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Project Vertigo Origins [ 1.1.4 – FINAL ] (2D Side-Scrolling ORPG Engine)


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Well I didint post that because I wanted the source. I just know you cant take open source and close it without giving an option to get the source whether its free or you could charge but you MUST give an option for people to get the source.

> The program must include source code, and must allow distribution in source code as well as compiled form. Where some form of a product is not distributed with source code, there must be a well-publicized means of obtaining the source code for no more than a reasonable reproduction cost preferably, downloading via the Internet without charge. The source code must be the preferred form in which a programmer would modify the program. Deliberately obfuscated source code is not allowed. Intermediate forms such as the output of a preprocessor or translator are not allowed.

Now there is a hundred different types of open source licenses and for some reason Eclipse doesnt state anywhere what version there's is so I could be wrong. Anyways, good luck with the project, even if it does fall under the certain license just charge a $1,000,000,000 and you should be good :) but if I was you I would make sure you are not breaking any open source licenses. You are still using eclipse for your mod unless this is a completely separate program that runs secondary to it and does not compile with it.
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> Well I didint post that because I wanted the source. I just know you cant take open source and close it without giving an option to get the source whether its free or you could charge but you MUST give an option for people to get the source.
> Now there is a hundred different types of open source licenses and for some reason Eclipse doesnt state anywhere what version there's is so I could be wrong. Anyways, good luck with the project, even if it does fall under the certain license just charge a $1,000,000,000 and you should be good :) but if I was you I would make sure you are not breaking any open source licenses. You are still using eclipse for your mod unless this is a completely separate program that runs secondary to it and does not compile with it.

Hmm, I see what you mean. If Marsh asks me to release it's source, then I will. I don't recall a lot of personal edits here being open sourced. For one, I remember VizEclipse being Closed source. I really don't want to keep updating this engine if I am going to be hassled for the source code. As soon as I get any lawsuits regarding this engine and it having to be open sourced, I will shut down the entire project immediately.
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Ok, I finished all the fixes suggested for today. Here is the final hotfix that is all 4 hotfixes combined. Just overwrite your old files with these new ones.

[HOTFIX #4] (Please patch over the entire folder)
[[Complete HOTFIX]](http://files.filefront.com/13925626)
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Couple of problems but i fixed them!! for everyone else when you run the server you'll get to errors.

The first is that it cant find main.txt : To Fix it copy four scripts folder from your normal eclipse version or download a main.txt from the script datebase.

the secound is that it can not find exp for level 22 : Go into Data.txt and change max level to 21 you can make it higher but then you have to go in to the experience file and make exp all the way to your max level.

Ps: progect vertigo is amazing!!!
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> Couple of problems but i fixed them!! for everyone else when you run the server you'll get to errors.
> The first is that it cant find main.txt : To Fix it copy four scripts folder from your normal eclipse version or download a main.txt from the script datebase.
> the secound is that it can not find exp for level 22 : Go into Data.txt and change max level to 21 you can make it higher but then you have to go in to the experience file and make exp all the way to your max level.
> Ps: progect vertigo is amazing!!!

Nice, but i think nobody had this problem.

> §tingRay200 link=topic=46896.msg479470#msg479470 date=1245880626]
> Miguu! You'll be stripped of your title!
> "The Only Side Scroller made with Eclipse Engine."

I think he already knows that, well i know sure he knows it. He said in the topic that he wanted to see some awesome 2D Sidescrollers to show up from his Project.
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Thanks guys, I appreciate the comments. Since I love the Kirby series, I wanted to make a small side project for it. I want to redeem the kirby mmo title from what KDW gave it. I think it's true calling was side scrolling, so I am going to give it that. Anyone interested?
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> §tingRay200 link=topic=46896.msg479563#msg479563 date=1245886886]
> When I press down on a platform, it starts me at the top of the screen. and falling down.

Strange, I have had this happen to me too but I am not sure what is causing it. Once we figure it out, I will fix it.

Check out the logo I made for the kirby game:
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yay, finally you released it ^^
i waited so long for this ( you already know i think..hihi ^^ )
THANK YOU !  :icon_alabanza: :kiss:

edit: you have to change EVERY platform-attribute into a blocked attribute. with this you wont be beamed up when pressing "down"  i dont see the reason for using this platform-attribute… if there's any reason for - tell me miguu! ^^

another edit: oh, now i see... you wont be blocked if you're moving left/right if using the platform-attribute.... hm.... you really have to fix the "beaming-thingy"
also i think the jumping is a bit to fast at the point where the character reaches his highest jumping-point ( i am german and i dont now some words so....yeah.. )
maybe you could slow down that a bit?
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Slow done the jump? Nono, i vote for nay mate. I think its perfect the way it is  :icon_meditation: And besides if you should have your wish and a superduper new release comes out i have to sacrifice my jump adjustment for the new cool feature that has been released.  :icon_meditation:
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Fix the platform? Whats wrong with that, and besides that is your opinion about the jumping. But i truelly think at least someone else would agree with me about the jumping  :icon_meditation:.

Edit: Miguu, the Down button works i dropped down the platform. What did i do? Well i cleared the whole map because i wanted to change it and set Safe zone to not safe zone and i changed the name. So i think the problem is with the Safe Zone..
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> i think in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_sAv3765Yg
> and in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCRU1qCO01s
> the jumping is way better…..
> anyways, fix the platform-attribute and this is an AWESOME edit......
> *votingforsticky*

The jumping on the 2nd video is exactly the same height and velocity as this engine. Nothing is different. Now you guys are saying SafeZone causes the player to shoot up when pressing down, I will check that out.
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