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  1. Using 3.0 from the nightly release, is there any way to display a player variable in the text box option within an event?
  2. Tried using the stun effect on a spell but npc's were still able to attack. Is this a known issue?
  3. Its an image file printed onto the screen, not an actual label in the source. You can find it in the gui > main graphics folder: "character.jpg"
  4. Please don't spam the forums with one question. If you are using an unsupported version then you wont get much help, I can recommend upgrading to 2.3EO or the nightly release.
  5. I have told you what to edit 2 times now.
  6. That is for every players max hp. If you cannot take any advice I have been giving you and be able to apply some common logic then you really should not be messing around in the source code.
  7. GetPlayerMaxVital = (**(GetPlayerLevel(Index) / 2)** + (GetPlayerStat(Index, Endurance) / 2)) * 15 + 150
  8. If you would actually look at the code, in the GetPlayerMaxVital function like I said you would see where to adjust that.
  9. malphos101


    You can use the event system to do quests and many other things. Check out a tutorial for it on the forums.
  10. malphos101


  11. malphos101


    do you have directx9+ installed?
  12. malphos101


    you need to install the runtime files.
  13. hp increases as endurance does. You would have to add a cap to adding points to the endurance cap to achieve that kind of effect.
  14. To change stats given at level up: ``` Sub CheckPlayerLevelUp ``` To change how much health/mp are given per skill point: ``` Function GetPlayerMaxVital ```
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