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  1. I think function pointers are what you are looking for. Yours faithfully, S.J.R. van Schaik.
  2. > look at a premade code and figure it out from it? Good luck with that. You'll have to understand numerous concepts related to both advanced computer graphics and linear algebra if you want to take that route. > Does anyone know of a good article that explains the logic behind Shaders, it doesn't necessarily have to be oriented to SFML, as I'm pretty sure the logic is universal. I really don't want a link to some pre-made code, as I want to figure this out myself; I've tried looking around and I just can't find anything that would explain it to me. > > Regards, > > GP SFML is just a cross-platform library that simply offers an abstract interface to deal with graphics, sound, etc. However, it doesn't really do anything with shaders. If you want to learn about writing shaders for OpenGL, then you can find more information at the following websites: * http://www.arcsynthesis.org/gltut/index.html * https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/OpenGL_Programming Yours faithfully S.J.R. van Schaik.
  3. SDL doesn't really offer any functions to tint images. However, there are a few ways to do it. The most obvious and fastest way to do it is to simply use OpenGL. Alternatively, you can also write your own function that applies the following formula to your images: dst_colour = src_colour * blend_colour / 255; However, since that operation has to be done in software, it is going to be painfully slow. Finally, the way used for old games is to have multiple palettes, where you'd dim the background by simply switching to another palette for that image or those images (of course, you'll need images where the palette indices are specified within the pixels, rather than the colours directly). Yours faithfully, S.J.R. van Schaik.
  4. That's because you have to break cases explicitly (you forgot to put a break statement at the end of some of your cases). Yours faithfully, S.J.R. van Schaik.
  5. > Did a bit of research and wow, thanks for bringing it up. Never heard of it before. Or QueryPerformanceCounter(), if you can deal with all of its pitfalls (or if you don't care about them). Yours faithfully, S.J.R. van Schaik.
  6. > Wouldn't I still need to copy the data from the buffer? It's not guarenteed that realloc will use the same area of memory, right? realloc will copy over the memory, if it can't extend the current chunk of memory. > Also, you're "next_power_of_two" will not work on numbers that are already powers of two. It will, actually, as it doesn't decrement the input before filling in the right-hand side with ones. However, that is the behaviour of next_strict_power_of_two in my repository (I intended to actually show you the one that does have the same behaviour as you described): ``` size_t cdl_next_power_of_two(size_t input) { size_t index; --input; for (index = 1; index < sizeof(size_t); index index; } return ++input; } ``` Yours faithfully, S.J.R. van Schaik.
  7. ![]( Yours faithfully, S.J.R. van Schaik.
  8. ![]( Yours faithfully, S.J.R. van Schaik.
  9. Normally, Microsoft Windows will look in the same path as where the executable is located for those system libraries. Therefore you normally won't have to register them. However, you might want to try registering them, as it won't do any harm. Yours faithfully, S.J.R. van Schaik.
  10. It's kind of hard to pin-point the exact cause, as the process consists of multiple steps: * Read the local INI file for the local version. * Download and read the remote INI file for the current version (possible problem: downloading may not work due to insufficient rights; msinet.ocx may be missing). * If the local version does match, exit the process. * Download the RAR-package (possible problem: downloading may not work due to insufficient rights; msinet.ocx may be missing). * Extract the RAR-package (possible problem: unrar.dll may be missing). * Update the local INI-file (possible problem: writing may not work due to insufficient rights). Yours faithfully, S.J.R. van Schaik.
  11. Hmm, has it been able to download the RAR-file, and does it contain everything that is required? Also, are there are any errors being shown when updating? Yours faithfully, S.J.R. van Schaik.
  12. Where is your executable located (i.e. what is its path)? Yours faithfully, S.J.R. van Schaik.
  13. Hmm, you can send me the plain files, if you want. I can probably open them in vim. I just won't be able to really execute the code, though. Yours faithfully, S.J.R. van Schaik.
  14. I don't really have a VB6 editor installed, though. Yours faithfully, S.J.R. van Schaik.
  15. You'll want to look at your code that deals with writing the files, then. As there may be some errors that you haven't caught yet. Yours faithfully, S.J.R. van Schaik.
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