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Everything posted by bunny123

  1. > Gonna try this way bunny I would hate to make two tiles for something like this.. > > @jumbofile I will try but no promises… Shouldn't be too hard though LOL, I've already edited the code over here so there's an on and off threshold. XD Should I just undo my new code? Besides, I can't fit attributes on my side if I use a threshold for on and off seperatly.
  2. > Yea that's something I dont like.. I have been trying to make the threshold tile better to prevent this but haven't been able to do it like stien suggested.. easy fix would be to make a duplicate tile and just have one for visble and one for not visible :/ seems like a waste though That's exactly what I was thinking.
  3. _Ahem…_ Can you fix it **_PLEASE_**? ![:wacko:](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//wacko.png)
  4. I just thought of something… Diagram: >! # = Brick >! % = Visible roof >! Space = Just floor or invisible roof >! @ = Threshold >! $ = Player >! ! = Player + Threshold >! & = Player + Visible roof >! ``` ##### >! #@@@# >! #@@@# >! #@@@# >! #T### >! $ ``` Someone could just do this: >! ``` ##### >! # # >! # # >! # # >! #!### >! ``` ``` ##### >! # # >! # # >! # # >! #T### >! $ ``` ``` ##### >! #@@@# >! #@@@# >! #@@@# >! #!### >! ``` ``` ##### >! #@@@# >! #@@@# >! #&@@# >! #T### >! ``` How do I prevent this? The above is in a spoiler since it is so long…
  5. > OMG i just noticed that this is the Arena Tile XD > > that was a major blonde moment right there! XD > > I actually did this to the Chest attriute Kibbelz made XD > > my bad i completely forgot that this is the Arena attribute XD LOL. Also, how do I make it so [this tutorial](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/117014-eo-walking-through-players/) doesn't apply while on an Arena tile? But, let me guess. Change ``` If Map.Moral = MAP_MORAL_SAFE Then Exit Function ``` to ``` If Map.Moral = MAP_MORAL_SAFE And Not Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index)).Type = TILE_TYPE_ARENA Then Exit Function ```?
  6. By the way, I fixed my above post. I have NO idea how the optAlphaOn code got in there! :/
  7. I made a quick edit that only requires one check box. Delete the label, **optAlphaOn**, and **optAlphaff**. Add one check box, name it chkAlpha. Replace the frmMain code with: ``` Private Sub chkAlpha_Click() ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler Options.alpha = 0 ' save to config.ini SaveOptions ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "optMOff_Click", "frmMain", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub End Sub ``` At the bottom of **Public Sub LoadOptions()**, replace ``` If Options.alpha = 0 Then frmMain.optAlphaff.Value = True Else frmMain.optAlphaOn.Value = True End If ``` with ``` frmMain.optAlphaff.Value = Options.alpha = 0 ``` Done.
  8. **PLEASE DELETE!** I misunderstood what I was quoting.
  9. (This is based off of [this tutorial (link)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/128919-party-only-maps/)) Server Side In modPlayer find the ``` Sub PlayerWarp ``` underneath ``` ' Save old map to send erase player data to OldMap = GetPlayerMap(index) ``` Add ``` ' Check to see if its a Member Map If Map(mapnum).Moral = MAP_MORAL_MEMBER Then ' Check to make sure the player is a member. If not exit the sub so they dont change maps If Player(index).IsMember = 0 Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "This is a member map. You have to be a member to enter it.", Red) Exit Sub End If End If ``` EDIT: The above has been fixed. It originally would only let non-members in.
  10. Attachment missing! Links outdated! PLEASE FIX! Thank you.
  11. I found the problem (I think), I have i instead of index
  12. I think the problem with the log in is I added extra code: If Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Moral = 2 Then **If Map(GetVar(App.Path & "\Data\accounts\checkpoints.ini", "" & GetPlayerName(index), "MAPNUM")).Moral = MAP_MORAL_MEMBER Then Call CustomScript(i, 1) End If** PlayerWarp index, Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).BootMap, Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).BootX, Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).BootY End If And Custom Script #1 is Call PutVar(App.Path & "\Data\accounts\checkpoints.ini", "*SERVEROPTIONS*", "" & GetPlayerName(index), "" & 0)
  13. Nope. Can you please finish it though? I want to actually use it.
  14. And some more problems. 1. When I load an account in the Editor, it says the player is a member but the date count box is blank. I don't think it's saving the date count.
  15. I'm have two problems. 1. Non-members can walk on a members map. 2. When a member logs in, the server crashes.
  16. ``` Case "/adm:" & Func, "/adm", "/admin:" & Func, "/admin", "/adminhelp", "/admhelp": Call TextAdd("adm1:(name) / admin1:(name) / mon:(name) / monitor:(name) = Gives player monitor access.") Call TextAdd("adm2:(name) / admin2:(name) / map:(name) / mapper:(name) = Gives player mapper access.") Call TextAdd("adm3:(name) / admin3:(name) / dev:(name) / developer:(name) = Gives player developer access.") Call TextAdd("adm4:(name) / admin4:(name) / cre:(name) / creator:(name) = Gives player creator access.") Call TextAdd("radm:(name) / radmin:(name) / player:(name) = Sets player access level back to player.") Case "/adm1:" & Func, "/admin1:" & Func, "/mon:" & Func, "/monitor:" & Func: If IsPlaying(Func) = False Then Exit Sub Call SetPlayerAccess(FindPlayer(Name), ADMIN_MONITOR) Call SendPlayerData(FindPlayer(Name)) Call PlayerMsg(FindPlayer(Name), "You have been granted administrator access.", BrightCyan) txtChat.Text = vbNullString Case "/adm2:" & Func, "/admin2:" & Func, "/map:" & Func, "/mapper:" & Func: If IsPlaying(Func) = False Then Exit Sub Call SetPlayerAccess(FindPlayer(Name), ADMIN_MAPPER) Call SendPlayerData(FindPlayer(Name)) Call PlayerMsg(FindPlayer(Name), "You have been granted administrator access.", BrightCyan) txtChat.Text = vbNullString Case "/adm3:" & Func, "/admin3:" & Func, "/dev:" & Func, "/developer:" & Func: If IsPlaying(Func) = False Then Exit Sub Call SetPlayerAccess(FindPlayer(Name), ADMIN_DEVELOPER) Call SendPlayerData(FindPlayer(Name)) Call PlayerMsg(FindPlayer(Name), "You have been granted administrator access.", BrightCyan) txtChat.Text = vbNullString Case "/adm4:" & Func, "/admin4:" & Func, "/cre:" & Func, "/creator:" & Func: If IsPlaying(Func) = False Then Exit Sub Call SetPlayerAccess(FindPlayer(Name), ADMIN_CREATOR) Call SendPlayerData(FindPlayer(Name)) Call PlayerMsg(FindPlayer(Name), "You have been granted administrator access.", BrightCyan) txtChat.Text = vbNullString Case "/radm:" & Func, "/radmin:" & Func, "/player:" & Func: If IsPlaying(Func) = False Then Exit Sub Call SetPlayerAccess(FindPlayer(Name), 0) Call SendPlayerData(FindPlayer(Name)) Call PlayerMsg(FindPlayer(Name), "You have had your administrator access revoked.", BrightRed) txtChat.Text = vbNullString Case "/ban:" & Func: If IsPlaying(Func) = False Then Exit Sub Call ServerBanIndex(FindPlayer(Func)) txtChat.Text = vbNullString Case "/kill:" & Func: If IsPlaying(Func) = False Then Exit Sub Call KillPlayer(FindPlayer(Func)) txtChat.Text = vbNullString Case "/home:" & Func: If IsPlaying(Func) = False Then Exit Sub Call PlayerWarp(FindPlayer(Func), START_MAP, START_X, START_Y) txtChat.Text = vbNullString Case "/boot:" & Func: If IsPlaying(Func) = False Then Exit Sub If Map(GetPlayerMap(Func)).BootMap = 0 Then Exit Sub Call PlayerWarp(FindPlayer(Func), Map(GetPlayerMap(Func)).BootMap, Map(GetPlayerMap(Func)).BootX, Map(GetPlayerMap(Func)).BootY) txtChat.Text = vbNullString ```
  17. 1. The download link is missing. 2. The download link is missing. And 3. THE DOWNLOAD LINK IS MISSING! … Oh and also, 4. If you want an item, you need to restart the server after saving your character.
  18. Can someone please upload an updated inventory GUI image that is _**NOT**_ low-quality?
  19. That isn't the correct attachment, I used to have a newer version. But that file's gone…
  20. > I like ponies, and bunnies and EVERYTHING that's fluffy! YIPPEE! > > ~~k asshat i wont even try help anyone anymore on here. ya hated hated hated asshat.~~ > > If you disagree with someone, or feel like you're being mistreated, don't go swearing because of it. You'll just get in trouble. ;] LOL, nice edit Joyce. ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png)
  21. I applied this to Eclipse Origins - Event System and I can walk through events! I just wanna notify you all of this bug.
  22. I can't believe no one noticed this bug! In the code for CmdSave on the server, replace ``` PlayerMsg index, "You have been granted membership by the server.", yellow" ``` with ``` PlayerMsg index, "You have been granted membership by the server.", yellow ``` (There shouldn't be a " at the end)
  23. I only used the option button things (lolwat?) because I feel it's easier that way, I used to use a scroll bar for setting the color, but I lost that because I accidentally deleted EO.
  24. > Does this work on Eclipse Advanced? It doesn't seem to be working for me… Well, it says "[EO - Event System]" meaning it's made for Eclipse Origins - Event System, so what do you think the answer to your question is?
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