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Started as Nipple Piercing , Ended As Jesus is an Alien


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If you want your nipples pierced Draken go for it man, you can always take them out after if you don't like them.
As for those criminal/prison style tattoos I have one on my hand done by my friend with a needle and ink and I'm planning on getting a real one done with an actual needle gun on my back this weekend maybe today or tomorrow.
For piercings I have both my ears pierced but that's pretty much as far as I'll go.
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> @Draken:
> > So yeah **I've been thinking** about getting my nips pierced.
> You or the guy you're sleeping with?
> Why in the bloody forest would you ever want to do that? Read up on bible and see what it says.

Please show me where in the bible it talks about facial piercings. I'm quite curious, I look forward to your answer on this.
I'm sure it'll be good for a laugh.
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> @☺☻☺:
> > @Draken:
> >
> > > So yeah **I've been thinking** about getting my nips pierced.
> >
> > You or the guy you're sleeping with?
> >
> > Why in the bloody forest would you ever want to do that? Read up on bible and see what it says.
> Please show me where in the bible it talks about facial piercings. I'm quite curious, I look forward to your answer on this.
> I'm sure it'll be good for a laugh.

Oh there's absolutely nothing to laugh about.

"The Bible warns us against cuttings in our flesh in Leviticus 19:28 which says, "Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the Lord." It's a really big sin.
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So you're saying that my Christian buddy with a tattoo of a cross is going to hell? Because I actually know someone like that. Also, I'd like to bring your attention to the following line that you quoted:

"Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead"

So you're against autopsies, scientific uses of corpses, and, since apparently a cut that causes no harm or disability qualifies for you (a piercing) you would also be against operations, wisdom tooth extraction and cesarean birthing?

There's a saying you may have heard, "the devil can quote scripture". The words themselves have little meaning, and following the bible to the letter is a recipe for disaster. Instead, look to what A) the spiritual purpose of the line would be, and B) What the non-spiritual purpose of the line would be.
In the current case:

A) Tattoos and piercings would have seemed barbaric, and in some cultures there are religious tattoos / piercings. The spiritual purpose of the line, therefore, is basically reinforcing the whole 'don't worship false gods' bit.

B) Tattoos and piercings, especially when the old testament was written, far more often resulted in infection. These getting infected due to the use of dirty tools (unknown to them at the time) would have seemed like god's wrath.

So, we determine that the cause of this line was to warn people away from false gods and to, effectively, prevent infection.

So really, do you have any better argument, or are you just going to quote more scripture without actually thinking about it first?
So far, you're sounding like the worst kind of Christian, the one that follows blindly like some animal on a tether, never raising its beaten head to look where it's going.
If you are going to follow god, follow him not passively but actively, contemplating the meaning of the writings and scriptures. Either that, or go move to the American South and stay with the other mouth-breathing extremists.
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> "The Bible warns us against cuttings in our flesh in Leviticus 19:28 which says, "Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the Lord." It's a really big sin.

You obviously haven't read the whole book, or you'd know that you don't have to follow old testament commandments.

(Even I knew that, I'm a strong agnostic, not a christian. )
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> So you're saying that my Christian buddy with a tattoo of a cross is going to hell? Because I actually know someone like that. Also, I'd like to bring your attention to the following line that you quoted:
> "Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead"
> So you're against autopsies, scientific uses of corpses, and, since apparently a cut that causes no harm or disability qualifies for you (a piercing) you would also be against operations, wisdom tooth extraction and cesarean birthing?
> There's a saying you may have heard, "the devil can quote scripture". The words themselves have little meaning, and following the bible to the letter is a recipe for disaster. Instead, look to what A) the spiritual purpose of the line would be, and B) What the non-spiritual purpose of the line would be.
> In the current case:
> A) Tattoos and piercings would have seemed barbaric, and in some cultures there are religious tattoos / piercings. The spiritual purpose of the line, therefore, is basically reinforcing the whole 'don't worship false gods' bit.
> B) Tattoos and piercings, especially when the old testament was written, far more often resulted in infection. These getting infected due to the use of dirty tools (unknown to them at the time) would have seemed like god's wrath.
> So, we determine that the cause of this line was to warn people away from false gods and to, effectively, prevent infection.
> So really, do you have any better argument, or are you just going to quote more scripture without actually thinking about it first?
> So far, you're sounding like the worst kind of Christian, the one that follows blindly like some animal on a tether, never raising its beaten head to look where it's going.
> If you are going to follow god, follow him not passively but actively, contemplating the meaning of the writings and scriptures. Either that, or go move to the American South and stay with the other mouth-breathing extremists.

Just tell me, are your tatoos pleasing God when he specificly told you not to make any markins on your body?
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the bible is a book of legends… sorry to burst your bubble. anyone who thinks it has historical, scientific, philosophical or even sociological merit hasnt done much research on it.

i mean are we really supposed to believe that some guy in the sky is going to punish us if we dont worship him and his resurrected zombie son? that we'll burn in fire forever if we dont believe the bible to be the "word of god"? its ridiculous, and holds no value in modern life.

btw, unless youre jewish the old testament, especially the torah, is useless, since you cannot just pick and choose and say you follow the jewish law.

@batman .. the judeo-christian faith there are strange ideas about the old testament because for some reason many of them are unsure which laws from the old testament should be kept, and which ones shouldnt. and it stems from the fact that when christianity was initiated by paul into the roman empire nobody had access to the ancient jewish laws and literature to begin with. these books of laws and legends were collected from the jewish faith and put alongside the story of jesus and letters of paul and called "the bible" in about 300 AD.
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> @DrNova:
> > The bible isnt a literal textbook, its a moral guide.
> > Dont take it TOO seriously.
> Maybe you'll start taking it seriously when you'll go to hell.

you have a avatar like that, and your judging others?
don't think god would like that…
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Honestly, if you're going to take the Bible so damn seriously then you should also believe that everything is pre-ordained by an omni-potent deity. As such, anything we do is to God's original plan and that smoking weed and sticking bits of metal in your nipples are acts which He does himself (as God modelled us in His own image).

**tl;dr:** Taking the Bible seriously means you believe God is sat in the clouds smoking pot and piercing His nipples.
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I don't actually HAVE any piercings or tattoos. I don't like the fact that you can never remove a tattoo, and I've never seen a piercing that I'd like to have.

And again, look at what I wrote. All you're doing is the kneejerk reaction without actually THINKING about any of the scriptures or testaments. You base your interpretation on the surface value of these things, which is the mark of a fool.

@unnown: Yeah, and apparently he's against pot too. Apparently he's quite a hypocrite.
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I knew a guy who had his nipples pierced; barbells, I think it was.

I'd never do it, as I have a low tolerance for pain; all I can say, is just keep the possibility of infection to mind.  Like, keep the area clean and stuff.

I'm a born-again Christian, so I believe the Bible has both historical and spiritual merit.
But wouldn't, "Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead", moreso the "for the dead" part, mean more along the lines of actually FOR the dead?
Like, another translation puts it this way:
"Don't gash your bodies on behalf of the dead."
That is, don't ritually cut yourself when your grandmother dies.
Bible is a double-edged sword anyways; can be used in a certain context to prove your point, then in another context to disprove it.
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> @DrNova:
> > The bible isnt a literal textbook, its a moral guide.
> > Dont take it TOO seriously.
> Maybe you'll start taking it seriously when you'll go to hell.

lol. the bible says nothing about weed so I guess that ones ok…hmmm...I guess you can be safe knowing the bible god wont throw you in a furnace and laugh while hes taking a hit from a mega bong. lol.. seriously, like most religious texts you gotta take the meat and throw away the bone... and that dont mean being a hypocritical unlearned supposed christian, who doesnt even follow the religion properly, and then expect others to follow your personal beliefs about it. its completely ludicrous to say the least.
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> @Thorn:
> > @☺☻☺:
> >
> > > @Draken:
> > >
> > > > So yeah **I've been thinking** about getting my nips pierced.
> > >
> > > You or the guy you're sleeping with?
> > >
> > > Why in the bloody forest would you ever want to do that? Read up on bible and see what it says.
> >
> > Please show me where in the bible it talks about facial piercings. I'm quite curious, I look forward to your answer on this.
> > I'm sure it'll be good for a laugh.
> Oh there's absolutely nothing to laugh about.
> "The Bible warns us against cuttings in our flesh in Leviticus 19:28 which says, "Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the Lord." It's a really big sin.

um whole thing on the Christan view I cant stand people that say its against our religion to get tats and piercings.

Um my body is considered my temple. I have the right to decorate my temple how I wish. And if its against the religion to decorate your temple then anyone that ever put up christmas lights at a church or a christmas tree at a church is going to hell.

"Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead"

For the dead is the main part there.

Im not making cuttings for the dead Im doing it for me which I'm living.

See I am a Christan i just dont believe want other Christans think because 90% of christans havent read the bible and they only go by what their preacher tells them. and most of the time preaches dont know shit. they take parts from this story and parts from that one, to warp the message to something completely different.

Organized religion is going to be the fall of the human race.
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