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Everything posted by Rithy58

  1. Then that's your problem. Either use/make a converter or delete all your old data and let the server generate a new one. Sincerely, Rithy
  2. Nope, people do pixel art with Paint using a regular Mouse all the time. Sincerely, Rithy
  3. Then all you have to do is to make a converter that convert your old map into a new map with the new UDT. Check out Rose's Eclipse Galaxy. It have a converter build in and it's quite easy to rip out. Sincerely, Rithy
  4. I just finished implement NPC Multiple Drop, from scratch but use this as reference. It's basically the same as this, except it work on EO 2.0 and I added 2 things : * Randomized before Rnd. Another method would be to use RAND, included in EO. * Added a quest item check. If the item is a quest item, check to see if the player have the quest. If not, don't drop it. Some notes on how to use this on EO 2.0 : * Only use this as a reference and code it from scratch. It's not that much work. Download the files, open the form and read it/compare with EO 2.0 form. Add/change only the necessary stuff. * All you have to do are: add/change some UDT in NPCRec, drop each item in a loop in modCombat(PlayervsNPC), add new scroll bar to frmNPC, then finally debug it and make some small changes. Sincerely, Rithy
  5. @Robin: > Botting is not hacking. Packet Editing? Change from 10 exp to 1000000 exp? Just a thought. I mean, if it is possible, maybe we should encrypt our packet, if it isn't already encrypted. Sorry if I'm wrong. Networking is still on my list of To Study so I'm not fully understand yet. Once I learn that, I'm confident, I know how how EO work completely. Sincerely, Rithy
  6. Sure you can. Just make sure you add that to MapRec or TileRec, idk something Rec in the modTypes. And also, you'll have to either convert the existing maps or delete them all and let the server generate a new one. Sincerely, Rithy
  7. @Robin: > Why are you running a virtual box? Windows XP > Windows 7? I use that, too and it work just fine. Atleast with Dx7, anyway. Sincerely, Rithy
  8. I believe it will use the Native Library of the OS. Something like Windows will use DirectX and Linux will use OpenGL. I'm not sure if what I said is correct but that's what I heard and understand it to be. Sincerely, Rithy
  9. How about packets? If there is no packet encryption, wouldn't it be possible to spam a certain packet then? Sincerely, Rithy
  10. Rithy58


    MIT is actually one of the best university in America(might be even in the world). It's stand for Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Massachusetts is one of American State, so yeah it's a state college. It's famous for engineering, though. so Draken isn't really wrong. They probably do study about car :P Anyway, I'm 15 so no college for me yet. idk how you can get bored of high school. Hacking the school system is so much fun :D I don't turn in my homework, but I program it and email it to my teacher. I remember once, I was suppose to show/explain Pythagorean Theorem so I decided to buy a book on Java, scrim through it for a couple of days, just enough to know the basic syntax and program a Pythagorean Theorem Class/Library and send it. The teacher told me to come after school one day and said he couldn't open it. I open it with Notepad and explain to him, thus explaining the Pythagorean Theorem. Then I log in as Administrator on the School Computer, it was so easy to find the username and password cause we have a website that use the same database as the school network. Download JDK, compile and show him the Pythagorean Theorem. I don't think I'll be able to do that in College, unless I become Stephan. So I want to have as much fun as I can in High School. Sincerely, Rithy
  11. @S.J.R.: > There is not one feature in there I'd like to see in an updater myself. I can name you one that would just out-perform the entire crap you wrote: configurable or limited peer-to-peer networking over UDP (similar to torrenting). That is the one feature that would make the updater more mainstream. These day, most modern game use both P2P and Server-Based to download updates, to reduce the bandwidth usage on the server. There isn't any updater with that feature on Eclipse, yet. So if you have that, then it would be better than Robin or Yami's Updater. Of course, a game made with EO wouldn't really matter whether if the Updater have P2P or not, it'll download most of the update from a server. Let's face it, you're not gonna get more than 10(or 50, for a safer number) people online at a time. Another thing to make the updater live longer would be the IPv6\. I don't know if VB.Net support it(or the library you're using support it). But then again, if IPv4 die, then VB 6 die, thus EO die. Unless someone make a library for VB6 to support IPv6 or something. Sincerely, Rithy
  12. @Neno: > Looks like you took Yami's edit of the updater, changed the gui and added a bar then claim its your own. It's coded in a slightly different language. So you're wrong. Yes, Visual Basic 6.0 =! Visual Basic .Net 2010 It's not just the version, but they're really quite different. There are still similarities though. Why can't we just let them do what they want to do. This is like telling artists not to draw/paint what they like, but what the community would want. Sincerely, Rithy
  13. @GKO: > I was right, but no-one ever listens to me…. No, you was NOT right. Damn, you're annoying. Look at your message: @GKO: > Its becuase they dont exist except on the gui which you can edit with paint, photoshop etc. Why don't YOU try to edit VB6 code in "paint, photoshop, etc" and compile it >.> The equipments icon are blt onto picCharacters using some defined location, and some calculated location. He wanted to move the equipment icons location. Simply editing the GUI graphic won't work. Actually, he already did that. Now he need to change the the blt location to the right location. That was his question.
  14. http://www.darksunlight.com/serverhosting.php Sincerely, Rithy
  15. @Robin: > Regardless, that's why most people ask. > > If you want low file size then just compress your graphics. Hell, I'll be compressing my PNG textures in Crystalshire. That is true. Most people want the alpha blending, but if they can't do it, I don't think they deserve it cause they'll just make a shitty stuff with it. I mean, really. If you don't know how to implement DirectX8, how are you going to use it? Even if everything is done, how are you going to add new things? They basically expect people to do everything for them. As for the compressing graphic, I told you. I did it. I also encrypt it, which is stupid since they're not custom and if someone was able to decompress those graphic, then they should be able to get the graphics from memory anyway. Sincerely, Rithy
  16. hahaha well now we both learn something new :D Sincerely, Rithy
  17. @Robin: > Alpha channel support is usually what people want when they harp on about PNGs, though. Really? I want PNG cause of the size o.o Now that I can compress the graphics, I don't need it anymore. I don't really care about Dx8 right now cause I just finished learning dx7\. There's no point in converting EO to Dx8 for me. DirectDraw is more than enough for my simple 2D game. I rather use Java with OpenGL or the new C engine in development, atleast I think it's in development, if I want the new awesome-ness like today games. Sincerely, Rithy
  18. @Mïlk: > I'll try to get over my laziness and run speed tests on question number 3\. I'm just speed OCD like that. Then stop using VB6 :D Seriously, use C or C++ or Assembly or one of those Low Level Languages. Anywho, you take my word that they are the same speed then. It'll save you the trouble :D If I'm wrong, you can come back and blame it on me. Sincerely, Rithy
  19. There is a way, Rose did it, I think. I don't see any point though, unless you want the Alpha Blending. As for the second part, this might help you : http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,73394.0.html Sincerely, Rithy
  20. Rithy58


    @GKO: > And how do you know how much i know about this engine robin? Are you stalking me? Because you're a noob and we've seen lots of your posts that prove you don't completely know how the engine work. I've been here way longer than you and have been using EO, heck Mirage Source, for a long time and I don't even completely know the engine yet. I understand how the Game Logic, Database, Graphic work but I'm still trying to understand the Sound and Networking. Sincerely, Rithy
  21. Rithy58

    Ping error

    Again, we need more detail. How is it not working? Is it not directing the traffic to the right computer on the network? Did you turn of/allow your game port in the Firewall? Sincerely, Rithy
  22. UDT is User-Define Type. Now google how to use it. It's really simple. Sincerely, Rithy
  23. I played this for a while. It's not the gameplay that keep me entertained but the humor. Sincerely, Rithy
  24. Rithy58

    Visual message

    @GKO: > -snip- Ignore that Anyway, what are the bugs? From the look of it, I see two problem. One, there is no word wrapping. Two, I have no idea why is he saving it into a file when he doesn't need to. It should work fine but it's not efficient. Sincerely, Rithy
  25. Rithy58

    Ping error

    @GKO: > I have a linksys version 8.00.0 and it will not accept **pings**, or ports that i have forwarded. > Any idea of what im doing wrong? Ping? What? Anyway, I can think of a million thing that you did wrong. You should provide more details. Here's a check list you have to make sure : - Check Enable - Check TCP - Open Port(if you have two box, then just put the same number in both) - Direct to which IP(192.168.1.# box) Sincerely, Rithy
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