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I am thinking about installing Ubuntu. I am currently running it from the boot disc, indecisive if I should click the install Icon. It seems alot better compared to windows. And wine will help out with windows applications right? I just want to know, can I run VB6 and EO on here?

Edit: I'm just going to do it, if it goes wrong, I won't care.
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I've tried during the times of 7.14 of ubuntu, wine was unable to use the required runtimes of winsock & all the other useless dll's added into eclipse. Theres a dll/Library pane in which you may load each specifically into wine, try that out (they may have improved?)

Good luck.
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Sort of Off-topic but;

Urgh just don't use Ubuntu :(

My advice is (without sounding like the countless people who pretend to be uber computer savvies) use Ubuntu for a couple of weeks or so, but focus on getting used to bash commands (Terminal) and the general linux environment e.g folder structures then when your relatively comfortable with how linux works grab yourself;


Arch Linux basically provides the core files needed for a linux operating system and leaves the rest to the user. For example there is no GUI by default. This means that the user tailor makes their operating system to their wants/needs/desires/specifications etc leaving you with a completely personal OS. So therefore you donthave all the xcess baggage such as driver packs for hardware you don't even have or software that you don't even use.

Arch is fast, really fast mainly due to how light the OS is. But yeah leaps and bounds over Ubuntu but beware it does need some understanding of a linux environment but not too daunting. The Wiki is an excellent resource :)
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Also sorry for double post but I don't think OP would notice this if I edited.

Harris why not dual boot windows and Ubuntu to make sure you get everything compatible etc? and to get a feel for it before a full switch?

This way you can have both windows and ubuntu alongside each other and if you cannot use vb6/EO in Ubuntu ssimply boot into windows…
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I just love this topic. Look, I started with Ubuntu as well. I was like "Lulz! It's Ubintew!!! Thiz gunna be sooo eazzzy!" Well, it wasn't really all that easy. Ubuntu is very usable when you get used to it, but you have to forget all the shortcuts and handholding that Windows has given you.

> Command Line? Is that the terminal thing?

Yes, that's exactly what it is. Kinda. That's going to be your best friend. Get used to him.

Also, Wine is nice, but it doesn't run everything. You have to remember that your using Ubuntu, not Windows. Try using programs made for Ubuntu as replacements. There's quite a few.
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For those of you just getting started with ubuntu:
Hit Ctrl+Alt+F1, you'll shit brix.

Anyway, as for installing vb6, just sudo apt-get install wine, or better, grab it from the Ubuntu Software Center.
Then, just install vb6 in Wine; I had EO working in Wine before, I never had a problem after installing ELI or any of that.
Wine should already create a virtual Program Files, etc, in this location:
/home/username/.wine/dosdevices/c:/Program Files/

As for stuff that doesn't run in wine.. Well, go to the Ubuntu Software Center and grab VirutalBox – then install XP in the virtual machine.
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> What Is Ubuntu?
> Better than windows?

Ubuntu is a linux distribution. Whether Linux is better than Windows is pure opinon, this website lists some advantages of using Linux though.
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