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[LOL] Post your League of Legends ID


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My username is mystifi, I usually play veigar and sona. I know that people say that veigar isent viable, because of his weak laning phase but if he is bot with  a support then it fixes that. Plus, 1k ap is awesome and can kill anyone in 1 combo.

Im grounded from my comp right now and on here on my 3ds.
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my ID is varinyc

I play every day =D everyone add me, and please be comfortable joining skype and talking with strangers.

My mains are Karma, Sivir, Lulu, and now working on Maokai. I am highly proficient in all these characters except Maokai. Anyone says otherwise MOTHAFUGGAHIDAREYOU to challenge me ;P

Before my characters randomly dissappeared this week T_T (Screw riot and their wonky patches) I went a 13/8/28 karma (51 minutes) and another 9/0/8 (20:34) karma ;P

My lulu is a troll, and my sivir is crazier than Karma. Currently not ready for rank yet though, Waiting on a few more for a 5v5 team.
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Also, I think its good to say on what server you play, so mine again :)

Preffered Champions: Darius, Wukong, Akali
Server: EU Nordic & East


> Erm, just asking for a favor. If any of the good LoL players would like to help me get better, i'd appreciate some tips, or playing a game with you, etc. My skype is xxzonovaxx, if you'd like to talk ^^

Well, If you want, I can play few games with you if you are on EU Nordic & East :)
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If there are any people here who still play and use the NA server I would like to get some people who want to team up. I am sick of playing with people who do not communicate, call mia, or play at all as a team should play.

If you have not added me I am on there as: Keeblers Elf
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I play on 2 server:

PBE: Yumi-chan
Level 30 (obviously)

NA: Captain Tiana
Level 28 (right now)

You need an AD melee carry? IT'S A MASTER YI FOR YOU!!!!!!!
You need an AP carry? You want to play with my tibber? I will R you with Annie, or you want to find a way to find the magic? Is there a short way? Is this a short joke? Stop laughing, im evil! I present: veigar
You need an AP tank, probably invincible tank? You see that cleaver right there? that right, im Dr. Mundo
You need a ranged AD carry? You want to play with me, summoner? Miss Fortune is ready to play Bullet time with you. Or i can just shoot my Enchanted Crystal Arrow with ashe.
You need a fearsome killer, with global ult to assist you? Bitch please, Gangplank is here
You need a jungler? Master yi and Shaco is at your service
You need a hybrid, anti ad? You gotta learn the scout code, bro, teemo will teach you
Need a healer, or, need a CC champion? Sona and Janna is available

i ran out of idea to write, so im just gonna sum it up:
I can play
Annie, ashe, siver, gangplank, shaco, mundo, veigar, miss fortune, master yi, sona, Janna, etc
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> Please never play garen as a tank. His only cc is his silence and he takes kills away from your carry and the damage graphs at end of your games will show it.

u apparently were playing with noob garen

a garen is a good tank. He just need 1 warmog and 1 force of nature to be tanky, then he build infinity edge, altmar patler, a boot (depend on situation) and a situational
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