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Everything posted by Mal

  1. > It basically forces the client to run in 86 (32bit) and not use 64bit. I think its because some .dll's are for 32 bit systems. Yup. You can't have a library in your final build that runs in x86 and another that runs in AnyCPU; they all have to match. It's called congruency.
  2. Congratulations and good luck. :)
  3. What Evan said. Leave the "how its done" to the developer; your job as a designer is to give as much detail as you can about the "who, what, when, and where". If I were to hire a software engineer to clone Super Mario Bros (NES) that would honestly be enough of a description to get them going. But if they had never heard of it (the game) then I would have to dissect and explain every little detail of the game to them. What are the character states (idle, running, walking, jumping, ducking)? Is it side scrolling, top-down, 2D, 2.5D, or 3D (2D, sidescrolling)? What determines if the character is alive or dead? What does the UI look like? What types of entities will the world be populated with (things you can kill, things you cant, things that will or will not kill the player, static objects, etc)? Remember that you're designing the final graphical representation and "feel" (atmosphere, how it plays, controls, etc) of the game; the programmer is writing the code to make it a working product. Don't get too hung up on terminology. :) Ps. A constant is something that does not change. A variable is variable; it can change.
  4. I wrote my own map editor a while ago. Was definitely a huge learning experience (by the end of it I had culling pretty much down in theory which translates to pretty much any dimension; the math to get super involved with stuff like quad/binary trees and sorting algorithms is still over my head though). After I knew how to render tens of thousands of tiles in the viewport plus a thousand or so particles above 60 fps I knew that going any further with it was a waste when there was Tiled out there and other editors out there like it. So I say to you: great work so far and go at it for as long as you're taking away something from it. Later on down the road you may find more efficient ways of utilizing your time, thus increasing overall productivity and product quality. :) Edit: I had a thought when I read that you were going with external editors (I hope you make use of just one environment in which to edit all game content). Using Unity as my muse my thought was that by using external editors you could actually create content for a game inside of your environment (editor) then "build" and deploy it to a remote host. From there, both the game server and clients are updated. :o Basically, you'd just be packaging raw game data. You could add options to install an entirely new client (and new libraries with it) too by simply using a file containing a set of instructions (boolean values). Super neat and something I might do for a project I have coming up myself.
  5. Whaaaa?! Yup, know what im doing that weekend.
  6. Last year I was talking to a few 18 year olds and a few below 22\. Me being 29 I found that there's definitely a cutoff. I couldn't find absolutely anything in common with them because I'm at a place in my life where I know exactly what I want, what type of person I want to be with, and I definitely want financial security and something long lasting that isn't founded on lust. Younger men and women have absolutely no clue; they're just starting to figure themselves out. A 32 year old that is with a person younger than 25-30 has something wrong with them; they've either never grown individually, they're lonely, or there might be a chance that she's got her shit together and simply fell in lust/love. You mentioning her having anxiety and being easily startled tells me that there's something wrong. Whether or not you can fix her and grow together is solely up to you and her. Good luck.
  7. [attachment=1475:WP_20150303_004.jpg] Yup. Finally dropped it.
  8. I'm just going to throw this out there: Body dysphoria can be very serious, can regard just about anything, and it usually doesn't just go away because of your perspective about what other people think. Why? Because we're talking about our perspective as it relates to us. Trans* persons have a terrible time with body dysphoria and its usually hormone replacement therapy and sex reassignment that cure it or at least make it manageable. So Crest? Do what you have to do for your issue for it to at least become tolerable so that it won't affect you negatively and know the risks.
  9. Due to the amount of traffic the site gets it requires a VPS and that's why the cost is high. At least that's what Evan said a year or two ago.
  10. I remember this one browser/text based game where you advanced floors in a tower. Each floor was more difficult and you earned currency to strengthen yourself. You could buy currency, but even if you spent $100 you could lose it all just from another player attacking you that knew more about the game and who had played longer. It shouldn't be instant win.
  11. 15 years later people still buying Runescape. Good grief.
  12. Beer and cigarettes and pizza.
  13. > If he isn't selling it, what's the problem? If he is using open-source libraries, he isn't stealing anything. He is using it just how the authors want it to be used. Perspective, e.g. Honesty.
  14. What's fun about Lidgren is that its even easier to use than Grim's example. ``` nom.WriteAllProperties(myObjectReference); nim.ReadAllProperties(myObjectReference); ```
  15. > Only reason I'd vote against Lidgren is the fact that it's UDP only. Lidgren is not UDP only. It's both UDP and TCP (by that I mean it offers TCP functionality through the following, and maintains an active connection and has a built-in keep-alive:) and supports a myriad of functionality dedicated to unreliable versus reliable data transmission and even has multiple channel support for sequencing. It also supports encryption, has it's own VERY fast messaging queue and message buffer, is asynchronous, and can be implemented in 101 different ways. Top 2 C++/C# networking libraries, in order: Raknet, Lidgren.
  16. > Lol I coded that IDE from scratch only using different Swing L&F called WebLAF. And I am not calling everything mine, I have all credits in Wiki in Introduction. Or you don't believe that I can create something that good as Non is without ripping code from other people? Then I must dissapoint you. This is still "good" old Eclipse even when owner changed 2 times, you guys are happy only when you throw **** at other peoples hard work. You are trying to say that I wrapped some features of graphic library what I am using? You did same in Mavra. But you stopped there and gave up. I created tool what allows developers to write games in JavaScript and Lua and publish them to all platforms and I am not even half done. I made IDE for it. Still not enough? I have planned visual editors extension for IDE what will allow developers to make games without writing even a single line of code and I believe that I can do it. You don't believe in me? Okay, I don't even care about moderate Windows-oriented programmer. There are two things in Mavra that are not mine: TiledSharp which is NOT a part of my project and is compiled separately, and the very simple state machine which has 100% of it's original copyright headers and a license is included with my source. Otherwise, 100% written, compiled, and owned by me. Gave up? It's finished, sir. I've recently added physics components and several other things, all written exclusively by me, owned by me, and from scratch. I honestly don't care what you use or how it's thrown together; your project is 95% other peoples work and as long as you give credit to the original authors it's a non-issue. This new little IDE you're writing? No, I don't think you're capable of it at all. You're suspicious and your ethics suck. What's more to say? Ps. I get nothing, especially not a hard-on, from calling you out. I don't do it in spite of you or because I'm "angry". I do it out of principle.
  17. > Good comparison. If you move the UpdateUI() call in ServerLoop from the top to before tmr25 = GetTickCount() + 25 you should get much better performance. > > > > In all reality though .Net on a simple comparison like that will almost always lose, it is a lot heavier than languages like C and VB6\. With that said, it thrives because it can utilize multithreading, which makes it significantly better than VB6 in the long run for a game server. No, .NET will lose if you completely disregard new paradigms like OOP while copy/pasting VB6 code into VB.NET. The 50kb game server I wrote using C# makes any Mirage derivative look like a joke, and it took me an hour. Why? Because I utilized .NET instead of writing something malformed and deprecated. Few tips: * Completely gut the networking and rewrite it with Lidgren; synchronous networking in the year 2015 is absolutely absurd. * Once you convert to Lidgren gut your entire file IO, stop using predefined arrays, and start using objects. * The client is a complete mess. It's entirely procedural and bloated with unnecessary loops and while statements. * Read and read some more on paradigms and design patters. Don't ignore them, use them! Edit: +10 for effort. I don't mean to sound like I'm attacking the project; I'm simply stating it needs a LOT of tlc. If it were in C# I'd probably make a lot of conversions myself.
  18. > What can be original about IDE? IDE is IDE, all IDEs looks same and I think it is still permitted to use libraries -_-. This discussion was already in this thread and I clearly explained everything, not going to repeat myself. The issue is you calling it your own. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth. "Oh, I found this cool IDE and renamed it, now it's mine." So I'm going to copy your repo, rename it, and post a topic; 5 minutes worth of work.
  19. Nothing about this project has been original. It's simply a collection of other peoples works. I don't even think your IDE is original. =/ Same old Thomas.
  20. > Haha my first really good try at a c# project after reading and studying it since September > > That game looks cool can you buy different guns in it Nah. I've never played it, but it looks like a traditional bullet hell with new weapons/powerups being pick-up drops.
  21. Reminds me of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5T6qenbdUc
  22. Saw what you said about procedural vs. Multi-paradigm transitioning, and I have to say that I agree 110%. Its very hard psychologically to go from thinking in a linear, event driven sequential way when you've done it for years. It took me 8 years to move from VB6 to .NET, and a year after that to move to C# exclusively. Many cheeseburgers for your commentary and insight.
  23. Anything above $500 in gross revenue must be reported to the IRS and is taxable income. I doubt you need a business license unless you're carrying liability and perform a public service. I'd speak with multiple business law attorneys; aim for free consultations. Although they cannot give you legal advice unless retained they could help point you in the right direction.
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