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The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. Is your body ready?


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> My mom is a professional impressionist painter bro. I'm looking at the painting next to my desk right now.  Impressionism is all about big brush strokes, not blocks of color. Links face looks cell shaded, and his hair pretty similar.

Well, guess what bro? Not all impressionist paintings are the same. Your mother should know. Obviously, youre not an expert on it just because you know someone who paints impressionist paintings. It depends on the artists style, which I already mentioned.

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> Well, guess what bro? Not all impressionist paintings are the same. Your mother should know. Obviously, youre not an expert on it just because you know someone who paints impressionist paintings. It depends on the artists style, which I already mentioned.
> Warning - while you were typing a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post.

of course they aren't all the same. I just don't find link to look like he's in an impressionist painting.

First off, his pallette is smooth, his hair is one hue, his face another, etc. That's fine, but perhaps a bit weird for impressionism. Then, his face is pretty much all the same color, with a bit of smooth, gradient shading on him. There aren't transitions like that in impressionism. I have not seen an impressionist painting that has a perfect gradient in it. If link's face was impressionist, it would be a bit 'blurry' also.

It does depend on an artist's style, but what aspect of link's face looks impressionist?  Sure, some of the landscape isn't bad, looks sort of like it's an impressionist painting, but link himself? Looks just like a standard animated cartoon face.
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> I thought the sky and background was supposed to be artsy/impressionist. That doesn't mean link and the other characters are.

Could be true, and if it is I still think they should make link look a little less
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> Boys that look like girls in games/anime etc is pretty common…

I have no problem with him looking like a girl, my problem is that he's unantialiased and his face looks so derpy.  I just hope it's a low quality recording and that link actually looks better than that.
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> Haha whenever I play a game around my niece she always asks if it's a girl.

lol its no wonder.. just look at these manly men:

>! ![](http://images.wikia.com/shadowhearts/images/f/f6/Joachim_Valentine.jpg)
>! ![](http://mimg.ugo.com/200801/14424/the-demi-fiend.jpg)
>! ![](http://mimg.ugo.com/200801/14436/mustadio-bunansa.jpg)
>! ![](http://mimg.ugo.com/200801/14438/ashton-anchors.jpg)
>! ![](http://mimg.ugo.com/200801/14445/cloud-strife.jpg)
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My point was not about the style nor anything of that matter, it was about poor implementation. But I figure that nobody actually reads what I write because all of the insults.

And please, cut the crap about impressionism because it hurts me to read all this.

And I see what you did there Marsh.
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> My point was not about the style nor anything of that matter, it was about poor implementation. But I figure that nobody actually reads what I write because all of the insults.
> And please, cut the crap about impressionism because it hurts me to read all this

I tl;dr'd to the picture, saw that it looked generic then posted my opinion on it.
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Why compare that, when you can just google a screenshot from Twilight Princess and compare it with that. It's not something you can argue. Skyward Sword is graphically inferior while it had no reason to be, it's not something you can explain with "art-style" as some here tried to.

The only thing I can take as an argument is if the game has actually twice as much content as TP, then I can understand that they maybe tried to save as much space on other things… but I won't be able to see that until the game goes inside my Wii.
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> "Like it or not"… the most valuable argument on the internets.

I had a more well written response, but you've essentially said the same thing on all of the pages in this thread. I've seen your point many times, but you fail to see anyone's but your own. Then again what should I expect from a troll who starts every counterargument with a barrage of insults. "They (as in the people who created the game) said it was a style choice."

That's the only factual point in the whole debate. If that's what they said then that's what happened. If you don't like the style, then It's no bother to me. You are not forced to buy the game, and you are not forced to like it. As I said if you are that anal about graphics then "pray" that they do indeed make a true HD zelda for the WiiU.

(edit: There's an obvious blind joke, if you decide to make it you instantly invalidate every post you've made in this thread. ;) )
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I personally love the graphics. I miss old 3d titles, like banjo kazooie. I wish they'd bring back low-poly retro games, and focus on style and gameplay. One thing about Nintendo, is that they absolutely fail at trailers. I've never seen a decent trailer produced by them. Hopefully the game will not disappoint, I've been looking forward to this for a while now. I hope it's not too easy like Twilight Princess…
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U mad Beau.

I don't understand why people associate worse graphics with good gameplay. Good concepts have nothing to do with graphics, of course I would like my games to be more challenging, fun an innovative, but that has NOTHING to do with them being low polygon.

There are two examples of this, Alice: Madness Returns and Duke Nukem Forever.

Alice: MR is a visually stunning video game that not only manages to keep the gameplay challenging fun and interesting all they way from start to the end but also managed to stuff in a decent story and fuckloads of climate on top of that.

Duke Nukem Forever is a video game that runs on graphics that could have been good 5 years ago but is utter shitfuck of a dickass.

There is no connection between graphics being good or bad and the gameplay being fresh or shitty. I'm saying it works both ways so you can't say I'm a high gfx fanboy. If a game plays like shit - it plays like shit and great graphics are no excuse for it, if a game looks like shit - it looks like shit and incredible gameplay doesn't work for me as an excuse for it.

Kreator, you should know that making retro graphics is not about turning them into shit, it's using current technology, tastes and skill to make them look the part. If you want to follow a certain style, you follow it as good as you can, you don't tie your hands behind your back and draw with your face just so your work doesn't look like it was made less than 10 years ago.

People who made those beloved retro graphics didn't make them like this because that was their idea of doing it. They made them like this, because it was all they could do with the present tech, if they had better hardware and easier ways of doing their craft, they would made them look more like they look now.

We are long past the point where there's not enough space to combine good graphics with great design.

TL;DR - sure, blame developers for having shitty gameplay ideas, but don't blame gfx artists for that… and don't praise the design team just because the art department did shit.
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