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PLT Gui Topic (Image Warning)


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I am remaking all of the GUI for my friends game, and I decided not to just let people see it when it's released, but to get critic on it to make sure it's any good.

Here is the In-Game GUI:  I've remade it because it's apparently really bad, took me about 22 minutes.

>! ![](http://a.imageshack.us/img827/1475/800x600.png)

This was the main menu mockup I made awhile back, the newer design is gold and white but is being remade.  So I'll just post this.

>! ![](http://a.imageshack.us/img704/3811/client001.png)

I'll put more up as they are made.

BTW; For Eclipse Stable, and I know it cannot use PNG.  I'm going to make them BMP images.
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0/10 it is literally painful to look at. Your color scheme is inconsistent, your abstract color effect is horrid and cheap, and your buttons not only do not go with the background well, but just look bad overall, and too large. And of course, that ridiculous watermark is ridiculous.
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The watermark over the top of it all is rediculous, for starters no ones going to steal it, trust me - but it's good you are proud of your work, just possibly a bit misguided in this case.

* Do the buttons need to be so overly large? ie there is alot of button for not alot of text…
* Yellow /white / Red great combo, it worked for McDonalds... but on the blue metallic background, it looks awful. Go for a neutral colour like Orange, because it will blend much better, as it consisits of the other 3 primaries you have used.
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Truly, I am hurt.  But I have heard that the blue doesn't work, so I changed it to red instead.  Just forgot to upload it.

I know the buttons are large, but I was planning on making the text go up and down or something.  Or I could just make then alot smaller.

@Devo: The watermark, you say nobody would steal it.  But you'd be surprised how stupid people are nowadays. 

And idjits please, you fail to realize that you couldn't even see most of the BG because the game window block it out.. =_=;;

For the rest of you, I have nothing to say.
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> Truly, I am hurt.  But I have heard that the blue doesn't work, so I changed it to red instead.  Just forgot to upload it.
> I know the buttons are large, but I was planning on making the text go up and down or something.  Or I could just make then alot smaller.
> **@Devo: The watermark, you say nobody would steal it.  But you'd be surprised how stupid people are nowadays.**  
> And idjits please, you fail to realize that you couldn't even see most of the BG because the game window block it out.. =_=;;
> For the rest of you, I have nothing to say.

Well, that sorta sounded like if people were stupid, they would steal this… anyway...

Mate, take a step back from your computer screen...

Look at it again.

These people are not trying to be mean, but you need to take the criticism, whether it be good or bad. Clearly from the general response, you need to pretty much scrap this and start again.  You dont seem to want to work with the suggestions, so why bother putting it up for crit?

I wasnt even close to being honest, had I been, then I guarantee you would have been hurt quite a bit more, but theres no point to that. There is a point to trying to help you create a better example of the vision you are trying to portray, and all we are simply saying  (and no, not in the most positive way) is basically... "mate, go back to the drawing board...."

I can think of a thousand different options you would have for a pokemon game, its not like you are limited to any palettes or styles. The only generic thing you need to keep is the Poke font...

look here is one i did for someone on here years ago... im not saying this is good, in fact now i hate it, but what im saying is dont get hung up on your first draft... often ill scrap 20 before im happy with one. Ive done more pokemon GUI's and crap for so many different spin off fan indie games ive lost count, so when i say im familiar with those cute little things i like to strap to the front of my pickup truck, Im familiar with them.. and like i said, you are not limited to any theme.
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I see your point.. I may have come off as such but I am willing to change it, which is the reason I posted it.  I just wasn't expecting a swarm of almost flaming pure hatred for what I had done.  I feel stupid for being proud of calling it art after reading this…

I do want to change it, but.. my creative ego has been destroyed.  I've gotten everything but the background.. I just can't decide what to use for it.  Random abstracts don't fit the theme, but I don't know what else to use.. I am truly at an artistic block.  My creativity died.

I don't really know what steps to go for, and what I should avoid.
I keep trying to remake the BG in all it's ugliness, but I always come out with more garbage.  So that's keeping me from any kind of emotional joy, lol.

I do thank you for the critic, and I appreciate you not being fully honest.  OR I may have given up art forever, not.  I do appreciate all the critic, but at the time I was reading it I got frustrated because it was so much harsher than I'd imagined.  Like Robin saying his eyes were burning after looking at it, that is what struck the biggest blow to my ego.

But all in all, I will redo what I have redone.  My apologies for posting my.. garbage..
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No don't apologise for posting it lol, you post it to get crit so you can become better at what it is you are trying to do.

Really, being honest, in my many years of forum trolling, this really isnt all that bad, now i read all the comments in full, even Kreators comment was constructive (lol go check some of his other posts, i think you will find you were let off lightly :) )

So don't take it to heart, try again, you only get better with practice.
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I know all of the constructive comments, and I understand them to the fullest.. but Robin's comment is still pure flame in the best way possible.  I am now doing my best to think of a better way to "portray" the image I want everyone to see.  I will post it once I feel it is acceptable.
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> I know all of the constructive comments, and I understand them to the fullest.. but Robin's comment is still pure flame in the best way possible.  I am now doing my best to think of a better way to "portray" the image I want everyone to see.  I will post it once I feel it is acceptable.

Robin was born of Fire and Brimstone, flames come naturally.
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> I know all of the constructive comments, and I understand them to the fullest.. but Robin's comment is still pure flame in the best way possible.  I am now doing my best to think of a better way to "portray" the image I want everyone to see.  I will post it once I feel it is acceptable.

I was browsing the forum at God-knows what time in the morning with no lights on. When I saw your GUI, the bright colours actually dazzled me and hurt my eyes.

I suggest you go look at game GUIs. Not Eclipse ones, most of them are horrible, go look at actual GUIs from MMOs.
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> @TheRexion:
> > I know all of the constructive comments, and I understand them to the fullest.. but Robin's comment is still pure flame in the best way possible.  I am now doing my best to think of a better way to "portray" the image I want everyone to see.  I will post it once I feel it is acceptable.
> I was browsing the forum at God-knows what time in the morning with no lights on. When I saw your GUI, the bright colours actually dazzled me and hurt my eyes.
> I suggest you go look at game GUIs. _Not Eclipse ones, most of them are horrible_, go look at actual GUIs from MMOs.

that i do agree with…

No one creates anything original anymore.. and even the half decent ones are just silverdale UI rips.. and bad ones..

Same as the maps I see.

Is it just me? or is there absolutely no possibility that anyone can impress me with their mapping skills using the boggo standard rmxp tileset?

Have I just seen too many maps using the same tiles? jezuz...
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> that I do agree with…
> No one creates anything original anymore.. and even the half decent ones are just silverdale UI rips.. and bad ones..
> Same as the maps I see.
> Is it just me? or is there absolutely no possibility that anyone can impress me with their mapping skills using the boggo standard rmxp tileset?
> Have I just seen too many maps using the same tiles? jezuz...

I try and create something original every time I go back to a game, but it always gets ripped off by so many people that it's not original any more. xD

I agree with the RMXP comment. It wasn't a good set to begin with, and the horrible standard of the maps people make with it has made it so I can never look at an RMXP game the same way again.
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> @Tyr:
> > Not at all.
> >arguing that someone's opinion is wrong.
> lolol.

>implying that your comment is valid.

Anyway, yeah. That GUI is terrible. Get rid of that watermark first of all. I actually can't even give you any comments cause I can't fucking see the GUI itself.

- Adulese
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