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  1. Name: Zafi Years of experience with Eclipse: 1 month… although I've got 1 year of programming, and around 5 months of mapping (not much at mapping.) Position you are applying for: Mapper, or Database Manager. Why do you want to work with Kingdoms?: I've been wanting to make my own project with custom graphics, but I suck at Pixel Art and I couldn't find any Pixel Artist, so I guess I should work for a game instead, and I found this promising. Example of a simple map I made in around 10 mins: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,72425.msg777704.html#msg777704
  2. It looks very nice, I love the 8 frame attacking, as well as the diagonal movement. Looks as you're pretty smart at programming, good luck.
  3. http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,70436.0.html Search first >_>
  4. Zafi


    The new console is called Project CAFE. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Caf%C3%A9
  5. The Admin Panel is moved via code. Search in the frmMain code, you'll find it. You can either comment it out or delete it.
  6. Zafi

    Help With VB6

    Rydo, just make a new access level for them. Like ADMIN_HOUSE, or something. Then, in the Map Editor make it so only Mappers, Developers and Creators can access the Properties window. Easy ;)
  7. Yeah, forgot to say that it makes it flash like crazy. Better hear Yami… ignore what I said.
  8. I have tried this several times, and haven't successed. All I know about making Alpha-Blending is that you need to make your function for it.
  9. Alright, I wanna see the topic of this when it's fixed then.
  10. How are you supposed to fix all the serious bugs if you can't add a screenshot button? =.=
  11. Zafi

    Tiles problem.

    Yes, no problem.
  12. Zafi

    Tiles problem.

    The first top-left tile must always have the same mask color as other tiles, so the engine renders the mask color as transparent.
  13. @Zafi: > I've seen another function… but I decided to do a simple one myself.
  14. Hi, Eclipse. I've been working on a very basic show level function. I've seen another function… but I decided to do a simple one myself. It shows your level like this: (Name) Lvx (Ex: Zafi Lv2). It's very simple. All is client side. Go to modText, and search for: ``` Name = Trim$(Player(Index).Name) ``` Replace with: ``` Name = Trim$(Player(Index).Name) & " Lv" & GetPlayerLevel(Index) ``` That's all! **Addition:** In case you want your players to be able to set if they want their level to show or not, go to frmMain. There, search for picOptions. Add a checkbox, label it to "Level" or whatever. Name it chckLv Then, go to modText again, and replace the code I just gave with this: ``` If frmMain.chckLv = 1 Then Name = Trim$(Player(Index).Name) & " Lv" & GetPlayerLevel(Index) Else Name = Trim$(Player(Index).Name) End If ``` That's the addition. Hope this helps!
  15. Paint doesn't really suck… I use it and works very nicely. I've seen GraphicsGale a few months ago in the web, I never downloaded it, but it looked very nice and useful. I recommend you try with Paint or google GraphicsGale. But in case you are very lazy for that... http://lmgtfy.com/?q=GraphicsGale
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