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Everything posted by zerohero

  1. Assuming you have visual basic 6 installed open up the client and double click "FrmEditor_item" in the forms section. Find the scrollbar for the object you want to change, for example health then right click it and hit properties. In the properties section under misc you will see a min and max value, the max value is currently 32767, change that to whatever you want.
  2. > just use lightmaps, easier lighter and the result is way much better :/ Make a tutorial on how to do that then go ahead and say how much better your method is, until then.
  3. zerohero

    Donate to Eclipse

    > Seems a bit too hard to believe, why dont you just switch hosts maybe? > > Also… 1 million page views a day... if you get paid 1 cent for 100 ads on the top of the page... you'd get 10k dollars a day. > > I dont believe you get 1 million views, just cant cant... 1 million views factors in people like me and you refreshing the page, viewing a thread etc, guests visiting the site etcetc. Ads only really make any money when people click them. You get like a fraction of a cent per thousand people viewing them.
  4. Kyle there are literally hundreds of example in eclipse itself how to do this. If you take note eclipse currenty uses a number of 'packets' to send data to and from the client and server, these packets are linked to call out functions to the process the data the packets are sending. It sounds slightly complicated but its really quite simple. Fire up your client and search around for something like - ``` HandleDataSub(SInGame) = GetAddress(AddressOf HandleInGame) ``` Notice the two key words there, the **SInGame** and **HandleInGame** That means that when the client(for this example) receives a packet from the server addressing itself as '**SInGame**' it should carry out the function **HandleInGame.** If you copy, paste and modify all instances of these two functions for both the server and the client (they will be slightly different in search) then you can call functions just like that! - zero.
  5. zerohero

    Map view

    To increase the number of visible blocks requires a few steps, its not as clear cut as you might initially think, but very simple once you know the concept.So with eclipse you have 32 x 32 tiles, you just need to calculate how many of these you want to show and that pretty much gives you your resolution setting. Head over to this guide/source here and it explains exactly what you want - [http://www.touchofde…lution-changer/](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/127753-eo-event-system-30-resolution-changer/) - zero. *edit* also bear in mind that for performance reasons its not strictly wise to render eclipse it its current state full screen mode for higher resolution monitors, full screen = more blocks = more calculcations = more drawing = heavy fps and performance drop.
  6. I picked up my ride a couple months ago, its been pretty reliable ![](http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/1033/61511410151115640728494.jpg) ![](http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/1710/imag0120ds.jpg)
  7. zerohero

    A bit of help?

    Did you change it in both the client and the server?
  8. zerohero

    A bit of help?

    I hate to sound like a complete stick but you should really be using the search function on both these forums and in your game project before making a post. Anyway, you need to go into both your client and server and simply change the const value MAX_MAPS to a matching, increased value of your choice. ``` ' Map constants Public Const MAX_MAPS As Long = 100 ``` This tells the server to check and create the increased number of map files, and the client how many to loop though. Simples eh?
  9. > I am capable of programming it but I am away from home at the moment and am unable to look through the code. Would placing a texture over a specific map coordinate be affected by the map overlay? Also, would the light texture with some opacity create the desired effect of a light source? > > Thanks for the response. ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png) Well just simply drawing layer over layer will overlap yes, thats why the only lighting you will see at the moment on eclipse is a basic tile based simulated lighting, which is essentially a clever use of the rgb overlay.
  10. Either way is going to require some coding by yourself to get the desired result. As it currently stands the only "lighting" system in eclipse is the rgb map overlay. I have a particle system from another engine which could be implemented into the mapping system so that you could place specific particle effects as you would normally tiles. The other option as you mentioned would be a static image that would be rendered over a specific map coordinate. Perhaps you could create an animated map tile and use it that way?
  11. > Its an idea that's always been around, but you'd have to disable the close button on the form, and then put in a loggout button, and then put in the countdown from attack/being attacked. I could give it a shot. This would need to be coupled with the server side code mentioned by Carim to be effective though. As it stands as-soon as the client is disconnected the player data is stored and freed from the memory, you would need to change some server logic around but its defiantly do-able.
  12. Faker than a 3 dollar bill ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
  13. Very nice find! Fixed a minor graphical error that had been annoying me for a few months.
  14. Hey guys, I was looking for some colour customisable icons around the web a stumbled onto this rather large pack which I thought some of you might enjoy to have too. Here is the download link, its around a 7mb file - [http://hotfile.com/d…_icons.zip.html](http://hotfile.com/dl/122975001/85f990b/789_Lorc_RPG_icons.zip.html) Example of some of the items inside - ![](http://i.imgur.com/4cpmn.png) Full image gallery - [http://imgur.com/a/KBQkz](http://imgur.com/a/KBQkz) Quote from author - "The fine print! I'm licensing these under under a [Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/). Which is to say, you're OK to modify them, redistribute them and/or use them commercially so long as you mention me in the credits. An attribution to "Lorc" is fine. Not required but _much_ appreciated: If you use these, shoot me a message so I can go check out what cool thing you've done." Enjoy!
  15. Sorry I should of said, this is 'based' on the tutorial I made. I meant nothing negative by it only that I think I can re-write it far better than it currently is now.
  16. Hey this is the tutorial that I made some months ago. From my perspective it was not so much buggy just the code was very bloated due to my lesser knowledge of vb. I will update the original tutorial in a few days.
  17. Good job identifying this Rob, its small optimisations like this that make a huge difference!
  18. ![](http://sphotos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/576290_10150768758508494_844971447_n.jpg) Eating dem donutss bitchess
  19. I believe that in the newest versions of eclipse advanced Deathbeam decided he would remove the event system then replace it with a similar, less feature packed (but supposedly more stable) version he has created based off some source from crystalshire D:E or something along those lines. So in short either use an old version of EA or use standard eclipse 3.0 if you need the event system.
  20. I voted Nook too, if you look close its near perfect in every way.
  21. > I have a question about the **"only if you havent already released it to the public yet."** part. So if I make a new system/feature that I want to submit, does this part mean I cannot also release that system/feature until after this contest is over? Or is that rule mainly so people don't submit things they released months+ ago and make new code for the contest. Its simply means that things that you may have submitted prior to the competition are not valid entry's and only new ideas and code can be used. I guess its a motivator to get people to be original and inventive instead of recycling their old code to try and win.
  22. zerohero

    Questing help

    I am pretty sure it was originally developed for 2.0, so the errors that you get are probably only variable/function name differences. [http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/117080-eo-alatars-quest-system-v12/](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/117080-eo-alatars-quest-system-v12/) If you apply the tutorial then logically read the errors you should have no problem fixing them.
  23. zerohero


    If you used the search functionality then you would very quickly find a host of very good tutorial resources that you can implement 'skills' and a levelling system with - [http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/111472-eo-crafting-blacksmithing-alchemy-ect-v200/](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/111472-eo-crafting-blacksmithing-alchemy-ect-v200/) [http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/118291-eo-weapon-proficienciesskill-level/](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/118291-eo-weapon-proficienciesskill-level/) You are welcome ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
  24. > The work has to be yours, didn't you just rip that from Vbgore? Ripping it from VBgore is like 5% of the actual work. I believe that he intends to do is release a version of the particle system with an addition to the map editor so you can map with particle elements. I think you will agree if this is the case than its a much greater work-load then simply re-compiling VBgores code in eclipse. ![](http://i1012.photobucket.com/albums/af244/zeroohero/CropperCapture16_zps5a824359.gif)
  25. zerohero


    This question makes little sense, if any. I presume that you intend to steer toward a method of learning that is also somewhat productive where you create your game whilst understanding origins and vb6\. While this is a practical idea it also flaws your question as both the client and server coincide and depend on each other, meaning that changes in the client often require changes to the server. A good stepping stone to start developing a game and interacting with vb6 is applying tutorials. This allows you to understand some of the basic steps that go into editing within vb6 as-well as the 'flow' of code and what specific commands or functions do. Other than that its simply trial and error, break pieces of code down and learn what they individually do, then re-construct them to create something useful. Hopefully this is remotely useful, Zero.
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