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Unofficial/Official GW/GW2 Thread!


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I still play.

Chances are you're not playing the game right, Stein. It's more sandboxy than most MMO's. Cycle through activities all the time, whether it's jump puzzles, PVP, WvWvW, story, dungeons, exploring, dynamic events, crafting, or farming. The XP just comes on its own. That's the wonderful thing about this game - practically EVERYTHING gives decent XP.

BTW, don't worry about hearts. They're a waste of time unless you're also doing a dynamic or going for world completion.

If you still have that archaic desire to just level-up, then I recommend exploring areas 5-10 levels higher than you, ninja all the waypoints/POIs, and do every dynamic event you come across. I know the higher leveled Charr area has loads of chain events that practically hand out XP.
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Don't get me wrong, I'm level 77 by now, and I do enjoy the randomness.. But the lack of deep stories and interesting characters puts me off a little, it just turns into a "lolautoattackandrun" game, with little to no regard of safety. There's also little to no incentive to play with people, I mean sure you do events with other people.. But they never speak to you, there is ZERO reason to go up to another person, say hi to them and ask them for help with a tough monster or a tough quest, there just isn't. The idea behind the game is nice, but there should be more of a balance between random scaling events and actual story driven content, sure some events tell a story.. But those are stories that last 20 minutes and repeat 10 minutes later, that sure feels good right? And most zones are such a drag, especially the snow covered ones. Lord, those are boring.

And is there a right way to play games? No, we each have our own approaches. This game clearly doesn't suit mine. Saying someone is playing a game wrong is like telling them they live their lifes wrong, we all have our own ideas of fun, enjoyment and our own goals to attain. How can that be wrong? ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png)

So basically, while the game and concept are good.. It's just not my thing.
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It was an assumption of play style, not character. ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png)

The Shiverpeaks happen to be my favorite. Dunno what you mean about "lolautoattackandrun" because if I do that I die. Of course, I also fight multiple monsters at once.

I can certainly appreciate what you've said. It's good to hear the negative feedback because there are _plenty_ of faults. Like you said, the main story is mediocre at best and the frequency of recurring events takes away from their legitimacy. People don't talk except in map chat. Low levels are slow. The whole game concept is executed decently.

Overall it's still a wonderful game to me, however. I'll have to see where I am a few months from now, but currently there's so much to do and I love it. The classes and the strategy make for the best combat I've played in an MMORPG.

But you're right; it's not for everyone.
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I can fight six mobs at a time as a Necro, my flesh golem kills two, the crawling thing kills one and the other three beat on me and I just take them down auto attacking because it's faster than using my skills as dual dagger, and the lifedrains make me near invincible. xD Could probably do more, but I rarely ever find enough to pull more and see what happens. They die too easily.
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That's to be expected. Necros are one of the tankiest classes with not a lot of complexity. Trust me - if you're spamming auto attack, you're not living up to your full capabilities. In terms of PvE, the challenge lies in dungeons. Well… a few dungeons. The only _real_ challenge is found in PVP.

> Level 77? Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the max. level 20? Or am I missing something? xD

GW1 had a max level of 20\. We're talking about Guild Wars 2, which has a max level of 80.
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My sister's Hunter is the exact same, bar the fact she ocassionaly needs to use the shot that knocks them back because it's easier at a range. (Stunlocking mobs are so much fun, seriously what developper thought this was a fun mechanic?) Played a Guardian and had zero trouble auto attacking stuff as well, because outside of a group there is zero need to use the buffs really. My thief never manages to die either, but he's just level 36, so that may still come.

And not my full capabilities? Auto Attack deals twice the damage my other attacks do, without interruption or casting required.. Since my attacks are fairly rapid using daggers, and crit 60% of the time it really IS more reliable to use auto attack than other stuff. ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png)

And I know the game was "made for PvP", but frankly I tried PvP a few times, and the community for it already made me want to kill myself. It's a fun game, but the average PvP crowd with their epeen screeching and calling people noobs because they play the game cleverly is just silly, and beyond my understanding.

The combat isn't action based enough to feel good, it just makes me run around and make use of the poor AI and win. Or stunlock players by using my minions and mow them down like they're nothing, or slow them with a staff, throw a crapton of conditions on them and run away laughing when I drain their life. The OOMPH behind it is missing, the hits lack impact, you just run around like your weapon is nothing and does nothing.

Again, I am not calling this game BAD by any stretch of the imagination, I can certainly see it's good qualities and will likely level a few characters, explore the world and whatnot and enjoy most of it. But it is not my kind of game to play long term, although I do see how some people could enjoy it.
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I can't really agree with you on PVP. I do WvWvW and tourneys mostly, and I rarely have that problem.

As luck would have it, I've been working on a Necro and Guardian on the side, but I still play on my 80 engineer the most.

Can't disagree with you on the combat not being perfect. Once you learn your build and how to kite, you're pretty much a god in PvE. Much if it is a game of outsmarting the AI. Thing is - that's how all the other MMO's are. And since ANet never promised combat was going to be _hard_, I don't see that as a con.

The rest of it… ehh. I guess we can agree to disagree. I definitely don't mean to suggest GW2 is the perfect MMO.
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It's *alright*, not a fan of PvP so didn't even enter it nor do I ever plan on doing so.. But for PvE the combat feels lacking and the way the game plays just doesn't feel right, it's a bit dull. If they removed the autoattack on skill #1 it'd already be a lot less freakin dull in my opinion, because it'd require me to hit stuff(as well as let me time it with ranged attacks and LoSing)
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