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Yet another Eclipse comic. 18+


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Robin you crazy brit… stop using flash for drawing - that's not how you wanna roll. You wanna pirate a copy of PhotoShop... and everyone who suggested some gay freeware programs instead of telling you to pirate PS in the face are faggots. You are faggots guys, because you use those free programs. Yes. Yes you are.

Also, as Chimp said, it's way better to draw with a pencil, scan, redraw the outlines and then color... but for actual drawing, not what you sir are doing ;D
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> Robin you crazy brit… stop using flash for drawing - that's not how you wanna roll. You wanna pirate a copy of PhotoShop... and everyone who suggested some gay freeware programs instead of telling you to pirate PS in the face are faggots. You are faggots guys, because you use those free programs. Yes. Yes you are.
> Also, as Chimp said, it's way better to draw with a pencil, scan, redraw the outlines and then color... but for actual drawing, not what you sir are doing ;D

nononono, use liveswif for drawing!  It's a free flash making program (that's several years old, but it may still work)!

It's better than photoshop.
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