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Konma 2D V1.8! Check out the new changes.


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Game is redone, there will be races instead of classes, because classes is bold and  bland, each race has its benefits, all races can wield same weapons, armor etc. There can be many possibilities, it is balanced aswell. You could be a pure, a hybrid, a person with a bow, and magic. As this game is PvP heavy, but we still need players!

**Konma Online briefing:**
During a unknown time when the power of mana possesed the world, on a vast and rocky island you awaken to discover that, you and your crew had ship wrecked. To your astonishment no one had been injured out of the group. In a attempt to search for shelter, a old man encounters you. He is not surprised by the ship wreck, the magical tides have protected the islands of konma from outside forces. The old man tells you that it is not safe out here, and he takes you under his shelter.  You and your five crew members settle down and question what the old man meant when he said that the island was guarded by magical tides. He began to explain that before the ship had wrecked, there was a break in the magical barrier. The island had been protected by five guilds for centuries. The guilds were the fighters, wizards, assassins, rangers, and the guardians. When all of these guilds worked together they were a elite force. But there was always those whom seek power, and that is what came from a guild that wanted domination, the dragons guild. Now yourself and the crew are stranded on a island with no prior knowledge of these dragons, the man tells you to head south to a town called riverside view, all of your questions can be answered there../ or at least that is what you had in mind, this is were your story begins..

Game information
Version: Final Beta 1.7
Gfx: Most of my sprites and tiles are custom, the npcs are mostly ripped and then just made smaller.
Gui: By adam.
Planned lvl cap: 30
Overworld- Mostly PvP.
Website: Currently in progress
Download updated as of 6/11/2012 [http://www.filedropper.com/konma2dbeta](http://www.filedropper.com/konma2dbeta)

If you use this mirror! you must change the ip to Konma2d.no-ip.biz
Download2:Filefront [http://www.gamefront.com/files/21835323/Konma+2D+Beta.rar](http://www.gamefront.com/files/21835323/Konma+2D+Beta.rar)

Races For more information read the Guide listed at the bottom of the post.





Gameplay Features (Is there a need to say?)
Custom music soundtrack
-Garage band
Drop system

Ranking system
-Commander chief

-Crafting - Not a lot but if i remember there was a few items also that you could craft, i think that was added near the death of the open beta.
-Lore Writing - Somewhat in the game u can do a few things with it.
Player hotels(These can be very benificial and are mapped by me on open locations.)
Player hotel additional features
-Mining Spot
-Crafting Spot
-Warps (must purchase these seperately)

I am doing this project alone at the minuet, with some help from others, no its nothing special or anything amazing, just a small 2D game that i intend to ensure is balanced.

World map:






Heres one that is of town, just trying to be creative.


This is a example of the second boss, he is very difficult and impossible to solo unless you far surpass him, he has a long history, and has been hidden within these tunnels for ages. It requires to defeat his a mini boss, to gain a key that has imprisoned this demon for 1000's of years upon the begging days of the digging of the tunnels. Slaying him can offer both challenge and good loot, but if you manage to defeat this cursed demon, then you are indeed a warrior.

**Recommended Players**: At least 1 Tanker, Healer and DPS, overall i recommend at least 3 players.
**Solo recommend:** Only solo if you are greatly stronger then him, it should be obvious when this is.

Overall Difficulty: Very Hard

Konma Online Weapons and armor statistics and guide. 6/12/2012 Look over any grammar errors.

Humans gain a racial bonus +3def.
Demons gain a racial bonus of +3magic
Undead gain a racial bonus of +3str
Lizards gain a racial bonus of +1str +2def
Elfs gain a racial bonuds of +3speed

As every class can wield the same items, this opens many possibilites for builds, and ideas. Despite the shops, not
offering descriptions for stats, this is a guide that you can use to determine what items you want to wear. And allows you
to choose if you want to have better def, or more offense.

Consider each class starts with 10 even stat points (Though for each race they get +3 to specific stats)
You gain 15 every 5 levels.

Considering if you want to wear armor or be a pure, as no item has a level req.

15 Points to spend.
Swords: You spend 8 points for a sword leaving you 7 for a shield.
Enforced sword/Req:50Str
Thrashing Blade/Req:58Str

Bows: You spend 5 points into str, and 2 points into speed this leaves you 8 for armor, as you can't wear a shield
Swiftbow:/Req:20str /15 speed
Florebow:/Req:30str /19Speed

Daggers: You spend 8 points into str/speed leaving you 7 for a shield.
3 intro str, and 5 into speed.
Small Kriss:Req/13str/15speed
Iron dagger:Req/16str/20speed
Leather claws:Req/19str/25Speed
Steel Claws:Req/22str/30Speed

Staves: You spend 8 points into magic, leaving you 7 for a shield .
Wooden stave:/Req:18Magic
Felion stave:/Req:26Magic
Kaim stave:/Req:34Magic
Maihem stave:/Req:42Magic
Tahelm stave:/Req:50Magic
Reinbalmed Stave:/Req:58Magic

Spears: You spend 7 points into str leaving you 8 points for armor, and shield.
Steel Spear:/req:17str
Fortified Spear:/Req:24Str
Triple tip spear:/Req:31Str
Mithril Spear:/Req:38Str

Shields: Your left over 7 points can be put into shields, if you desire, unless you want to go pure!
Steel Kiteshield:/Req:24Def

Armor: Your left over 8 points can be put here into armor, if you desire unless you want to go pure!
Bronze Plate:/Req:18Def
Silver Plate:/Req:26Def
Chain Mail:/Req:34Def
Swift Plate:/Req:42Def
Gilded Plate:/Req:50Def
Guardian Plate:/Req:58 Armor

Spells are for all classes, so you can use them if you have the magic.
Flare:/Req 18 Magic
Bubbles:/Req 26 Magic
Ice strike:/Req 34Magic
Blaze:/Req 42 Magic
Divine Heal:/Req 50 Magic
Boulder:/Req 58 Magic
Devistating Strike:/Req 66 Magic
Snare:/Req 18 Magic
Confused:/Req 20 Magic
Rage is a special spell that only requires you to find it, it is very rare and requires no magic +50% strengh, and drains
25% of your life and 100% of your mana. Last only 8 Seconds.

Healing potions can be purchased at the potion store in riverside view. It is worth carrying some at almost any time.
small heal + 12
Medium heal + 24
Large heal + 32
Small mana + 12
Medium mana + 24
Large mana + 32

Tip# Buy a riverside scroll, these destroy upon use, but can save your life in those tight situations!
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Okay i appreciate the approval.

Some news already, i am going to divide the game up into acts, yes acts like D2…, each act introduces, not only new style in terrian, but different unique creatures, and dungeons, of course all this alongside with the new towns.

Also i got another town underway, this is basically the third well if you could call it a dungeon, then that would be what it is called rather it is a slave camp. The goblins are a hated race among konma through twisted neglect, and hatred these creatures form no peace with any other then themselves. 


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Okay so today the first boss has been killed, it taken about 3 players and some major teamwork. Anyways i want people to try this out! Here is a few screenies of just some random things i were working on.

Buying a player house has never been more simple, no contracts, so no paperwork! just buy yourself a key! *Note only one key per house, if you are inactive your house is posted for sale after 2 months*

The slave camp is what i am working on, the civilizations of the north have become jealous of the slave trade, and all of its inflation that it has brought the nomadic tribes of the south.

Currently i have only 4 main players well ones that are active, there really have been no one else that has joined, so we still need players, as a matter of fact no one has tested out the guardian class!
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There had been a wipe, due to some circumstances, and resulting in this was accidental deletion of three days worth of work, it is very sad now that i must go back and do it all over, also that i had lost what seems like half of my community. None the less i will continue this project, luckily i had a backed up server from the day of release. I hope to see people online from here to play, as now we will be needing more players. The expected time of recovery is august 8th, around 4Pm eastern.

And here is the world map done by hiro.


Just right click and save, then you can view the map.
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> Wicker, I'm Castlevania/Estec. Seeing as it doesn't have a job for me posted on there, I'm kind of a scripter/mapper.

You are still listed under the staff list, i had attempted to contact you on, xw forums, and also told you to feel free to return at any time.

And to answer your question zetasis, you are correct.
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