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First time doing any graphic work at all


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hey guys, yes i know, it's a god damn miracle that i am actually trying to do graphical work but i find it fun! and i decided to post it to the public! :D

>! ![](http://i.imgur.com/OoFLHtg.png)

It's not much right now but it's what I've made so far, keep in mind I AM STILL LEARNING… anywho, I'll update this post when I've made more work!
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> You might want to try a 2, 1, 2 pixel slant with the hearts, I'm just going to say, to me, they look like hearts, but bad hearts, I think they might want to have a different angle of the line, or make it a curve or something, just my two cents.

I appreciate the feedback! as I said before, I'm still learning! lol, but yea, I can kinda understand what you mean with the heart but the dark area is meant to be like a shadow, you know? either way, thanks for the feedback!
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I'm no pixel artist, but I suppose it always helps to know the basics for sprite touch-ups/modifying, etc.

At 1x:

The one above is assuming that you're working to 32x32, the one to the right is assuming that you're 16x16.

For either case: make use of your canvas. Your hearts could be bigger, especially if they have such a relatively large shadow and especially considering that they're to be used (I assume?) to display key information.

As stated by Mohenjo Daro; note that curves progress from 1 hop to 2 hops to 3, back to 2 and 1 again.

Maybe slightly change the palette. I left it as is, but if I were to modify it further, I would make the outline lighter and the shadows darker.
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As an artist, I suggest you to go with your style, do not modify the hearts, looks way better than what Carim posted above.

What you did wrong is pretty much the color saturation, it's 100% Saturated, wich not only that it's pretty bad for eyes but also the colors will never go well with eachother.
Try to desaturate the colors a bit, and the highlight shouldn't mean just a brighter tone of the same color, try adding a different lighter color as highlight, maybe something more to orange and such.

Like I did in this example:

In your show off, the frame where the Heart takes damage, it's background blends too much with everything wich is bad, and very hard to see if you actually took damage and how much you have left.
So, I went for a darker color, and fewer frames, since you really don't need that many on such a small heart.
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Very good for your first work, Growlithe. Though when using different shades of the same color for example, the darker and lighter reds in your hearts, try to hue-shift. If you're making a red darker shift the hue more towards red and when making a brighter shade of red tilt the hue more towards yellow. In pixel art little changes like these can make a huge difference in the way your art is perceived at 100%. Also when using grey colors, dont use a flat grey, use a very lowly saturated purple or blue, it gives it a much more crisp look.

Here is a brief example of what I mean.


If you ever want any help or just want to ask a question feel free to pm me :) and nice work, keep it up and you'll be a pixel artist in no time.
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