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What engines do people use the most? I am going to make converters to bring everyone under one engine, upon the release of the new interface in 1.3.0 of Eclipse Worlds.

I am willing to convert all the back to the old days of Eclipse Evolution if need be, please tell me if you have any important data and willing to actually use it. I don't want to make converters for data content that you do not plan to use in a game.
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i dont see the point in this not everyone wants to use eclipse worlds most people use engines with custom edits anyways and if transferring to yours its not gonna happen especially if you don't fix the bugs. 

Don't get me wrong im sure some might find this useful but "bring everyone under one engine" i dont think was best choice of words just my opinion
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> Don't get me wrong im sure some might find this useful but "bring everyone under one engine" i dont think was best choice of words just my opinion

The only reason people edit custom versions is cause there's no scripting. As long as the engine is made in such a way, that it isn't bloated and highly configurable, then everyone should want to use the official Eclipse engine.
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So, how about the features developed by the users? Will need to be rewriten? I think a "major" engine would be nice, but it would make all of the last years meaningless. I really want to see the community active again (this user is new but I use eclipse since 2010) but I don't think Eclipse Worlds is a solution unless it's default features covers the most important and useful features developed by this community in the last years.
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I think this is a great idea, especially since Eclipse Worlds is such a great engine. For almost as long as I can remember now, the communities been using a multi-tude of different engines created by different people. Would be nice to bring the community together.
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> The only reason people edit custom versions is cause there's no scripting. As long as the engine is made in such a way, that it isn't bloated and highly configurable, then everyone should want to use the official Eclipse engine.

I just don't see why people would go through the trouble if they have a full customized engine why would they switch to another one just cause its the "official" and there might be stuff in yours they don't want.
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> I just don't see why people would go through the trouble if they have a full customized engine why would they switch to another one just cause its the "official" and there might be stuff in yours they don't want.

thats just it though they wouldnt bother to convert and nobody is forcing anybody to convert. Currently i dont see why anyone who wasnt already using EW would suddenly decide to. EW being the official engine of eclipse does not add any new features to the engine. maybe in the future though when the community has provided feedback and the engine has been updated but for now there's little drive to convert.
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> Exactly what i was trying to get at UnGod in his first post though he said we want to bring everyone under one i just don't think that will ever happen.

I am trying to convert as many people as possible, I will be adding more features over time, and making you able to script in the Event Editor as well as add in a better core engine which is pretty appealing in my opinion to make the switch. Some people may want to keep using their current engine of course, like Nin Online won't be switching cause the amount of work to convert is too great.

You also will be able to turn off certain features in the future as well for the people concerned about bloat.
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Why you are trying to convert as many people as possible is beyond me. That would just lead to a lack of originality in games. I mean, cmon, out of this whole forum there are perhaps 20 people at any given moment that can program at a capable level with Eclipse. And that means there will be few, if any, games made with Eclipse Worlds that will stand out.

Just my piece. I don't want a fight.
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> I am trying to convert as many people as possible, I will be adding more features over time, and making you able to script in the Event Editor as well as add in a better core engine which is pretty appealing in my opinion to make the switch. Some people may want to keep using their current engine of course, like Nin Online won't be switching cause the amount of work to convert is too great.
> You also will be able to turn off certain features in the future as well for the people concerned about bloat.

and if you have a custom engine why switch to worlds even if theirs the option to turn features off thats still space taken up in code thats not required if you don't need the feature period
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RPG Maker games bring people in from outside the community, because the style is refined and polished. It doesn't matter if games are cookie cutter of Eclipse Worlds, there's enough room in there for creativity. We also want people to actually finish games and not feel discouraged that they have to program. The more people that finish their games, the more active the community will be.

> and if you have a custom engine why switch to worlds even if theirs the option to turn features off thats still space taken up in code thats not required if you don't need the feature period

It won't really affect the performance.
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> RPG Maker games bring people in from outside the community, because the style is refined and polished. It doesn't matter if games are cookie cutter of Eclipse Worlds, there's enough room in there for creativity. We also want people to actually finish games and not feel discouraged that they have to program. The more people that finish their games, the more active the community will be.

Eclipse Worlds is anything but polished at the moment.
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> Eclipse Worlds is anything but polished at the moment.

It's actually very polished. It has bugs, but if you look at the changes I made to it compared to original Eclipse engine, that is polish. It might not be super appealing in the front, but in the back it is very good.
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> It's actually very polished. It has bugs, but if you look at the changes I made to it compared to original Eclipse engine, that is polish. It might not be super appealing in the front, but in the back it is very good.

Everything looks polished as long as you're comparing everything to the original Eclipse Engine… 

I'm not saying that Eclipse Worlds doesn't have great optimizations, I'm saying it looks like a turd at the moment. I would consider working on the engine more before asking the public about converters.
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> Everything looks polished as long as you're comparing everything to the original Eclipse Engine… 
> I'm not saying that Eclipse Worlds doesn't have great optimizations, I'm saying it looks like a turd at the moment. I would consider working on the engine more before asking the public about converters.

Agree 100% with sky theirs nothing wrong with eclipse worlds it has gone a long way from the original but it just needs a bit more work before you guys start trying to  moving everyone over there.
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> Agree 100% with sky theirs nothing wrong with eclipse worlds it has gone a long way from the original but it just needs a bit more work before you guys start trying to  moving everyone over there.

I am making the converters for 1.3.0\. Wing is making a custom UI. We're aware that people like DX8 UI, even though I could make an awesome game like Silverdale that doesn't even use DX8 UI. People just always got a reason not to make a switch. It'll always be that way.
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> People just always got a reason not to make a switch. It'll always be that way.

Don't try and justify. It looks bad.

Also, what you can do and what 99% of Eclipse can do are different things. Are you convinced that the rest of Eclipse could make an 'awesome' game like Silverdale with Eclipse Worlds at the moment? Of course you are, cause you're thinking from the viewpoint of the developer of the engine.
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