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The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. Is your body ready?


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Exactly not my point but ok Kusy.

About the upgrade system:

'What I can say though is what we have done with the game this time that I think a little bit different is… They’ve built an entire upgrade system into the game. So for example, right now you can see that Link has his traditional shield, but he actually will get a lot of diferent shields in the game. He will start off with a very basic one, and then as you fight enemies, you will recover these kind of treasures or artifacts that you can then use as resources to upgrade your items. And you can do that with your shield, you can do that with the beetle, and some of the other items that you have where you’re able to kind of combine your collection of rupees and your collection of resources and improve the items that you have.'

taken from a recent interview at comic-con.
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  • 2 months later...

> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcs0b2KBudA&feature=player_embedded
> Seriously Nintendo? Seriously?
> This looks like shit.

It doesn't look like "shit". It looks like cartoon styled graphics. I'm sure if they wanted they could make it look high res, but would it really make much difference? Its not like super tuned graphics are gonna make the game any better or worse. This sort of style would appeal to younger and older, if they can appreciate the fact that its art and not an attempt at making a game with super charged graphics that has a horrible story and shitty gameplay.

I personally would love to play this, and I plan on buying it. I like the cartoon style, and I'm sure there are plenty others that would too.

That's my two cents, anyway.
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I play on buying it too… and I'm not complaining about low resolution stuff... I'm complaining about horrid models (those burds... they could have modeled planks instead of claws for them... wouldn't make much difference) and Link's negro lips.

This is such a huge step back from Twilight Princess that I'm shocked. Appealing to younger audience and going back to the cartoonish style is one thing but Twilight Princess had the most stunning graphics on Wii, apart from it's darker setting while this looks like alpha footage.
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Wait, we all saw the graphics around 3 months ago(possibly longer, I can't remember when they revealed it.), why is it now that people are complaining about them?
Was there some sort of delayed reaction to this?  Or is it because their new trailer didn't show anything important?

On an different note, I know in the video description IGN says it's supposed to be a romance between Link and Zelda, but I get the feeling that chick is not Zelda.
But I might just be crazy.
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To answer the "whining" Miyamoto liked the Windwaker (among other games) art style as opposed to the one in Twilight Princess. One of the reasons that was cited was that it was far too dark for how he saw Zelda ("the game"). Skyward Sword's impressionistic style is supposed to represent how he sees the game better. If you don't like it, don't buy it. IMO, it was a positive change, but I don't judge games negatively based on their art style. And yes the models are apart of the style. ;)
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Link looks like an asian crossdresser. Not too bad but some aspects of the face seem really feminine. I think Zelda looks adorable in this style though, and I think it might be interesting (I'll likely buy the game just for my own token Wii game that isn't Wii Sports Resort or WiiWare stuff).

That trailer is kinda meh though because it doesn't show a thing about the game.
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First off Azure, you would have to know what impressionism was without checking it on wikipedia, and no, it's not slapping huge flamingos all over the place. You can call me a whiner and blindly (yeah Azure… blindly, you SEE what I did there?) but you can't drop such an incredible drop in quality from the previous game to the next, earlier trailers (those that I have seen, it's likely I skipped some - I'm not that hyped about this) never shown details or up close shots of models - this one does show them and it's just bad.

It's like Rockstar would release GTA5 with graphics of GTA: San Andreas and say that it was a stylistic choice. You honestly believe that bullshit? You honestly think that making the game feel more happy than Twilight Princess required reducing it's quality? That "impressionism" means having no anti-aliasing whatsoever so everything looks like it was made 10 years ago?

Stylistic choice has nothing to do with what I'm talking about. I was under the impression that Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask had those graphics it had, because that's how everything looked on N64, that Wind Waker was in the style it was because Game Cube wouldn't handle anything significantly better... Twilight Princess was the first game that showed that Nintendo Wii is capable of running good looking games, what the duck is this supposed to mean? I'm to believe that a professional game developer such as... let's say... DUCKING NINTENDO can't follow a certain artistic style without resorting to low-polygon character models and detail lacking textures?

Maybe it's about time Miyamoto gets his wheelchair, drip, and retire like all good dinosaurs should... because I don't think he should have anything more to do with game development than slapping his name on the final product if his idea of good game includes technological retardation and regression while we already know that his company developed a far superior game five fucking years ago.


Look at this.
Look at this and then tell me it looks good. Straight in the eye.
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> First off Azure, you would have to know what impressionism was without checking it on wikipedia, and no, it's not slapping huge flamingos all over the place. You can call me a whiner and blindly (yeah Azure… blindly, you SEE what I did there?) but you can't drop such an incredible drop in quality from the previous game to the next, earlier trailers (those that I have seen, it's likely I skipped some - I'm not that hyped about this) never shown details or up close shots of models - this one does show them and it's just bad.
> It's like Rockstar would release GTA5 with graphics of GTA: San Andreas and say that it was a stylistic choice. You honestly believe that bullshit? You honestly think that making the game feel more happy than Twilight Princess required reducing it's quality? That "impressionism" means having no anti-aliasing whatsoever so everything looks like it was made 10 years ago?
> Stylistic choice has nothing to do with what I'm talking about. I was under the impression that Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask had those graphics it had, because that's how everything looked on N64, that Wind Waker was in the style it was because Game Cube wouldn't handle anything significantly better... Twilight Princess was the first game that showed that Nintendo Wii is capable of running good looking games, what the duck is this supposed to mean? I'm to believe that a professional game developer such as... let's say... DUCKING NINTENDO can't follow a certain artistic style without resorting to low-polygon character models and detail lacking textures?
> Maybe it's about time Miyamoto gets his wheelchair, drip, and retire like all good dinosaurs should... because I don't think he should have anything more to do with game development than slapping his name on the final product if his idea of good game includes technological retardation and regression while we already know that his company developed a far superior game five fucking years ago.
> ![](http://i1001.photobucket.com/albums/af140/kusygames/Untitled-6.jpg)
> Look at this.
> Look at this and then tell me it looks good. Straight in the eye.

Lol I totally disagree with you, I belive that TP's graphics are some of the worse on the Wii, great for the GC but not the Wii, for awesome Wii graphics look at Super Mario Galaxy 2\. Also remember that Nintendo is _severely_ limited by the crap hardware on the Wii and can only make games look so good, also in 480p max.
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Yeah, because your post makes sense, even in the part when you quoted a huge post with picture, just to spit out your four lines of text even when that post was directly above yours.

But let's ignore that act of pure stupidity and get on to the point, where you forgot to think and didn't notice that Super Mario Galaxy 2 was made 4 years after Twilight Princess, when the developers actually knew how to work with the hardware. I never said that Twilight Princess has the best graphics on Wii, I said it was one of the first or the first one that didn't look like shit, because everything else was some ducking Wii Play or Wii Sports… or even worse a bad port from another platform like Force Unleashed.

Being _severely_ limited by the hardware has nothing to do with making graphics that are shit compared to other games on the same platform, especially when (as you were kind enough to mention, contradicting your point) they managed to make games like Super Mario Galaxy 2 with quote: awesome Wii graphics.
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People can say the graphics are a step down. And in reality they are a step down from realism. But I dont feel they are a step down as far as graphics go in general. They are obviously aiming for this cartoon style on purpose. Also, that trailer, as Anna noted, is a horrible example of what the game is like. Its just some short mushy intro that doesnt even show off the game.

Heres a better example. Im sorry, but this one looks sick, and im gonna eat it right up:

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> They said impressionism and give out this bullshit?  aw hell naw.  impressionism isn't cartoons, impressionism is art. I can only hope they change the graphics.

Since when are cartoons not done in some form of art? When they used the term impressionism they meant just that.. an impression that is recieved from real life sceneries, which is transformed into still life (which will look different depending on the style of the artist). Since its an "impression" its not meant to look realistic.  Have you ever seen impressionist paintings?
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> Link looks like an asian crossdresser. Not too bad but some aspects of the face seem really feminine. I think Zelda looks adorable in this style though, and I think it might be interesting (I'll likely buy the game just for my own token Wii game that isn't Wii Sports Resort or WiiWare stuff).
> That trailer is kinda meh though because it doesn't show a thing about the game.

I do agree the Trailer was a bit of a turn off, Though the 30 minutes of gameplay footage really made me want the game. Sadly I do have to agree, Link looks more feminine than he should. Also, Epic Mickey was pretty good, if you want another 'token' Wii game it's worth the money.

@Kusy, *ignored* When I don't find "You're stupid" or "You're blind" in your post I'll start responding to you again. GTFO if you can't do any better. -_-

I didn't like Windwaker's style at first, but I really fell in love with it after a while. It was so unique and toony. This impressionist style, a departure from the harsh and dark reality of Twilight princess it may be, Makes me feel like I'll be playing OoT all over again. :D
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Trailer was a bit shit. Art style doesn't do much for me at all. Was going to buy it for the kids but I'm not sure I'll bother now. Way too much money to spend on something which looks worse than Twilight Princess. Might pick it up after a couple of years once the price has dropped.
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> Wait, we all saw the graphics around 3 months ago(possibly longer, I can't remember when they revealed it.), why is it now that people are complaining about them?
> Was there some sort of delayed reaction to this?  Or is it because their new trailer didn't show anything important?
> On an different note, I know in the video description IGN says it's supposed to be a romance between Link and Zelda, but I get the feeling that chick is not Zelda.
> But I might just be crazy.

I've been complaining ever since than.
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> Since when are cartoons not done in some form of art? When they used the term impressionism they meant just that.. an impression that is recieved from real life sceneries, which is transformed into still life (which will look different depending on the style of the artist). Since its an "impression" its not meant to look realistic.  Have you ever seen impressionist paintings?

My mom is a professional impressionist painter bro. I'm looking at the painting next to my desk right now.  Impressionism is all about big brush strokes, not blocks of color. Links face looks cell shaded, and his hair pretty similar.
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