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Just fiddling with the Engine,

Rob Janes

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I'm not in a position to give out the Guild System at the moment, there are some examples on the forums.

Really, all you want to do is add a GuildType where it stores all the Guild information, store the Guilds as an array, give each player a 'specific' guildID that matches the proper guild in the array, and go from there.
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An update to quests versus NPC chatting.

I added 2 new constants for NPC behaviours, NPC_BEHAVIOUR_QUEST and NPC_BEHAVIOUR_TALK.

During the 'Search' function on the server to search a map position for a target, it compares the NPCs behavior and determines what function to call.  If they are a quest giver, it calls a function to send the Accept Quest window to the client with the 'Start' string and the reward.  If the NPC has a behaviour of talk, it calls a sub to send the NPCs message (just a simple additional string variable in NpcRec) to the client, as seen in this screenshot! >:)

Alas, the foundation of modification has truly been laid, with NPCs now able to offer 'stories' and 'quests'.  The rest of the modifications will just be value adds, but the core is now there to start developing a game.  I'll tweak all of the mods and comment them, unsure at this point if I will indeed release the source or not.

EDIT: Text is still distorting at times which is bizzare, even when picScreen height and width equal the MapX and MapY x 32, the text still distorts at times when the map is scrolling, I need to look into this a bit more.
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> Got bored and added scrolling credits heh, just a minor feature because I'm now lazy the rest of the night.  Back to WoW I guess.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ia6kSq4GYwE

You sound like you're an RPer/on an RP realm *gasp*. Anyways, about your quest system, you might want to put Accept Quest first only because mostly you want to make them do these quests so they're not just there, but yeah, just a little idea.
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