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Dark Crusade

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Alright, so I'm not absolutely terrified of spiders, but I definitely don't like them. Especially when they are big. And crawling on my fucking hand when I least fucking suspect it.

Was in the kitchen, making a pasta bake. Draining the pasta, when some fucking how out of fucking nowhere theres a giant fucking huntsman on my fucking hand. I didn't know what it was at first, felt it and went to scratch my hand with my other. Felt something weird, felt it move, saw it at the corner of my eye. Looked down… HOLY FUCKING SHIT MASSIVE FUCKING SPIDER ON MY FUCKING HAND.

I engage a massive skitz attack, jumping like fuck and shaking/brushing my hand. it flies off into the kitchen sink. I get the fucking flyspray and use half a can on it until the giant arachnid is white and fluffy. I then bash the fuck out of it with the back of the can. It was huge. I shoulda got a picture.

TLDR- Giant fucking spider on my hand. Scared the fuck out of me.

For those curious, it was a huntsman, and a massive one at that-

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> Alright, so I'm not absolutely terrified of spiders, but I definitely don't like them. Especially when they are big. And crawling on my fucking hand when I least fucking suspect it.
> Was in the kitchen, making a pasta bake. Draining the pasta, when some fucking how out of fucking nowhere theres a giant fucking huntsman on my fucking hand. I didn't know what it was at first, felt it and went to scratch my hand with my other. Felt something weird, felt it move, saw it at the corner of my eye. Looked down… HOLY FUCKING SHIT MASSIVE FUCKING SPIDER ON MY FUCKING HAND.
> I engage a massive skitz attack, jumping like fuck and shaking/brushing my hand. it flies off into the kitchen sink. I get the fucking flyspray and use half a can on it until the giant arachnid is white and fluffy. I then bash the fuck out of it with the back of the can. It was huge. I shoulda got a picture.
> TLDR- Giant ducking spider on my hand. Scared the fuck out of me.
> For those curious, it was a huntsman, and a massive one at that-
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huntsman_spider

And I thought my sister overreacted.


> Fuuu. Spiders are the only things which I can see a picture of and have a chill run down my spine.


I hate spiders.
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> In your lifetime, you eat around 7 spiders.

That'll teach e'm!

Funnel spiders… OMFG. No. Just... no. Please.


That's terrible. How big was it in relation to your hand?
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> In your lifetime, you eat around 7 spiders.

Why would a spider walk into the mouth of a sleeping mammal? Just because _you're_ unaware of your surroundings whilst you're asleep doesn't mean that the spider is as well. Hell, that's on the same level of covering your eyes and proclaiming, "I can't see you, so you can't see me."

Go take your stupid myths elsewhere, kid.
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I fucking lol'd hard. Mainly at the sight of Kreator hopping around screaming. But yeah. I have a spider phobia too. Except I don't flip out. I try my best to kill the bastard >.< .

Here's a story for ya, last summer I woke up, 5 am. Dark as shit. Decided "I'm thirsty." WHY I WAS THIRSTY AT 5 AM, I DON'T KNOW. So I open the door, and hear a velcro type sound. Me, not thinking, walks forward. BLAM massive fucking spider web on my face. I jump back and swing my arms, and turn on the light to make sure the fucker wasn't on me. It wasn't, so I open the door slowly and peek out, HUGE FUCKING WEAVER SPIDER SITTING THERE, MADE A GOD DAMN WEB GOING THROUGH THE WHOLE HALLWAY! I went to bed at 1 Am FFS! How the hell does a spider do that so quickly? Is that even fucking possible?


The culprit.

…Great..Now my spider paranoia is going crazy...
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…. we have those around here i get those on me all the time :P.

I hate [banana spiders](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_silk_orb-weaver) they are annoying as hell when your running threw the woods and you run threw a web playing paintball and they stick to your paintball mask :P

we usally have around 200-300 of these in our back yard.
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I'd definitely freak if I saw a spider that big randomly on the back of my hand, but for the most part I don't mind spiders. We don't have any poisonous types around here to my knowledge, and they help keep the mosquito population down. I normally just take them outside on a sheet of paper when I find them.
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> We don't have any poisonous types around here to my knowledge,

um the non-venomous spider are actually just as dangerous as the venomous ones.

Only differences is how the bite is. the non venomous ones usually have bad bacteria and it makes it look and feel like a venomous one bit you. Also they have sharper fangs.

I get bit by spiders just about 3-5 times a month :P lol one day ill either die or become spider man.

I run around in the woods to much lol
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