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The Wildness

Admiral Refuge

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  • 2 weeks later...
Here are two more maps:

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> if this is for reatarded online, it still sucks.
> Nothing personal, but the effort into the graphics for your game just seem half harted, even if it is for retarded online.

Wai, what?

Okay, it's suppose to suck… alot...
I think someone needs to read my Intro and FAG:
**The point of RO**
The entire point of the game is to be probably one of the worst Eclipse-Made games…
It is suppose to be an example of everything an Eclipse game **shouldn’t** be!
If you get past the maps, and the graphics, and the music, and the lack of storyline, and the unbalanced teams, and the painful leveling, and the in-game spelling errors, it may be somewhat bearable to play….
But I'm taking EVERY aspect into consideration... I'm doing exactly what people say NOT to do when making a game.... It's a massive experiment to see if I can truly make the WORST game in Eclipse!

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Q: If FAQ stands for Frequently Asked questions, what does FAG stand for?
A: Finally Answered; [now] [**GTFO**](http://tinyurl.com/9yyrkm)

Q: Why is "xD" part of the title?
A: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=XD
I like the second meaning myself:
An internet expression that gets annoying if overused.
2\. (the wrong way to use it)
Person 1: I walked my dog ealier.
Person 2: XD
Person 1: Then I fed the cat
Person 2: XD
Person 2: XD
Person 1: Die.
Person 2: XD
In other words, it demonstrates power…

Q: Is Retarded Online actually serious on becoming a game?
A: I get this alot.  Retarded Online certainly IS serious about becoming a game!  I'm putting work into it, I'm making maps, sprites, etc… Other than RO's goal -- [**to be the worst MMORPG in history**](http://tinyurl.com/9yyrkm) – it's exactly like any other game here... Some say it's better.

Q: Is Retarded Online a waste of time?
A: To each his own, I suppose…  One person can see something as a waste of time, another person can see it as fun.  I enjoy making RO, and I personally don't see it as a waste of time, but rather a chance to make a game, and have lotsa fun doing it

Q: Why are you making this [**Useless game**](http://tinyurl.com/9yyrkm) anyway?
A: I think it's pretty clear that this game is designed to suck, but I don't think I've gone into why I started this in the first place…
Let me answer with the following comic:

Q: How big will the game be (in mbs)?
A: It will be big… I'm converting all the MP3s into .wav, AND I'm leaving all the unsued gfx in the game, and all the maps, etc...

Q: Is there going to atleast be paperdoll?
A: Yea, sorta.. Only afew things will be paperdolled though

Q: Will RO have a sub-board?
A: Afew people have asked this question so far, so I put it in the FAG… Actually, I did request a sub board (**http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php?topic=38385.0** ), but I doubt it will actually get approved (read the first reply lol)

Q: Why are you attaching a RR to almost every question?
A: RRing will be an important part of Retarded Online.

* * *

Further more, check out my topic and scrool down for the screenshots for the other parts of the world
If you thought the Wildness was bad….
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Yeah but

the map even sucks at being the worst out there…

it's colours aren't bright or retarded enough, that grass should be eye searingly pink, the sea should be the colour of puke, and to make it truly rearted, the player should jest be a circle, not chuck noris.
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> Yeah but
> the map even sucks at being the worst out there…
> it's colours aren't bright or retarded enough, that grass should be eye searingly pink, the sea should be the colour of puke, and to make it truly rearted, the player should jest be a circle, not chuck noris.

Chuck Norris rapes you, not the other way. lol and.. learn to spell kiddo
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> Yeah but
> the map even sucks at being the worst out there…
> it's colours aren't bright or retarded enough, that grass should be eye searingly pink, the sea should be the colour of puke, and to make it truly rearted, the player should jest be a circle, not chuck noris.

You're NOT chuck norris, this is who you are:
![](http://img520.imageshack.us/img520/4443/up21xm3.png) or ![](http://img377.imageshack.us/img377/6457/up21dx0.png) or ![](http://img504.imageshack.us/img504/3623/up32ba3.png)…
(NOTE: You have the white backgrounds included)
Chuck Norris is one of the bosses; he's EXTREAMLY weak, and gives LOADS of EXP.

Also, if the map sucks at sucking, and in some way, you are disappointed with the game, then I think that's a win :huh:
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