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  1. I thought the stream was awesome, the Miiverse looks like fun :D
  2. A good image editing program like Photoshop is what I would recommend, there might be a few tutorials here on making one.
  3. I would use this tutorial instead: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf2/index.php/topic,74220.0.html
  4. hkDD03yeLnU You know it is the right way of saying it when CSI pronounces it this way. :P
  5. I hate it when people pronounce SQL as "sequel", it stands for Structured Query Language so its not like there is an e after the S.
  6. I used to say G.U.I back in the day but then I realised the computing world actually pronounces it Gooey.
  7. You might have got the format of the files you added wrong, if you replace a part of the GUI that was previously a .JPG file with a .PNG file it will not work without modifications to the code.
  8. @LukBrave: > Errm well it wunt lemme do dat You do it inside the VB6 IDE after opening up the .vbp file.
  9. @Gamzee: > i was searching for broojos deal with it dog. didn't find it. Lol, its in this thread: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,79129.0/topicseen.html
  10. Added a download link for the tutorial preinstalled.
  11. Voted Glowcore without even looking at the thread. ![](http://www.blogcdn.com/www.urlesque.com/media/2010/06/backpain-1277406949.jpg)
  12. Yep, very excited for GW2 :D I'm sure it will be a let down, a grind fest and the servers wil crash/lag heavily on the first day because popular online game launches NEVER get it right.
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