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  1. Justn

    NPC Walk/Run Option

    Well this is a simple mod that lets you select whether you want a npc to walk or run.. I know this might not seem very usefull but works well for me.. You might want to tweak the speeds and or walking AI to get it how you want. This system was made by Captian Wabbit all credit to him.. Should work on all versions of EO **SERVER AND CLIENT** **modTypes-** Be sure to add this to both the server and client under **NpcRec** before **End Type: (if its not already there)** ``` speed as long ``` **Client Only-** **modGameLogic-** Find: **Sub ProcessNpcMovement** and replace the sub with: ``` Sub ProcessNpcMovement(ByVal MapNpcNum As Long) ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler Dim NPC_WALK_SPEED As Long ' Check if NPC is walking, and if so process moving them over If MapNpc(MapNpcNum).Moving = MOVING_WALKING Then If MapNpc(MapNpcNum).Num = 0 Then NPC_WALK_SPEED = 3 Else Select Case NPC(MapNpc(MapNpcNum).Num).Speed Case 0 NPC_WALK_SPEED = 2 Case Else NPC_WALK_SPEED = 6 End Select End If Select Case MapNpc(MapNpcNum).Dir Case DIR_UP MapNpc(MapNpcNum).yOffset = MapNpc(MapNpcNum).yOffset - ((ElapsedTime / 1000) * (NPC_WALK_SPEED * SIZE_X)) If MapNpc(MapNpcNum).yOffset < 0 Then MapNpc(MapNpcNum).yOffset = 0 Case DIR_DOWN MapNpc(MapNpcNum).yOffset = MapNpc(MapNpcNum).yOffset + ((ElapsedTime / 1000) * (NPC_WALK_SPEED * SIZE_X)) If MapNpc(MapNpcNum).yOffset > 0 Then MapNpc(MapNpcNum).yOffset = 0 Case DIR_LEFT MapNpc(MapNpcNum).xOffset = MapNpc(MapNpcNum).xOffset - ((ElapsedTime / 1000) * (NPC_WALK_SPEED * SIZE_X)) If MapNpc(MapNpcNum).xOffset < 0 Then MapNpc(MapNpcNum).xOffset = 0 Case DIR_RIGHT MapNpc(MapNpcNum).xOffset = MapNpc(MapNpcNum).xOffset + ((ElapsedTime / 1000) * (NPC_WALK_SPEED * SIZE_X)) If MapNpc(MapNpcNum).xOffset > 0 Then MapNpc(MapNpcNum).xOffset = 0 End Select ' Check if completed walking over to the next tile If MapNpc(MapNpcNum).Moving > 0 Then If MapNpc(MapNpcNum).Dir = DIR_RIGHT Or MapNpc(MapNpcNum).Dir = DIR_DOWN Then If (MapNpc(MapNpcNum).XOffset >= 0) And (MapNpc(MapNpcNum).YOffset >= 0) Then MapNpc(MapNpcNum).Moving = 0 If MapNpc(MapNpcNum).Step = 1 Then MapNpc(MapNpcNum).Step = 3 Else MapNpc(MapNpcNum).Step = 1 End If End If Else If (MapNpc(MapNpcNum).XOffset
  2. Screenshots look kinda stupid really needs a video to show how it looks =p [![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/fc32cefdaecbf071cfc5dde6126abb47.PNG)](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/#fc32cefdaecbf071cfc5dde6126abb47.PNG) [![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/aeaeac19967a713e6dcc429c8c77a617.PNG)](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/#aeaeac19967a713e6dcc429c8c77a617.PNG)
  3. Hello this tutorial will show you how to add a simple Snow/Rain setting for your maps.. I will also show you how to make a button on your server panel to toggle the weather on and off… I know there is already another weather system posted but this one seems to have alot less code but use whatever one you want. This system was created by Captian Wabbit and I had paid him for this about a year ago. All Credits are to Wabbit and also Scott for fixing an issue. [![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/fc32cefdaecbf071cfc5dde6126abb47.PNG)](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/#fc32cefdaecbf071cfc5dde6126abb47.PNG) **-Client-** First off open your **client.vbp**. Next add the **rain.bmp** and **snow.bmp** files to your **Client/DataFiles/Graphics/** folder… Please note that these graphics arent mine and you **DO NOT** have premission to use them and are only included for testing… **In modtypes-** Find near the top: **Public Party As PartyRec** under it add: ``` Public RainDrop(0 To 200) As RainDropRec ``` Find : **maprec** and at the bottom before **End Type** add: ``` Weather As Long ' 0 = None 1 = Rain 2 = Snow ``` Then add this at the bottom of **modTypes:** ``` Public Type RainDropRec X As Long Y As Long InMotion As Long End Type ``` **In modGameLogic-** In the **GameLoop** at the top find: **Dim tmr100 As Long** under it add: ``` Dim tmr10000 As Long, RainTick As Long, RainUpdateTick As Long ``` In the **GameLoop** towards the top look for: ``` ' *** Start GameLoop *** Do While InGame Tick = GetTickCount ' Set the inital tick ElapsedTime = Tick - FrameTime ' Set the time difference for time-based movement FrameTime = Tick ``` Under it add: ``` ' update rain If RainTick < Tick And Map.Weather > 0 Then GenerateRainWave If Map.Weather = 1 Then RainTick = Tick + 100 ' reset time ElseIf Map.Weather = 2 Then RainTick = Tick + 1000 End If End If If RainUpdateTick < Tick And Map.Weather > 0 Then UpdateRainDrops ' update If Map.Weather = 1 Then RainUpdateTick = Tick + 10 ElseIf Map.Weather = 2 Then RainUpdateTick = Tick + 50 End If End If ``` At the bottom of **ModGameLogic** add: ``` Public Sub GenerateRainDrop(ByVal RainIndex As Long) ' generate raindrop RainDrop(RainIndex).X = Rand(1, frmMain.picScreen.Width) RainDrop(RainIndex).Y = 0 RainDrop(RainIndex).InMotion = 1 End Sub Public Sub GenerateRainWave() Dim i As Long ' generate a wave For i = 1 To Rand(1, 3) GenerateRainDrop FindRainSlot If Map.Weather = 2 Then Exit Sub Next End Sub Public Function FindRainSlot() Dim i As Long, RainMax As Long If Map.Weather = 1 Then RainMax = 25 Else RainMax = 15 ' check if in motion For i = 1 To RainMax If RainDrop(i).InMotion = 0 Then Exit For End If Next ' replace rain FindRainSlot = i End Function Public Sub UpdateRainDrops() Dim i As Long, RainMax As Long If Map.Weather = 1 Then RainMax = 25 Else RainMax = 15 ' loop through all raindrops For i = 1 To RainMax If Not RainDrop(i).InMotion = 0 Then RainDrop(i).Y = RainDrop(i).Y + 5 ' if it's past the screen, reset. If RainDrop(i).Y > frmmain.picscreen.height Then RainDrop(i).InMotion = 0 End If End If Next End Sub ``` **modClientTCP-** In Sub **SendMap** find: **Buffer.WriteByte .Moral** under it add: ``` Buffer.WriteLong .Weather ``` **frmEditor_MapProperties-** Find this line of Code: Private Sub cmdOk_Click()… Now Under: .BootY = Val(txtBootY.text) add: ``` .Weather = cmbWeather.ListIndex ``` **modDatabase-** In Sub **SaveMap** above this line: **Close #f** add: ``` Put #f, , Map.Weather ``` in Sub **LoadMap** above this line: **Close #f** add: ``` Get #f, , Map.Weather ``` **modGameEditors-** Find this in **MapEditorProperties:** ``` ' rest of it .txtUp.text = CStr(Map.Up) .txtDown.text = CStr(Map.Down) .txtLeft.text = CStr(Map.Left) .txtRight.text = CStr(Map.Right) .cmbMoral.ListIndex = Map.Moral .txtBootMap.text = CStr(Map.BootMap) .txtBootX.text = CStr(Map.BootX) .txtBootY.text = CStr(Map.BootY) ``` Under it Add; ``` .cmbWeather.ListIndex = Map.Weather ``` **modDirectDraw7** Ok at the bottom of the **' gfx buffers** declerations add: ``` Public DDS_Rain As DirectDrawSurface7 Public DDS_Snow As DirectDrawSurface7 ``` Then right under those at the bottom of the **'descriptions** declerations add: ``` Public DDSD_Rain As DDSURFACEDESC2 Public DDSD_Snow As DDSURFACEDESC2 ``` Now in **InitSurfaces** find: **' load persistent surfaces** At the bottom of those add: ``` If FileExist(App.Path & "\data files\graphics\rain.bmp", True) Then Call InitDDSurf("rain", DDSD_Rain, DDS_Rain) If FileExist(App.Path & "\data files\graphics\snow.bmp", True) Then Call InitDDSurf("snow", DDSD_Snow, DDS_Snow) ``` Next Find this whole chunk of code: ``` ' blt the hover icon For i = 1 To Player_HighIndex If IsPlaying(i) Then If Player(i).Map = Player(MyIndex).Map Then If CurX = Player(i).X And CurY = Player(i).Y Then If myTargetType = TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER And myTarget = i Then ' dont render lol Else BltHover TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER, i, (Player(i).X * 32) + Player(i).xOffset, (Player(i).Y * 32) + Player(i).yOffset End If End If End If End If Next For i = 1 To Npc_HighIndex If MapNpc(i).Num > 0 Then If CurX = MapNpc(i).X And CurY = MapNpc(i).Y Then If myTargetType = TARGET_TYPE_NPC And myTarget = i Then ' dont render lol Else BltHover TARGET_TYPE_NPC, i, (MapNpc(i).X * 32) + MapNpc(i).xOffset, (MapNpc(i).Y * 32) + MapNpc(i).yOffset End If End If End If Next ``` Under it add this: ``` ' if map has rain If Map.Weather > 0 And InMapEditor = False Then ' rain drops Dim G As Long, RainRect As DxVBLib.RECT, RainMax As Long ' check if we've loaded the raindrop If DDS_Rain Is Nothing Then Call InitDDSurf("rain.bmp", DDSD_Rain, DDS_Rain) ElseIf DDS_Snow Is Nothing Then Call InitDDSurf("snow.bmp", DDSD_Snow, DDS_Snow) End If ' setup raindrop rec With rec .Top = 0 .Bottom = 2 .Left = 0 .Right = 14 End With ' less drops for snow If Map.Weather = 1 Then RainMax = 25 Else RainMax = 15 ' loop through all raindrops For G = 1 To RainMax If RainDrop(G).InMotion = 1 Then ' render the rain If Map.Weather = 1 Then ' rain Call Engine_BltFast(Camera.Left + RainDrop(G).X, Camera.Top + RainDrop(G).Y, DDS_Rain, RainRect, DDBLTFAST_WAIT Or DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY) Else ' snow Call Engine_BltFast(Camera.Left + RainDrop(G).X, Camera.Top + RainDrop(G).Y, DDS_Snow, RainRect, DDBLTFAST_WAIT Or DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY) End If End If Next End If ``` **modHandleData-** Ok in **Sub HandleMapDat**a above this: **ClearTempTile** add: ``` Map.Weather = Buffer.ReadLong ``` **Form Work: frmEditor_MapProperties:** Add a **combo box** and name it **CmbWeather**. Now in the **list** add These three things: **None, Rain, Snow** Should be it for the Client Side. Now for the easy Server Side: **Server-** Open your Server.vbp **modDataBase-** In Sub **SaveMap** above **Close #F** add: ``` Put #F, , Map(mapnum).Weather ``` In Sub **LoadMaps** above **Close #F** add: ``` Get #F, , Map(i).Weather ``` **modHandleData-** In Sub **HandleMapData** under: **Map(mapnum).Moral = Buffer.ReadByte** Add: ``` Map(mapnum).Weather = Buffer.ReadLong ``` **modServerTCP-** In Sub **mapcache_create** above:**MapCache(mapnum).Data = Buffer.ToArray()** Add: ``` Buffer.WriteLong Map(mapnum).Weather ``` **In modtypes-** Find : **maprec** and at the bottom before **End Type** add: ``` Weather As Long ' 0 = None 1 = Rain 2 = Snow ``` **Optional-** Now that is done you will have a working weather system… but always having to edit a maps weather everytime you want to turn it off and on is kinda lame.. I know there are better ways to have random or map by map toggle but here is a simple button i made to turn it off and on via the server... **Server AND CLIENT** modEnumerations- Add the following to both the client.vbp and server.vbp modenurmerations list: ``` SSendWeather ``` modGlobals- Add this to both the Server and Client modGlobals at the bottom: ``` Public Rainon As Boolean ``` **Server-** modServerTCP add this to the bottom: ``` Sub SendWeather() Dim Buffer As clsBuffer Set Buffer = New clsBuffer Buffer.WriteLong SSendWeather If Rainon = True Then Buffer.WriteLong 1 Else Buffer.WriteLong 0 End If SendDataToAll Buffer.ToArray() Set Buffer = Nothing End Sub ``` ModGeneral- In InitServer above:' Check if the directory is there, if its not make it add: ``` Rainon = False ``` modPlayer- IN sub JoinGame find: ' Send some more little goodies, no need to explain these Below the other Calls add: ``` Call SendWeather ``` Form Work frmServer: Make a command button somewhere on the server control panel. Double Click the new button and add this: ``` If Rainon = True Then Rainon = False Call SendWeather Else Rainon = True Call SendWeather End If ``` **Client-** modHandleData- Add this near the top under the other ones: ``` HandleDataSub(SSendWeather) = GetAddress(AddressOf HandleSendWeather) ``` Add this to the bottom of modHandleData: ``` Private Sub HandleSendWeather(ByVal Index As Long, ByRef Data() As Byte, ByVal StartAddr As Long, ByVal ExtraVar As Long) Dim Buffer As clsBuffer Dim Temp As Byte Set Buffer = New clsBuffer Buffer.WriteBytes Data() Temp = Buffer.ReadLong If Temp = 1 Then Rainon = True If Temp = 0 Then Rainon = False Set Buffer = Nothing End Sub ``` modDirectDraw7 Find this line: ``` ' if map has rain If Map.Weather > 0 And InMapEditor = False Then ``` And change it too this: ``` ' if map has rain If Map.Weather > 0 And InMapEditor = False And Rainon = True Then ``` That should be it… If you have a bigger picscreen size and want more rain drops find all the maxrain numbers and make them higher =)
  4. Wtf is the point of stealing 30 million dollars worth of syrup they said on the news there were gonna sell it on the black market? I got that knock off maple bro 2 dollars
  5. But there is also a fix posted as well… You will need visual basic 6... Or just use EO2.3 it has the fix already on it
  6. Yea its a known bug I think soul posted a fix for it awhile back I think it just changes index to myindex… I'll try to find it
  7. Wow had no idea there was an iPhone version.. that's still the telltale games one right? Ok I really don't like telltale games as a company during my wonderful experience with this game. First off let me say the gameplay/story far outway anything negative I'm about to say.. ok episode 1 came out and I didnt notice hardy anything wrong with it except two times it kinda hung up for.a.sec.between scenes which kinda was.lame.. then episode 2 came out and it was even worse with the glitches.. but it still didn't matter the story was so good and thrilling it didn't cross my mind like it did in the first… And after each episode it does a "next time on walking dead" and plays a teaser of the.next episode with some of ur choices showing.. and they were completely glitched most of time.. well when i downloaded episode three I started a new game from.episode 1 and i noticed those all seemed to be.fixed and episode 3 was not buggy at all on my end. I'm using the xbox version.. Another problem I have is with telltale when I paid for the first episode it said that they were releasing 1 a month cool right.. well epsiode 2 didn't come out for over 2 months. And telltale never even mentioned anything about till 3 days before it came out.. episode 3 they said august which was still 2 more months after the second one but atleast they said.something... But for only 25 bucks after all 5 are out I'm sure its well worth it.. I would have paid 60 bucks for this game.. but duck u telltale games as a whole
  8. Not sure if anyone has tried this out yet but after 3 of the 5 episodes I must say this is the most fun I have had with a game in awhile… I have never been a fan of the old adventure games genre but this game is special. You play as a dude named lee and ur a convicted murderer on his way to prison. You never make it to prison and yet find yourself in the beginning parts of a zombie apocalypse.. you take shelter in a home where u meet a young girl and you two a forced to try to survive... The game is very much not an action game but still has lots of gruesome zombie killing. One example is smashing a zombie kid in the face over and over again with a hammer to kill it... This game as with the walking dead comics and show focuses on the characters living in the world rather than the zombies themselves. This seems lame but after the first 15 mins I was hooked. You are forced to make to split second decisions that will affect everything from choosing who gets to eat that day, to if u should chop a trapped man's leg off with am ax(which is horribly gruesome, takes a few swings) and even whether or not you should shoot a ladies infected child. every action or dialogue choice you make is saved and other characters remember everything you say and do and it carries over to each episode.. by the end of the 5th episode your survivors and story will be very different from mine.. I have never played a game where I felt so involved in the story or the main character.. I wanted to make my character a "good guy" in the first episode where the decisions seem pretty clear good/bad.. but now I'm find myself acting like the main character making decisions to survivor and not trying to be good or bad.. and its the game that does to you.. its awesome possum possum possum how a game can pull me into a world that much. I suggest anyone who is not offended by gory stuff or strong language to check this game out.. I can't wait for the final two episodes. Oh did I mention its only 5 bucks per episode. Each episode is about 2 1/2 to 3 hours long.
  9. Justn

    Map size

    > Go to Map editior in admin and change dimensions ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png) Get out… Slasher I sent u a pm also
  10. Justn

    Map size

    Hmm I heard that happen to other people too I have never had that with 50x50 but never tried 100x100
  11. Justn

    Map size

    I dont get what the problem is… It takes two seconds to change the map size in the map editor.. you could have changed them all manually by now ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
  12. Justn


    Well haven't played this game in forever.. I played for a few days after dawngaurd came out but meh, didn't really suck me in… Just heard about the new dlc Hearthfire... Being that I play this and most of the newer elder scrolls games on xbox im really kinda excited about this update... I know its kinda lame.no new.quest no new enemies but this is something very new gameplay wise than I'm use to from an elder scrolls game.. anyone else looking forward to this new dlc next week?
  13. Justn

    Map Links

    Hmm I was looking at this very same thing a few weeks ago.. robin said it was probably a safe bet it was a good system.. who is Emily BTW and is she still around I'm curious to know about this system also?
  14. Ok thanks man its just because I use the currency item type for a number of others things and it wouldnt work out for me. Thanks for sharing never noticed this bug before
  15. Can i skip the first step if i want only item #1 to be counted in the gold label?
  16. If u just deleted the music and sounds u need to delete all the maps and npcs and items ect basically everything… Anything that tries to load a music file will give u an error...
  17. nice tutorial bro I like the spelling errors but i do also like what soul said about adding additional comments… Glad u shared the code seems useful for some people
  18. Does that make sense to do? Or would it be better just to make 2 different attributes one for turning off the layer and one for turning it back on?
  19. Ok so i have been helping my friend with a EO 2.3 project.. we have a roof system that was ripped from alatars house system.. basically there is a layer called roofs and when I player steps on a thresholds tile attribute the roof will toggle on and off.. the problem is when a player lets say walks left to right and steps on the tile the roof layer goes away.. that's what we want.. the problem is if the player doesn't continue to walk across the tile and decides to turn around and walk back the way they came the roof layer will be still off even though they are not inside a building I know its not a huge deal but kinda messes things up cause if they go back into the building the roof will turn back on making the system run backwards.. my question is does EO have a function for getting the direction the player just came from to prevent this? Any advice on how to fix this would be very helpful and if u need more info such as pics or code let me know ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
  20. Justn

    New Site

    I love it.. looks more clean in my opinion and the new features are a must I think.. I spend most of my eclipse time on my cell phone and this new site loads faster I can read and reply to topics better… Really is a huge improvement I don't pay much attention to the look of the site i just glad its easy to read and use.. once i get use to it it will be amazing and simple
  21. Well you are adding 3 modules full of code.. not sure if its all used cause it looks to be ripped from something else but still may be wasteful.. I had been using ths on my lower end pc to map with no visible issues. I'll probably just remove it before i release the game.. if anyone else could maybe download the files and take a look any info would be helpful.
  22. Justn

    (EO)House System

    If u don't want to delete ur maps just remove all the stuff for the signs (data4 stuff) worked for me ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
  23. Well that sucks I started using this cause i didn't notice a performance drop but only tested with a few players.. the only reason i was using is my client size went from 450mb to 60 :/ guess I will remove it thanks for the info Joyce
  24. Err I had a feeling the new site would jack up the index and it did.. if u guys give me a day or so I will get it back up. I don't really see an easy way to six it besides redoing the whole thing which it needs anyway.. none of the links work so don't bother trying.. hopefully it will look pretty sweet and easy to read when I'm done thanks guys ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
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