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> What he's trying to say is; post the links to the tutorial, and we'll explain each section of it for you. :>

Why can't the tutorial poster just do that >_>?
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Most of the posters do comment there code,

It should be enough,

What they should explain is not the code itself but how they optimized it,

that's the hard part,and I have the impression most of the members are just happy if something run.

Everyone should consider their program as a train if one wheel is going at 5km an hour all the train will…
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I am sure there are comments somewhere in the code. Too much comments can be confusing too. If you are attempting source edits you should be able to read the code or understand it a little bit to know whats is doing what with or without the comments. If you don't know then you should look up tutorials for VB6 instead or get a brother knowledge on programming. You can ask the person that made the code to explain it to you or make it clear. If they can't do that then I suggest you don't even look at that code because 99% of the time you will be learning the wrong thing.
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> why don't they put the comments in spoilers? so if someone wants only copy paste, he will see what he wants, but if someone wants to see details, he will see the spoilers.

That's not a bad idea. I'll start doing that.
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