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Alchemy in games.


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Hey there game developing community. I'm here today to tell you a story! It will be one of epic adventure and incredible fame! So sit in a circle and listen:

Once upon a time, some asian game developer, without absolutely no knowedgle of European culture was desinging a game, it's not something wrong not to know European culture when you are Korean or Japaneese. He created cliche player classes like "Warior" and "Mage", but then he bumped into an idea of making potions… "How should I call the art of potion making?" he asked himself in his head. Potion making was a name too long to use, Chemistry wouls surely discourage school students from the game... he brainstormed alone, and with his game developing friends. Suddenly they figured it out! "Alchemy" sayed the smartest of all developers. So they used that terminology - and not without a reason, in anicient China and generaly on the far east the art of alchemy was about making medicines and about herbalism. And everything was fine... untill one horrible moment in the history of game development. The moment where absolutely everybody assumed that alchemy is potion making, and nomather who was making the game, Americans, Europeans, Jews or only God knows who - they called potion making alchemy, even games that were suposed to be set in Middle Age fantasy settings.

What does this storry teaches us? Alchemy has more to do with metalurgy and spiritism than with making friggin potions, you template repeating morons. Have a nice day and learn your own culture.

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I agree that most games view alchemy as simply potion making. However, there are few games I've actually seen that use alchemy.

In that article you referenced, though, one of the major aspects of alchemy is the creation of "several substances described as possessing unusual properties", i.e potions. The other half involves transmutation of metals. The word itself basically means "the mixture", and is the basis for modern chemistry, which involves a lot of the same processes as you'd imagine in fantasy potion making - mixing of certain ingredients to make new solutions. It's not really that far of a stretch. Very few games include the transmutation of metals with alchemy, true, but that doesn't mean they are all wrong. It merely means they are half wrong.
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