>! - Removed Change Array size buttons
>! - Fixed MapEditor size bigger than 25
>! - Moved single textures to Misc folder
>! - Added MapEditor selection rendering
>! - Added drawing of currently selected tile when mapping
>! - Cleaned frmMain from useless VB6 Gui shit
>! - Moved all Drawing to new module - modRendering
>! - New Map Report
>! - Multiple Map NPCs can be set at one time in MapEditor
>! - Fixed level up security hole
>! - Added AutoTarget on attack
>! - Removed Max_Scrollbar limit for Item Price (replaced by textbox)
>! - Added back paperdolling
>! - Added check for displaying 32x32 grid to MapEditor
>! - Removed Options.Website from Server, and GAME_WEBSITE from Client, becouse all info is loaded from Messages.ini
>! - Fixed Slide map attribute
>! ToDo:
>! - Finish DoT and HoT for new spell system (Now it is changing only HP, not MP)
>! - Replace Conversations by Event System and fix NPC Dialogue clicking
>! v0.0.1
>! - Started working on Eclipse Reborn
>! - DirectX 8 module fix
>! - FMOD Module cleanup
>! - CS:DE Sound fix
>! - MipMaps disabling
>! - NPC Spells
>! - Multiple NPC drops
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> by fixing the dx8 module, you mean you basically fixed the graphics engine?

Yea. I fixed Automation error, what was happening when game loosed focus and removed Surface rendering, becouse they was throwing automation error too. It was major CS:DE bug, for what it was called "broken" engine.

EDIT: There are some other bugs and unfinished features, but they can be easily fixed, and i fix them too.
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Changing all of the things that go in a certain order from like 0-10 or 1-10 to Enum's is a female dog to do especially for things like color. Does it really make that much of a difference speed wise? (I've never had a problem with speed in any version of Eclipse so it's hard for me to tell)
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> Changing all of the things that go in a certain order from like 0-10 or 1-10 to Enum's is a female dog to do especially for things like color. Does it really make that much of a difference speed wise? (I've never had a problem with speed in any version of Eclipse so it's hard for me to tell)

It's so negiligible that it's pretty much no change in speed.

> Why the hell werent those enums in the first place? Make them defines for even less memory usage. Might be a bit harder to debug though. VB6 can do that right?

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While I'm a fan of Crystalshire and it's simplicity in loading textures; there's not a huge improvement in going from Eclipse Nightly to Crystalshire Developer's Edition. If anything it may be a step backwards. Just because Eclipse Nightly uses various classes, they're developed by LaVolpe; someone with far greater experience than Robin (Not putting him down by any means, Robin and I get along great, I'm just calling it like it is). Just because there are extra classes doesn't mean it's slower, or worse.
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> Changing all of the things that go in a certain order from like 0-10 or 1-10 to Enum's is a female dog to do especially for things like color. Does it really make that much of a difference speed wise? (I've never had a problem with speed in any version of Eclipse so it's hard for me to tell)

You can set the value i believe. At least you can in c++.
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If you do this, don't remove the next spell thing, I liked that proficiency feature. If this means that much to you restore it to a state where Eclipse 3.0 is now but instead of adding events improve the conversations and then I'd try this.
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> While I'm a fan of Crystalshire and it's simplicity in loading textures; there's not a huge improvement in going from Eclipse Nightly to Crystalshire Developer's Edition. If anything it may be a step backwards. Just because Eclipse Nightly uses various classes, they're developed by LaVolpe; someone with far greater experience than Robin (Not putting him down by any means, Robin and I get along great, I'm just calling it like it is). Just because there are extra classes doesn't mean it's slower, or worse.

Do you looked into loadtexture in CS:DE and in EO 3.0 ? In EO 3.0 loading of textures is really slower.
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I can't wait for the day when we run out of synonyms for 'recovered' - I'm expecting Eclipse Rejuvenated-With-Green-Tea soon.

Oh, other than that, what exactly is this for? From what I can see, this is just CS:DE with the graphics engine fixed and a few other tweaks.

If that's the case, why not just called it "CS:DE Fixed" or something
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> This still crashes on me with automation errors. .__.

Really? I fixed lost focus automation error, so i think there arent any other errors. Can you tell me where is is giving automation error (in IDE) please?

> I can't wait for the day when we run out of synonyms for 'recovered' - I'm expecting Eclipse Rejuvenated-With-Green-Tea soon.
> Oh, other than that, what exactly is this for? From what I can see, this is just CS:DE with the graphics engine fixed and a few other tweaks.
> If that's the case, why not just called it "CS:DE Fixed" or something

Becouse of this xD :

**New version**

v0.0.1 -> v0.0.2

- Added Trade rendering and removed server side exit early check

- Added Bank rendering

- Added Dialogue rendering

- Added Currency menu rendering

- Removed inChat value and replaced it by GuiWindow(GUI_CHAT).visible

- Made separated GuiWindow handling for NPC Conversations (before it was handled in GUI_CHAT)

- Removed Spell Advancement

- Removed Handed, Mastery, CastSpell and instaCast from ItemRec

- Removed Walkthrought from ResourceRec

- Removed Spirit from NPCRec

- Removed entire Door, Key and KeyOpen system (not needed becouse i will add Event System later)

- Renamed NPC Behaviours in NPC Editor for better orientation

- Overhauled Spell system

- Removed Change Array size buttons

- Fixed MapEditor size bigger than 25

- Moved single textures to Misc folder

- Added MapEditor selection rendering

- Added drawing of currently selected tile when mapping

- Cleaned frmMain from useless VB6 Gui shit

- Moved all Drawing to new module - modRendering

- New Map Report

- Multiple Map NPCs can be set at one time in MapEditor

- Fixed level up security hole

- Added AutoTarget on attack

- Removed Max_Scrollbar limit for Item Price (replaced by textbox)

- Added back paperdolling

- Added check for displaying 32x32 grid to MapEditor

- Removed Options.Website from Server, and GAME_WEBSITE from Client, becouse all info is loaded from Messages.ini

- Fixed Slide map attribute


- Finish DoT and HoT for new spell system (Now it is changing only HP, not MP)

- Replace Conversations by Event System and fix NPC Dialogue clicking
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Whelp, don't know what you did but the last one doesn't crash on me anymore.

Anyway, the conversation system is still in there, but it doesn't work. (A convo opens, but the conversations options do not actually work) And there are a ton of map properties that simply sit idle and don't appear to do anything, as well as clicking an NPC slot in the properties needs to be done several times or you can't edit it. (it deselects it?)
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> Whelp, don't know what you did but the last one doesn't crash on me anymore.
> **Anyway, the conversation system is still in there, but it doesn't work**. (A convo opens, but the conversations options do not actually work) And there are a ton of map properties that simply sit idle and don't appear to do anything, as well as clicking an NPC slot in the properties needs to be done several times or you can't edit it. (it deselects it?)

> ToDo:
> - Finish DoT and HoT for new spell system (Now it is changing only HP, not MP)
> - **Replace Conversations by Event System and fix NPC Dialogue clicking**

And for map properties, i am planning to make them all, so i do not removed them from map editor.
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