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  1. Use a VB6 portable. They almost don't use space of the hard disk xD. And come on… Why you don't want to use a pirate version? Everything is pirate in this world xD... Do you think that you're going to go to jail or something for using a very old IDE? Microsoft really doesn't care. Maybe if you're using the new Visual Studio, or if you use a pirate Windows. That's other thing. But not with this lol.
  2. Man… It's useless using scripting. That thing died a long ago xD. Why don't you just surrender and code directly in the source? There are no many diferences, really. And you can do everything you want.
  3. @мсичġġєт: > He's ~~not~~never right, Origins isn't the only successful edit. Well… It is, actually. Not many Eclipse edits were released to the public. Origins it's the only one that was successful. I'm here since a long time (I have never been an active user in the forum. Maybe for whiles), and it actually is the only edit that works fine. It's stable, and a good start for developing a game. It kicks asses, actually xD. Obviously, they're also some awesome edits that people made for their games. But those doesn't count. They are for themselves. I think Robin is talking about public releases. And I also agree with Robin with the fact that, for being a programmer, you need some skills for solving problems, that not everyone has. You can learn the sintax, all the shit about the language. But if you don't know how to apply all that weird stuff for solving a problem. You aren't a programmer. You're just a noob with good memory. I've seen it in my school. It's hilarious seeing my classmates memorizing code samples for the tests xD.
  4. ![](http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/8580/asdasddis.png)
  5. @Dàvid: > $500? ;D That's the spirit, Dàvid!
  6. @Draken: > and people wonder why there's not a lot of women on this site… Aawwww, don't be mean whit me and Stephan :(, we are just inviting people to Marsh's bussiness! We are caritative souls! :D
  7. @☺☻☺: > Give the people what they want, can't you see marsh, they are all begging to see your butt ;D > > Please please please please I wanna see marsh's butt! Man, stop ducking around! Marsh is trying to do some serious bussines, and you come here to ask him for what you want. If you wanna see man's asses, go to a gay cams site, dunno'. Maybe, if you're lucky, you'll see something more than an ass to satisfy your nasty hunger of man's asses. Marsh, did you thougt to do this a professional bussines? I mean, if someone gave you 5 dollars for showing a pictur of your pride, why others won't? @Stephan: > duck this queer talk about Marsh's "wang", I want a picture of Lollicat's tits. Where can I send the five dollars to? > > Regards, > Stephan. Agreed. Come on girl, show your bouncing power :3
  8. Pirates have to use guns. A ninja can kill you with finger. That's all.
  9. A ninja squirrel. Just epic.
  10. Mmhhh… I mean, Pirates... They steal towns, they sexually corrupt girls and make them their slaves... And they have Parrots. It's tempting. But man, a Ninja kicks the ass of 100 pirates. They PWN everything :P It's like the silent fart. Okay, it isn't as funny as a powerful sonorous fart. But the first is lethal.
  11. Fuck. Marsh, lock the thread. It doesn't have any sense. I recognize my lost.
  12. Man. Please. Apple Pie with Rum. THAT'S EPIC. And it gets you drunk.
  13. Man, it's Valve, not Vavle xD.
  14. franqetesh


    Really, this doesn't have ANY sense. It would be better if you make an Eclipse theme for Windows, that'd sound more nice than this… Thing xD.
  15. I know haha, I'm from Argentina xD. I was joking.
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