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Want to get serious about game development? Look no further!


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My name is Heber 'Druidtton' Casillas, around these parks I'm known as Coolmagicdude2.

The reason I'm posting today is simple: I'd like to humbly offer an opportunity to follow your dreams, and pursue a career in Video-Game development and design!

Let me explain:

**Who are we?**

Well, let's start with me. I've been a member of the Eclipse community since the days of Total Eclipse. I've always maintained that my interest in game development and design was sparked by this community. I've been around, playing eclipse games, making eclipse games, editing the source, all that good stuff. I learnt a whole lot from all of you.

I guess the contribution most of you might know me for, is the Free server hosting service [http://www.darksunlight.com](http://www.darksunlight.com), on which I am Administrator.

But beyond that, I am the Head Designer, and CEO of the video-game design and development company [Scoria Games](http://scoriagames.com).

So now you know who I am, but let's go in depth into what **Scoria Games** is.

**Scoria Games** has been around since 2012.

As a company, we seek to destroy the current "copy & paste" mentality that has been sweeping the video-game industry for many years now.

While working, we always try to abide by a strict code of Originality, and 'Creative design', all the way from concept and design, to practice.

We believe that their is no point in repeating something which has already been done; to us, originality is _key_.

At the current time we are working on 2 big projects, the first of which will go public in less than a month, that's where we need your help.

**What do we want?**

Since the time of its creation, to the present day, we have come along way. The company, and the people involved in it, have grown beyond what we could have ever hoped for.

Now It's time to expand once more.

We are currently working on 2 important projects, details, I hope you can understand, can't be shared so widely. But for the purpose of this thread I shall share their names: Project '_Solus_', and Project '_Laceras_'.

Both of these projects will demand every bit of talent at our disposal, that is why we are looking for talented people.

What better place than this forum, my home.

As I have explained before, we enjoy originality. We don't like doing things like everyone else.

As you'll understand, repeating things does not allow you to achieve anything new.

Because of the nature of our company, and our practices, we will very often be faced with new fun problems to solve.

We need people who are capable of thinking differently, people who are capable of seeking and providing a new solution for a new problem.

Hackers, as it where.

* **Think you can handle it?**
* **Have you ever wanted to make video-games for a living?**
* **Want to influence the minds of people?**
* **Want to put your skills to the test, and learn new ones?**
* **Want to lead the next generation of console and PC gaming?**

**_Then we want you!_**

Check out the [Careers page](http://www.scoriagames.com/careers.php) on our website to find out how you can apply!

After submitting an application, we will contact you with more information, including an FAQ, and an informational package containing everything you need to know(from what is expected of you, to how much we pay).

_Please note:_ That neither of our 2 upcoming projects will be created using any version of the Eclipse Engine. We are not looking for "mappers", nor "moderators" or anything of that sort.

**Okay! But… I've got other questions**

Great! I love questions, if you have any doubts that you'd like me to clear up then feel free to ask them in this thread! Additionally you may Send me a PM, E-mail me at "[email protected]", or use the contact us form on our website.

Thanks for reading, and have a wonderful day!

Heber Casillas

Head Designer / CEO

[Scoria Games](http://scoriagames.com)
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> This is legit! I've known cool for years in dp,
> He is very serious about this ![;)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.png)


> Then so am I. ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png)

Saw your app. Please await our response ^^
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Not applying, but I was looking at your site on an iPad earlier…

Have you used your website on an iPad, or any mobile device? It -seriously- needs either fixing, or a specific tablet/mobile stylesheet.

EDIT: Actually, looking at it on a desktop, it doesn't look fairly better with the frames, either.
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> Not applying, but I was looking at your site on an iPad earlier…
> Have you used your website on an iPad, or any mobile device? It -seriously- needs either fixing, or a specific tablet/mobile stylesheet.
> EDIT: Actually, looking at it on a desktop, it doesn't look fairly better with the frames, either.

"Frames"? You mean the deprecated HTML 1-4 frame tag? That will not be found anywhere on our website.

Yes, we have looked at it on an Ipad, here's your problem: You're using an Ipad. Regardless, we are about to release an update for better mobile support.

Thanks for noticing^^

**EDIT:** If you where referring to the 2 black borders, I removed them now, just for you. You're right, that wasn't "Web design", that was "Web decoration". I don't like uselessness on our designs, I'll talk to our web developers.
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> More on the web design, why is it an almost direct rip from Steam?

That, I don't know what you're talking about.

> Why question the man? If you're not interested in what he's offering just leave it be. No need to criticize everything what he's doing.

_You're right_, in-fact their IS a rule against that on this board. However, I do appreciate the concerns regarding our website.
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> Why question the man? If you're not interested in what he's offering just leave it be. No need to critize everything what he's doing.

Because it looks like plagiarism to me, and we've had enough of that on the board. Also, I'm an ass.

> That, I don't know what you're talking about.
> _You're right_, in-fact their IS a rule against that on this board. However, I do appreciate the concerns regarding our website.

Then you're an idiot. The layout is almost **_exactly_** the same and then there's this:







I'll ask you again, why is your website an exact rip from Steam? Oh hey, _you know what_? There IS a rule against plagiarism on this board.
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> Because it looks like plagiarism to me, and we've had enough of that on the board. Also, I'm an ass.
> Then you're an idiot. The layout is almost **_exactly_** the same and then there's this:
> I'll ask you again, why is your website an exact rip from Steam? Oh hey, _you know what_? There IS a rule against plagiarism on this board.

Well, that's because Darksunlight.com is a completely separate entity from www.ScoriaGames.com

This thread is inviting members into _my video-game design and development company_, **Scoria Games**.

This thread is not advertising the "free web services" website darksunlight.com, which is a website that I am a member of. I do not own it, I did not create the template(and quite honestly I had no idea it was ripped until today, I don't have much time to play games lately). I placed a link to their website on my _signature_ because I personally support their endeavours to provide free web and server hosting for the eclipse community.

The owner of darksunlight.com is Zananok, if you have problems with his templates, I suggest you take it up with him.

Furthermore, it would be grand if you could apologize for having called me an idiot, and you went on to remove your huge post from this thread.
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> -snippy-

That is a _very_ blasé argument. First, chances are is that 25% of your current traffic uses a mobile or a tablet device, and you should encourage mobile/tablet use to increase sharing through social mediums.

Second, nothing to do with the fact that it's an iPad, and if you think of it that way, you really are cutting yourself short. It's the low resolution. I'm using Chrome iOS, which still uses the Webkit rendering engine, and whether you like it or not, if it looks terrible on this, it'll look terrible on similar/lower resolutions with the same rendering engine (And chances are, with Trident, Gecko, and Opera, too.) will have a similar experience.

If you're blaming _hardware_ for faults in your _design_, I highly doubt you're going to fit by your 'Creative design' motto.

Anyway, glad to see that at least a mobile theme is in the works.

And, no frames? You're right. I meant IFrames.

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Does the topic say "View and critque my website and things I am saying", no. Hes trying to hire (hire?) people for his game devolpment company. So stop commenting unless you are interested in the devolpment, otherwise, seriously _**shut up.**_

On-topic: I've looked at your website and forums, and I'm thinking about applying. I'm currently tied up with school and my new MORPG, but if this is what you say it is, I might be interested.
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> Does the topic say "View and critque my website and things I am saying", no. Hes trying to hire (hire?) people for his game devolpment company. So stop commenting unless you are interested in the devolpment, otherwise, seriously _**shut up.**_

On the bottom, it says, "I've got other questions". I asked if they were looking to improve the functionality for tablets/mobile, and I got a fairly ignorant answer in return. Forgive me for trying to make them see the point of supporting an iPad, as clearly, it's so critical, even you're taking it personally. /yawn.

Anyway, there's no point in replying, as I won't be. Clearly, my time is wasted here.
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> Well, that's because Darksunlight.com is a completely separate entity from www.ScoriaGames.com
> This thread is inviting members into _my video-game design and development company_, **Scoria Games**.
> This thread is not advertising the "free web services" website darksunlight.com, which is a website that I am a member of. I do not own it, I did not create the template(and quite honestly I had no idea it was ripped until today, I don't have much time to play games lately). I placed a link to their website on my _signature_ because I personally support their endeavours to provide free web and server hosting for the eclipse community.
> The owner of darksunlight.com is Zananok, if you have problems with his templates, I suggest you take it up with him.
> Furthermore, it would be grand if you could apologize for having called me an idiot, and you went on to remove your huge post from this thread.

> I guess the contribution most of you might know me for, is the Free server hosting service [http://www.darksunlight.com](http://www.darksunlight.com/), on which I am Administrator.
> In my book that makes you just as responsible. However, I didn't realise there were two websites at play. Silly me, I assumed you'd advertise your website in your signature.
> So to clarify, I'm talking about "Darksunlight Productions" of which Coolmagicdude2 is an Admin.
> I'm not going to apologise for calling you an idiot. I still think you're an idiot. Whether or not you cry and take offence is another matter. Also, I won't remove my post. I think it's important people see it.
> If a mod wants to move it, then I'm sure they will. I won't agree with it, but there's not a lot I can do. So, until such time… Have a nice day
> Also, CMFiend, shush.
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> That is a _very_ blasé argument. First, chances are is that 25% of your current traffic uses a mobile or a tablet device, and you should encourage mobile/tablet use to increase sharing through social mediums.
> Second, nothing to do with the fact that it's an iPad, and if you think of it that way, you really are cutting yourself short. It's the low resolution. I'm using Chrome iOS, which still uses the Webkit rendering engine, and whether you like it or not, if it looks terrible on this, it'll look terrible on similar/lower resolutions with the same rendering engine (And chances are, with Trident, Gecko, and Opera, too.) will have a similar experience.
> If you're blaming _hardware_ for faults in your _design_, I highly doubt you're going to fit by your 'Creative design' motto.
> Anyway, glad to see that at least a mobile theme is in the works.
> And, no frames? You're right. I meant IFrames.
> On the bottom, it says, "I've got other questions". I asked if they were looking to improve the functionality for tablets/mobile, and I got a fairly ignorant answer in return. Forgive me for trying to make them see the point of supporting an iPad, as clearly, it's so critical, even you're taking it personally. /yawn.
> Anyway, there's no point in replying, as I won't be. Clearly, my time is wasted here.

That is an iframe(as you know, much different from the frame tag, which is why it wasn't deprecated along with the frame tag during the HTML5/HTML 4.3 switch) generated by Vanilla Forums, which we apparently use. Forgive me for not knowing the inner workings of the BBS system on our website. I now know that their are, indeed, iframes in the one part of the website not created by us.

As far as my comment regarding I-pads, I dislike apple products. This is an opinion, yes I am aware that %14 of this website's traffic is directed through a mobile device, and that as a Game-Development company we should appreciate all platform's capabilities to spread and handle our software. But I believe that my understanding of the facts that we must adapt to our users, is separate from my opinions on apple products.

Nor is my opinion on apple products related in any way to the fact that, while I _do have_ access to the website's files, and I have in the past been known to edit them to make people happy, I _am not_ in charge of running/maintaining/updating/creating/designing the website.

Now, regarding the last section of your spew. Their is a difference between Attack, and Point. Despite the annoyances of tireless perfectionist, I've managed to find humor in the entire situation. You claim my **opinion** was _ignorant._

Let that sink in. Brew in it a little, then reflect on what you have said. Is it safe, then, to assume that all opinions different from your own are, by default, ignorant?

Now, I can't really blame you for this whole thing. Having been a member of the Eclipse Community for far longer than you(that is, assuming the 'joined' date on your profile is true) I can tell you one thing for sure:

It has always been a long-standing tradition of the Eclipse Community to take an incredibly defensive stance while posting/responding. It's as if we where all bred to be at war, rather than to be communal. That is a fact that can be traced down though years of history on Eclipse.

Just look at any thread in the WIP board, or the talent center, or the source edit board, or the Website Review board(which, by the way, people should know, **this is not**.). It's always the same tired arguments. It's always the same people letting everybody else know how worthless their project, and in extension, themselves, are because they've made a typo. Or they don't like their website(perhaps they aren't interested in mobile traffic?), or they don't like the way they've arranged the GUI, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

So don't feel bad that you've wasted your time, so have I(so far I've been personally blamed: for the issues of an **entirely** unrelated website, the proper use of a valid HTML5 tag within a widely used public open-sourced BBS system, and I've been given advice which was not requested regarding an outdated design). It is the very nature of this forum to remain scared of the outside. So why wouldn't you be?

However, I will say this: Often the best members are the ones with fewer amounts of decoration near their names. Look at Robin, for example, who you no doubt know as JC Denton Denton

People like him pride in their work, not on their post/day ratio, or a little tag near their name claiming them developers. So if your time has been wasted, then it was your own fault. It is people like you who keep Eclipse small, and it is through your instinctive fear. Don't feel bad, it's only nature.

I hope this will bring resolve to the matter of confusion between the Talent Center, and the Website Review boards. ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png)

Have a nice day.

> Excuse me kind sir. About your response to my application via email; is there a time frame on when I should expect said response by chance?

Yes, their is. I will be contacting you, and all other applicants on the same day. This is to avoid internal confusion, I hope you'll understand. You may expect my initial response by Monday.

Thank you for the patience.
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> Yes, their is. I will be contacting you, and all other applicants on the same day. This is to avoid internal confusion, I hope you'll understand. You may expect my initial response by Monday.
> Thank you for the patience.

Thank you.
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I'll take twice if you'd like ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png)

Don't be fooled by my post count. I've been around here a good 5 years and counting ![;)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.png)

I just wasn't much for mingling until my later years.

Back on subject: I think we all appreciate your attitude and ability to explain in detail what you need and what you're looking for. Great job.
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> I'll take twice if you'd like ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png)
> Don't be fooled by my post count. I've been around here a good 5 years and counting ![;)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.png)
> I just wasn't much for mingling until my later years.
> Back on subject: I think we all appreciate your attitude and ability to explain in detail what you need and what you're looking for. Great job.

I've replied to the applications by e-mail. Be sure to check your spam boxes!
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