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> I'm probably out of the loop – what's an E3?

Electronic Entertainment Expo
Its one of the largest video game events of the year, The big companies hold press conferences and announce the games and stuff they got coming out that year and there plans for the future. It's all televised on G4 in the states.

Im also hopeing for some more Skyrim footage
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Lol, it's been 7 years since the realse of the xbox 360\. I read somewhere that they were going to  announce it this year. Which is why the Unreal 4 engine won't be released yet, becuz it is made for the next Xbox and Playstation
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Yes, but the slim was a big difference from the regular. It had a power slot for the kinect. It has a wifi chip, and it shreds throught a disc if you move it while playing.

EDIT: I'm not sure if sony will announce a new Ps this year:
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> Honestly I don't care much for this type of crap all it is:
> HEY GUESS WHAT? LOOK at this! Its awesome isn't it? Wanna play? Too ducking bad, we are still making it.

You don't understand basic marketing, do you?
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> I do, But It doesn't mean I have to like it.

So you want people to only advertise items which have already been released because you don't like seeing video games you can't play? I would love to live in your world for a day.
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E3 is my favorite event of the year, above… Damn just about anything. I really wish Direct TV had not dropped G4\. =( In any event the Interwebz will save me again. To the Streams.

OT: I usually don't play anything I see during E3 for years or not at all, yet I'm still very excited to be in the loop.
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I just use the G4 site's stream. ;D Ms's conference was kind of weak this year. It was very oriented around the kinnect which is a real turn off to me. I'm sorry, but at least when you play with the controller there's some degree of feedback. You could really see this fact during the golf presentation.
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> Only one thing amtters at E3 ever. The only company ever to put on a good presentation. And thsi year they'll be unveiling…

I love Nintendo too, but keep your bias to yourself. <_< Lets just stick to the facts and then make our opinions.
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It's not bias, it's just plain fact. It's only Nintendo and indy developers who actually concentrate on gameplay now-a-days. Everyone else is too busy trying to make 3D shooter sequels with entirely new levels of brown and bloom.
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