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The old Eclipse Times…

Dark Crusade

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I'm narrowing down on another milestone. 4000 posts. I can remember the days I reached the first 1000\. I often wondered how long I'd stay. And now look at me, Been here for almost 2 years. I was looking through my old posts, and realised something…

The old Eclipse days... they were the days.

When I was new to all of this. New to Game Designing, new to communicating on a forum, new to meeting new people over the internet with similar interests. They were the days you came home from school, so excited to work on your game. Learning all the 'basics' was so rewarding, and working together with a new friend on your game, and having things work out was so inspiring.

Take Krusade Online for sample. When I worked out Paperdoll, and made the very first 2 weapons 'The stick, and the stones', it was so rewarding. Me and a friend just ran around for ages on 2 maps PK'ing each other. I didn't even start with using RMXP tiles, I used the other tiles included with TE. Whatever they were.
    My game looked so different, and felt so different. Even now, Krusade Online still brings back some memories. Yes I did swap to RMXP, but the music still is reminiscent to the very first version.

Here is a screenshot taken after I made my 5th map. How many of you actually remember the very first Krusade Online test?

Although I've had my conflicts, I will never forget my time here. It has somewhat shaped my life. Without Eclipse, I may have not got as far as I have, let alone made 2d ORPG's.

I've met a lot of great people here, but I'd like to personally thank a few, of which made the biggest impact on my stay here.

**Balliztik.** ~ When I was new to it all, you introduced me to sadscript, and helped me with scripting on my game. We used to be like the best of friends on MSN. Its a shame we hardly talk anymore. Perhaps one day we will work on a game together again. If so, I look forward to it.

**Japez.** ~ We've shared common interests, common talents, and friendship. I'm honored to be working together with you. Since the early days when we used to exchange feedback on each others work, and admire it. I'll always love your work, and I hope you'll always like mine. Its great that we encourage and motivate each other. I hope it stays this way always.

**Jackal** - We encouraged and motivated each other, and you always were positive and helpful.
**Draken** - Unfortately your not around anymore, we used to exchange feedback on each others work, and were always good for a chat.
**Imago** - Whether working together or against each other, we always were good friends, and helped each other improve somewhat.
**Soljah** - You motivated me to improve, and were always up for a good chat on MSN.

Of cause, there is a lot of other people here that have been good to me, but I can't name you all. You know who you are.

And for anyone curious. No I am not dying or leaving.

_The old Eclipse Times. They were the days._
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I remember fixing a bug with your chest script :P

Those were good times, but times change and I have to say this isn't a pretty bad time either. As you can see there are a lot of promising project starting (and enough noobish projects to bash on :P), and even a few "finished" ones that even has a pretty large userbase.

And with this big amount of eclipsers there is always something to do on the forums, and always someone to help you or someone that needs help.

My conclusion: Times change, and you shouldn't compare the past to the present day, but you can look back at the past and hold on to it.
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Ahh, Those were the days. Even though i never posted that much, i can still remember the green and black glow of the forums fondly.

To Kreator - I'm Honored to be working with you too, I know we've have some ups and downs, some disagreements most of which were childish now that i think back to it, but what can you do? I can both say that we can be abit immature sometimes ;). I absolutely love you work when i first came to Eclipse, i looked up to it. Making me strive to be better. We will be buddies for a long time.
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Yet, you forgot to mention one thing, Kreator and Japez.

The fact that you both help out everyone A LOT, when you can.

[Heres my contribution to the "old times" lol, though I was an emo bitch back then]
Though Kreator may flame sometimes[And help at the same time], and Japez may not be on as much, they're freaking the greatest GFXers I know, I look up to you both, keep up the great work. :P
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> wait i saw the jrusades map was named mirkwood? Was it a lotr fan based game? Or did it just borrow the name.

Nah, coincidence. Just called it that because it was a simple compound word that came to my head, and suited the environment. I ended up changing it relatively soon after to Ezmeral Glade anyway.
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