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I had the best evening last night, followed by the worst day.


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Ok, so this evening wasn't too bad, but the day was.

Anyways, here goes…
Last night, I DJ'ed a highschool dance, most epic thing ever to do, massive interaction with the crowd, it was possibly one of the best nights in my life..
Then the dance ended, lotta people went home, I stuck around , helped out, ended chilling with some really nice chick i'm into, got down with her, bla bla, it just added to my incredible night.

The next day.... :
Slapped awake by my brother.
My dad says he has breakfast for me : cereal.
He poured the milk and everything, I take a bit, the milk is Ducking thick. Like gravy. Ducking disgusting.
I take a shower... no hot water, Female Dog at my brother...
I get dressed and everything, look for my ipod. I can't find it.. might be lost.
I go to school... (Oh yeah the bus is crowded, but thats normal)

I got to my first class, I find out I have a :
- Math test
- English paper
- 2 mini-projects due for french

I didn't any of em

So i'm like... wow this blows.
I go to english, I dont' have anything, but i'm trying to do my french in there ( A poster and a letter )
I forget my bescherelle so i'm completely screwed, but I try anyways, in the end I give up and decide i'm going home at lunch and call in sick, and do the whole fake note thingy.

I go to the next class... (Planning, most pointless class ever invented, but its mandatory)

Get through that alive...
Go to french, don't have my stuff, get mocked infront of the class.
Make it through that...

Go to math.. do the test... know I for sure failed it.
He hands us back our midterm marks, 49% .. and I was supposed to pass or my dad would ground me.
Make it through that...
Schools done..
I was supposed to hang out with that other chick.. she texts and cancels on me, so i'm going home, I go through an alley cuz I want to loosen up and light up a bit... I find myself surrounded by like 4 stoners, they Ducking take my wallet (and my smoke), they took my pencil lol.. my keys (like what the hell would they do with my keys???)

They just mess me around a bit, one of them punched me in the head like 3 times while they held me, I take in their faces... I don't think theyre from my school though.

I get home... my moms there, says where going to her house,
Look for my ipod more, can't find it... Just generally mope around the house, i'm pretty pissed off by now.

My other bros come home, we all go to my moms.. I go on eclipse for like a couple minutes...
Then I just leave the house and find some buddies and just walk around, generally doing nothing important.

Get home... I have to get it off my back, so I type this up.
I'm going to go take another shower, and then crash.

Thats a life in the day of the Bone.
Actually it isn't ... this day just kinda sucked. (a ton)

And I know these problems might not be anything to anybody else... but I guess at the age i'm at, theyre enough to tick me off

Usually I hate topics where people whine about their problems.. but w/e i'm not having a good day...

Hopefully tommorow will be a better day...

How was your day :) ?
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There was a party last night (tonight) and I couldn't go because I had to work.

And I couldn't get my parents to allow me to take a car because they need them for work in the morning…

Dude, you were punched in the face? I would have flipped out on them.
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Life's crappy for everyone, Kreator. and if we want to tell others about how crappy our day was why shouldn't we? Talking about our problems to someone is better than balling them up until we explode.

The day sucked Bone, You'll get past it and maybe tomorrow will be a little better. I'm sad to report that, excluding the fact I've gotten very little sleep in the past few days I've been doing ok.
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Life is not crappy for everyone. It depends on how you look at it, depends on that you do with you life. Note that I was not commenting on the fact that everyone has crappy days, but instead the fact that so many people seem to hate their life. Reread my post. Put on your spectacles this time.
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If only they worked I would. When I said that I mean that bad stuff happens to everyone, context is just as important as wording. I like my life, it's pretty fun, as any college student's should be. Now to honest I think we should get back on topic before Anna start ripping are posts a new one again.
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Everyone has a bad day once in awhile…

Who remembers this:

> I was going to my fisrt class, it was about 12:30 PM and my front tire blew out about 8 dirving mins away from the college. I was a road where no stores or anything like that were around, just hills, so I looked in the back of my car, I had a tire, but no jack.
> Nobody answered the phones(I tried calling my mom and dad(who was on the road anyway)) and didn't get an answer…... So I locked up my car and started to walk to the college(I didn't want to get an absent)
> Well, I was in a tee shirt yet, and it started to snow and I started freezing, so I decided to turn back to the car(I was walking about a min). Then I sat by my car, trying to hitchhike a ride to the college (It was about 12:50, my class started at 1).
> When I wasn't sucsessfull hitchhiking(by 1:00), I figured I was going to miss my class, so I started trying to wave people down driving by. I mean, the road was pretty croweded, with 30 some cars passing me most of the time, so I tried to wave EVERY ONE OF THEM down, and nobody stopped(all I needed was a jack!). By this time it was snowing pretty hard, I was still in a tee shirt, and nobody was stoping to help me...
> I was able to get in touch with my mom about 2:00 or so(yea, an hour later *sigh*). She came with a jack, but since the car was on a hill, it kept falling over everytime we jacked it up, and on top of that, one of the bolts for the tire were stuck!
> So I finally was able to get in touch with my dad, and he drove from NJ(another hour and a half wait). Once he got there, he was able to change the tire(with all the high-tech car-stealing stuff he has for his car carrior job), but it took awhile...
> Once everything was done, we were in about an inch of snow(me with a tee shirt still, no coat), no heat(the car was almost out of gas, most of the time I had to wait in my dad's truck), and well... I was pretty pissed at this time... Anyway, once it was done, it was about 4:50 or so.
> Afterwords, we put the spare on, filled it up with air, and I drove to the college to write a note to my professor to explain what happened. I get to the college, write the letter, take about a half hour to relax(and treat my mom to dinner at the cantina), and then she gets in the minivan, I get in my car, and I head home...
> The road I needed to drive on to get home, is a narrow, 2-lane road(two way traffic, and no passing) with ALOT of curves... The road is like heack to drive on during the day in good condictions... At that time, it was icy and snow-covered. I was driving about 10-15 mph on that road, when the guy behind me started flashing his high beems and beeping his horn and all at me the entire 2-mile streatch. Once we got on the main road, he floored up next to me, looked at me and gave me the finger, then drove off in his little sports car, so I drove up to him, rolled down my window, he was looking at me.. .And I gave him the happyiest thumps up I could give... big smile and everything. He looked shocked, started yelling at me(his window was up, so I didn't hear him), and he ended up crashing into the person in front of him... I couldn't stop laiughing at that.. I loved it.. it was the only relitivly good part of the day...
> Anyway, I got gas for the car and got home (about 7ish)...... .That's when  I realized I forgot my backpac in the mail room, so I was going to drive back to the college, that's when I realized that the spare had a leak in it, and the air was almost gone in that tire. So I had to drive the minivan in a snow storm back up that dang road... I got to the college, just to find that the mailroom was closed, and I couldn't see my backpac (The mailroom wasn't suppose to close for another 10 mins though)...
> So at this point I was at the verdge of flipping out because I had some important assingments due that I was going to do yesteday, and I couldn't even do them that night, because everyhing I needed was in the backpac.
> I slowly drove home, went outside the car, slipped in the ice, and fell flat on my face in the front-snowcovered yard....
> That's when I flipped out... I layed there with my face in the snow for about 5 mins or so, then I got up, soaking wet, and saw my wallet on the floor.... so I picked it up, threw it somewhere, ran inside and started screming my head off...
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Wow Admiral and Bone those both suck. But ffs all you bunch of what nots moaning. Yeh sometimes life is bad sometimes its good thats why you should live it to the full. Bone I kinda don't beleive about the stoners thats probs a bit of exaggeration because almost anyone would of punched them or thought back within the first grabbing. I did Origami for four years so I'm almost a Black Belt in that. :P
Also who really cares? I mean cmon sorry and all that for the day being crap. But yeh sometimes you are unfortunate, pray or do whatever you beleive in. When ever I'm down I drive to tesco's and buy a Pot of Ben N Jerrys and get my GF round for the night to watch a film. It cheers me up. Seriously dudes like I meditate sometimes to calm myself but I lash out sometimes but just slow down and think things through the more you get flustered. Bone, should you really have walked down that alley by yourself? If you knew the area surely you knew it might've been dodgy? I mean be Street-Wise kid. I hope you reported to the police and your parents the mugging.


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@â™ :

> Dude… thats sucks big time. But, you know what they say:
> the night is darkest before the dawn, hahaha

why so serious?

Next time you decide to go down alleys, carry a burrito or something. Stoners will take the food over a wallet any day. I have a friend that once had his pizza stolen by a stoner. He then proceeded to putting the guy in a coma.
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