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Healthcare Bill Passed by U.S. Congress

Adulese Games

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So, as most educated Americans may now know (hell even /b/ knows), Congress just passed the Senate edition of the Healthcare Bill. If you have no idea what this bill is, please go [here](http://jeremysarber.com/2010/03/21/h-r-3590-health-care-bill-summary/) and get educated. Now, the big debate is that if this will put America on the path to socialism.

Now, I'm a socialist (and anarchist, I know they don't mix, deal with it) and have mixed feelings about this bill. Personally, I just don't think it's as big of a deal, considering the fact that it's only adding 10% more of the population (fact check needed) and is costing a shit load. This is far from a socialist reform. However, most Americans are to scared of commies, which they relate to socialists, to actually see that without a mild government control on the bureaucracy we're all fucked in the long run.

Anyway, discuss please.

- Adulese  :afro:
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Well, instead of universal healthcare like the Europeans have (and it's working pretty damn well over there), we're basically being made to buy into an insurance company. Really only changes shit for tax payers, the elderly, and the uninsured. Personally, I think we Americans are too scared to go with a universal healthcare system.

- Adulese
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There's a moderate amount of things I dislike about this healthcare bill.
The primary reason I dislike it, is because it's not (as Adulese said) a "Universal Healthcare", but rather a bill that forces you to buy heathcare.  Can't afford it? You get fined for $700 or so (after all, they're cutting the government aid healthcare systems).  Can't afford the fines?  You may even get prison time or community service.

I've actually read the bill, the entire thing.  I read it when it was in the Senate.
I dislike the fact that anyone over 60 (I think that was the age) will be visited monthly by some person from the health department, where they lecture the person on "end of life" options, aka legalized suicide.
I'm sad to say, my great grandmother was euthanized last week; she was on life support, but fully conscious; she said numerous times she was against it, and did not want it, though my grandfather was the one that can "call" the orders, so they gave her a shot that made her go to sleep and die..

There are many other factors as well, including the major tax increase this will get, the funding cut from multiple organizations (yes, NASA included) to pay for these costs, the fact that it will add to the trillions of dollar deficit the US already has, and more economic problems, which is the last thing this country needs right now.

But yeah, I think it's a mistake; I think it's also a large mistake on the Democrat Party, as there were so many people in this country that were against this bill, and the congressmen and congresswomen actually said many times, "We don't care if you vote us out, this is more important then us!" to the people of the nation.  So we'll probably see in November a change in power, which means the democrats that voted for this bill being voted out of office, and most likely Republicans being voted in until they screw up, then the loop continues.

The solution?  duck the Democrats, duck the Republicans (unless you're talking about Ron Paul, which is probably the only politician I've seen that isn't a lying scumbag – a reason he never had a chance at getting elected)..
What we need, is to vote in Independents -- all Independents!

..I need some sleep
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I need to read up more before I post/read it in chem tomorrow. BRB with opinion.

To reduce propaganda mindcontrol, I propose that no opinions be posted until you, the poster, reads the actual bill.
[Link to H.R. 3962](http://downloads.longlinkislong.com/healthcare.pdf)

@Admiral: Independent voters are good, independent candidates are bad.
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Ok I heard about it in school from what I get from it it just makes them have a system like the Canadian Healthcare thing where people who don't get healthcare benifits from their employment have to pay $504(?) dollars each month.

I think it's a good idea but there's always two sides to things.
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Um im against it 100%

Main reason the whole thing thats it will be a law that i have to pay the government each month and if i dont i get a $2000 fine.

Kinda bull shit imo. lets make all the poor people in the world pay money and if they dont have it we will fine them. Then if they dont pay that we will just threw them in prison.

I mean come on people the economy is already F ed up, where no one can find a job and barely pay to keep the lights on. So now we have to pay another bill even though we wont need the health care?

I myself havent been to the doctor in around 6 years. Why? because i live a healthy life and take care of myself. So why should i pay for health care Im good without it. Instead Im more willing to pay out of my pocket when i do need to go and see a doctor. Obama needs to stop with this health care and get the economy back in order.
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> Um im against it 100%
> Main reason the whole thing thats it will be a law that i have to pay the government each month and if i dont i get a $2000 fine.
> Kinda bull rainbow imo. lets make all the poor people in the world pay money and if they dont have it we will fine them. Then if they dont pay that we will just threw them in prison.
> I mean come on people the economy is already F ed up, where no one can find a job and barely pay to keep the lights on. So now we have to pay another bill even though we wont need the health care?
> I myself havent been to the doctor in around 6 years. Why? because i live a healthy life and take care of myself. So why should i pay for health care Im good without it. Instead Im more willing to pay out of my pocket when i do need to go and see a doctor. Obama needs to stop with this health care and get the economy back in order.

you make 500K/year and work a job without health benefits? Read the bill, then post. Srsly people.
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> Sorry, it's just ducking long as hell and written in a jargen even I don't completely understand. Why can't you just write us a summary then? ;D
> - Adulese

it would be biased and therefore an inaccurate summary. Skip to about page 36 or scan "Tax" considering how that is THE hot topic. First chunk is references.
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I actually read the bill when it was in the senate.

HM, the one you linked to never actually passed, just like H.R.3200 (the one I read) didn't as well; H.R. 3962 actually had some amendments in it that made some things optional; but yeah, you'll see some minor differences, like how H.R. 3200 said they would hire practitioners to visit the elderly with the options of euthanasia.

The bill that we are referring to, is [**H.R.3590**](http://democrats.senate.gov/reform/patient-protection-affordable-care-act-as-passed.pdf); it's almost twice as long as the one you've read; I'm actually reading it now, and will be reading it over the course of this week (and weekend).
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I dont get where we are getting all this money to spend when we are already in major debt. Sooner or later china and all the other countries we owe so much money to will ask us to pay up. I dont have a problem with trying to give people healthcare but they are going about it the wrong way. Iv also heard not sure it its true. But for some people there will be such a increase in their bills that they could just pay the fines and be better off without health care, since they will save so much money.
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> @Rodriguez:
> > Sorry, it's just ducking long as hell and written in a jargen even I don't completely understand. Why can't you just write us a summary then? ;D
> >
> > - Adulese
> He's a monkey.

If you put enough of him in a room together, they'll start writing US law. ;D

- Adulese
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> Here's the razor, but shouldn't you actually HAVE a mustache before you style it? Also, I keep telling you to get this cape dry cleaned. It stinks of fish and chips and has grass stains from all the football.
> - Adulese

stands with hands on hips.

Be quiet you heathen! Dress me!
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