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off topic: i wonder if it was like an STD too… cause he had that female zpmbie thing all sedated and stuff... and he was alone with his dog for 3 years... just saying...

on topic: I still think the whole 2012 thing is a hoax so whe the particles collide im sure not much if anything will happen. I think it will be hilarious if like the power goes out and they miss the whole thing... rofl.
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Lol, that collider vid was well-made, but unconvincing as hell. I hate the stupid speculation about 2012\. Its a load of crap invented by babysitters to scare little children into shutting up. In 2012, I will be competing in the Olympics and in my 1st year of Medical School. The Aztec calendar will reach the final date because, they only had it multiply out that far, asteriods will not have hit the earth, no supercolliding bullshitter will have swallowed earth: imagine the POWER needed to create that. It's infinite to think about, even write down on paper and actually DO.
Really, you're all just looking for an excuse to talk about your thoughts on the issue like I am now, except for the fact that I hate people who talk about it: IT WILL END WHEN IT ENDS. Till then, I'll drink, study, and live, and not give a rat's ass about what'll happen.

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i am sure cake will not help you :)
try getting a weight suit… where you put like 5-25 pound weights in little pockets of a vest...
then when you try without it you will fly.

I wonder why we beleive that actients of our species could ever predict more than we could?
They were by no means more intelligent, maybe more civilized than most but not any more intelligent.
I think out big downfall is we expect computers to figure out things for us... not thinkin for ourselves.
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What if the protons collide and nothing happens? Oh well, they could still use the tunnel as sewer…

What if the protons collide and a black hole has been created? Oh well, then please remind this. When you think humanity becomes more intelligent, it was just an illusion, in fact, they have become even more stupid...

What if the protons collide and nothing dangerous happens? How can that be true?

I was just joking, the Large Hadron Collide shouldn't be really dangerous at all. In fact, if this was our end, it would've been a bloody good one, as nobody feels it nor will you be remembered so nobody gets their feelings hurt at all.

Seriously, do you guys believe the end of the world will come any time soon? Do you guys believe in something dangerous which will destroy the entire humanity? For God's sake, join the Jehovah Witnesses, in that case.

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An oldie XD

I'm not one of those people who puts alot of faith into oracles and prophets, though the 2012 thing does have a little weight behind it.

Many different cultures/people/things(like that weird chinese fortune telling method) all point to the 2012 date.
And above them all, the Aztec deserve more credit then that Jade.
Their calander is not only much more accurate then ours, but it plots out the changes of the moon, constelattions, ect, hundreds of years past their time with pinpoint accuracy, and all without the help of computers.

Somehow, they were mathmatically advanced compared to us(our computers do everything they did, and they didnt have even win 3.1)  and math is the language of all existance(in a point of veiw)
So while not a total beleiver, I'm not a total sceptic either.
I'll be prepared for 2012, canned foods and water, weaponry, ect, JUST IN CASE.
Never hurts to be prepared.

And for the record, that date also happens to be a rare tie when the earth and the sun are at the "equater" of our galaxy, and lined up perfectly with the black hole in its center.
Some scientists have a scientifically plausable theory called "pole shift", whereas the core of earth flips rotation the other way due to this galactic midway crossing, and the entire crust of the earth will shift partially(antartica would be the tropics.) due to momentum, before resyncing with the rotation of the core.

Its happened before, so, just another thing to think about.
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> An oldie XD
> I'm not one of those people who puts alot of faith into oracles and prophets, though the 2012 thing does have a little weight behind it.
> Many different cultures/people/things(like that weird chinese fortune telling method) all point to the 2012 date.
> And above them all, the Aztec deserve more credit then that Jade.
> Their calander is not only much more accurate then ours, but it plots out the changes of the moon, constelattions, ect, hundreds of years past their time with pinpoint accuracy, and all without the help of computers.
> Somehow, they were mathmatically advanced compared to us(our computers do everything they did, and they didnt have even win 3.1)  and math is the language of all existance(in a point of veiw)
> So while not a total beleiver, I'm not a total sceptic either.
> I'll be prepared for 2012, canned foods and water, weaponry, ect, JUST IN CASE.
> Never hurts to be prepared.
> And for the record, that date also happens to be a rare tie when the earth and the sun are at the "equater" of our galaxy, and lined up perfectly with the black hole in its center.
> (Coincidence?)
> Some scientists have a scientifically plausable theory called "pole shift", whereas the core of earth flips rotation the other way due to this galactic midway crossing, and the entire crust of the earth will shift partially(antartica would be the tropics.) due to momentum, before resyncing with the rotation of the core.
> Its happened before, so, just another thing to think about.

Hooray! The Aztecs could program win 3.1! It's not like they are gods or anything of the sort. It just makes them Bill Gates. A.k.a. fail.
Jk. But really, all they calculated was a very accurate calendar. So, what happens when our 365 day calendar runs out? does the world depolarize? Does the earth get sucked into a black hole? No. We go to a new year. Hooray! Drinks all around. This just means the Aztec calendar counts down, and, resets. Nice.

@ The Particle collider? good lord. To create a black hole that big… My god, if I could get a physics friend of mine to tell you the dynamics, power, and calculations, not to mention probbability and proximity, I'm pretty sure you would just forget the particle collider even existed as a problem, and you'd remember it as a big science project.
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> everyone keeps talking about how 2012 is supposed to be last year or something
> is it too hard to think that maybe one mayan looked at another and said "well, weve got calanders for the next 10,000 years, probably a good time to take a break, eh?"

Ahhhh, I could learn a lot form you renzo, you studmuffin.o . How do you work your magic?
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