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What makes a good ORPG?


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It depends on the games overall feel, look and capture… Each to their own perspective.

I personally like a good storyline. A novel based RPG, one could say. There would need to be a captivating story, one that pulls me into my character.

I prefer a triple storyline to grinding. I like a linear leveling system. (3 kills = Level 2, 6 kills = Level 3, 12 kills = Level 4, etc..)

EXP systems feel too far fetched in formula, 5037486333 EXP to get to the next level is blah to me. I'd much rather have a greater Max Level.

The world, has to look like a world. I ain't playing on maps that make no sense, I have to feel the places I'm walking through.

I like a linear direction, But the allowance of exploration/roaming is granted. If a game doesn't have a linear direction to know where the next main place of the storyline then it's just wasting my time figuring it out.

You probably now notice that I'm speaking more on single player elements, that's because I rather play solo, so forcing me into joining parties for bosses and puzzles, will not work, I will quit the game if I can not beat bosses or complete puzzles solo.

In fact, the only reason why I'd prefer playing multiplayer over single player is because I like to chat, oh and the fact that if it's eclipse based, I like the battle system for some unknown reason..

Features? Sure, I don't mind either way if there are features or not, most features just tie the SP/MP (Single Player / Multiplayer) Elements together.

PvP, I don't mind PvP. I prefer having the ability to not be harrassed by it though, it's one thing to kill 2-3 times and another to cockblock a treasure chest or a narrow path that you actually need to progress further into the game.
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Wow, it totally surprised me that there are actually people who LIKE eclipse's battle system (Richy you crazy guy :D)

I would totally have said "Good combat mechanics". And with that I mean the total opposite of what eclipse has to offer right out of the box.

Good combat mechanics and a LOT of different gear pieces make most of the fun for me. Looting&Leveling is what I want from an ORPG. And that in a fun way.

I don't care for story at all, because it is kinda hard to feel special when killing the same stuff that soo many others have already killed. Good quests and good party functionality (Or guilds, guild battles etc.) are the cherry on top for me.

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Well the battle system in terms of, the real time hack and slash, as opposed to a turn based (Though I can deal with a turn based). Though turn based feels less skill involved to me, but a turn based like final fantasy tactics and then we're talking lol.

(And no, I don't like 666 posts lolol.)
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Well, to specificate, I'm more like combination of you two guys. Eclipse's combat system was and is something that bothers me the most and I can't really enjoy the game, where main part of it is figthing and combat system is not enjoyable for me. Apart from seal though, I do enjoy the story and it was a thing that kept me playing games like WoW a bit longer than I would've without it. It's also nice to see even smaller quests and dialogs seem to have at least a bit of meaning.
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A good story with some mystery. A world you can explore. There should be a set linear path but a player should be able to do a bit of wandering. A "expansive" skill/class system. Something that allows you to choose how you want your character to be and not have to be forced into a set bunch of skills or class.

For an online game, I'd like there to be certain things that can only be accomplished with a party but they shouldn't be key plot points, rather side things that players can do together, allowing solo players to progress through the story without needing to team up.

And puzzles and tricky stuff! :)
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> Or taking an already working idea and make it better. Like polishing the game and making it more accessible.

Very true, I believe that now-a-days 97% of the newest mmorpg's are based off of pre-existing ones with their own special features. What would be better is originality because sometimes it could be better to introduce new aspects of mmorpg elements in a form of self-creativity. I'm currently doing research and getting some type of genre most gamer's want to see in a new original game. I want to make new systems or elements in a game never before seen or brought up in a long time.

Keep it up guys!  :P

-Scott (Orbegon)
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Im going to summarize everyones post into a answer "What makes a good ORPG: Anything but the same generic crap that everone thinks must be in a game. Some of the greatest games do not have a pet system, linear spells, stackable item currentcy ec, ect. Get creative and original and do a good job at it…..no half assed crap."

- Sincerely ![](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/uploads/profile/photo-thumb-76741.jpg?_r=1387331422)
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> Im going to summarize everyones post into a answer "What makes a good ORPG: Anything but the same generic crap that everone thinks must be in a game. Some of the greatest games do not have a pet system, linear spells, stackable item currentcy ec, ect. Get creative and original and do a good job at it…..no half assed crap."

Good answer. Though some developers can pull it off.  :lol:
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There is no reason to get any other answers on this question.

What makes a good ORPG?

Absolutely nothing.


Because whatever you add, however you make it, there always will be people who will dislike it, and people who will like it.

So, bad or good doesn't really matter, but if it brings enough money you will stick with that and you will try to get more ideas to keep the players interested.

Once you got a Community, you won't have to worry about whether is good or bad for others than your community, who supports your game.
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> Im going to summarize everyones post into a answer "What makes a good ORPG: Anything but the same generic crap that everone thinks must be in a game. Some of the greatest games do not have a pet system, linear spells, stackable item currentcy ec, ect. Get creative and original and do a good job at it…..no half assed crap."

Some of the greatest games were only given the term "greatest" because there was room to be original back in the 90's…

We can get creative all we want, but I don't believe in originality in 2D games anymore... Anything original that may come from it, would just be a shadow of an era that's already evolved into something far greater.

100% of Eclipse plays 3D games, why's that? If you can answer that question honestly, then you'd agree with my above statements.

Otherwise, back to what I already said: STORYLINE, SIMPLICITY, COFFEE AND HOES!

Oh crap, I forgot the cigarettes...
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> Some of the greatest games were only given the term "greatest" because there was room to be original back in the 90's…
> We can get creative all we want, but I don't believe in originality in 2D games anymore... Anything original that may come from it, would just be a shadow of an era that's already evolved into something far greater.
> 100% of Eclipse plays 3D games, why's that? If you can answer that question honestly, then you'd agree with my above statements.
> Otherwise, back to what I already said: STORYLINE, SIMPLICITY, COFFEE AND HOES!
> Oh crap, I forgot the cigarettes...

Lol  like the last part, thanks for pointing this out.  :D
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> There is no reason to get any other answers on this question.
> What makes a good ORPG?
> Absolutely nothing.
> Why?
> Because whatever you add, however you make it, there always will be people who will dislike it, and people who will like it.
> So, bad or good doesn't really matter, but if it brings enough money you will stick with that and you will try to get more ideas to keep the players interested.
> Once you got a Community, you won't have to worry about whether is good or bad for others than your community, who supports your game.

Scared me a little but good point being made, I just want opinions on what you guys think a good orpg consists of.  :P

-Scott (Orbegon)
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