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  1. BUMP! Please can anyone answer my question? I cannot find VB6 on DreamSpark.
  2. > I (she), was eligible for a free copy of VB6 throught Microsoft Dreamspark. Found it on there. Well, I too have an account at Dreamspark and verified. I do not see under my software catalog where VB6 is? Can you link me to it or show me how u got it vb6? I want it badly!:D
  3. > I believe i have alot of Resources archived i'll notify you if i do.. That would be amazing! Thank you!
  4. > Hmm, yeah I tried Orion but it seems to be a little lacking - It's an impressive build but lacks some features and charms of Eclipse. > > What code converters would you suggest? Or is there another way of LEGALLY getting it for cheap/free? > > > > EDIT: Problem solved How did you solve it? What code converter did you use?
  5. > It has a few; however, you can import stuff in to a character creation or do individual sprites. > > It is more for editing, not creating from scratch. > > What I do is edit a sprite in Gimp and transfer it there to four frame movement and hue colorization. This was just a normal tree I edited into a four framed treant. > > > > ![](http://i.imgur.com/JGJEd5b.png) > > > > > > I am sure someone will post some resources they have soon. :) Ahhh okay cool. Well thanks for the information:) Hopefully someone has a lot of EO2.0 sprites and stuff! :D
  6. > I always use google to find free to use sprites or locate sprites that are allowed to be used in other engines. > > > > I would like to suggest getting **Game Characterhub** on Steam. It is relatively cheap and you can easily convert three frame objects to four frame movements. You also can use it to set items and paperdolls. Finally the hue editor on it is great to make multiple colors varieties of something. I use it constantly for editing; It is a lifesaver for sure. I watched the video on steam. Is it have all those characters already premade or do I just use that tool to my make own from scratch?
  7. Hello everyone! I want to start developing my own 2D MMORPG for fun so everyone here can play and enjoy!:D I know there _was_ a ton of resources when EO2.0 was out. I am using a EO2.0 base and heavily modifying it. I need alot of resources like charcters, paperdolls, and tilesets. If you have any of them for EO2.0 This is the format for it: ![](http://s13.postimg.org/froacye13/image.png) If you have **any** charcters, paperdolls, or tilesets for EO2.0 I would LOOOVEEE you and appreciate it so much!:D Tyvm! (If you don't want others to see it, please PM me it:) Tyvm!
  8. > All the best for that. > > Since your problem has been solved, please edit the main post and set the topic tag as **Solved**. Aww yes! I am very sorry about that.
  9. > Np, It didn't take much, I haven't used VB2010 since around 2013 but yeah. Good luck on the project and keep us updated :). Thank you very much!:) I am going to start my project by completely reprogramming the entire client from scratch. This will take awhile, but I am doing this for my knowledge. Once I completely reprogrammed the client. I will start developing a 2D MMORPG.
  10. > This is why, Read it and fix it :) Its the 3 sfmlner's that are erroring: > > sfmlnet-audio-2 > > sfmlnet-graphics-2 > > sfmlnet-window-2 > > All "complaining" about architecture of project build and the architecture of the references I listed above. This should be enough information for you to fix it. Yes, that was enough information. I would just like to take this time to thank you so much for staying with me to help me out:) I really appreciate it.
  11. > It basically forces the client to run in x86 (32bit) and not use 64bit. I think its because some .dll's are for 32 bit systems. DAMN! I changed it to x86 and its still not working!? :/ What is going on???
  12. > I was simply stating that if 1 error is preventing you from using the engine, Then it might not be a good idea to use it. I would help but I don't have vb10 installed. Let me download it and I'll get back to you. > > > > > > Edit: > > ![](http://puu.sh/gYo1O/f74d61e68a.png) > > Right-click your EXE project in the Solution Explorer window. Properties, Build tab, change the Platform target setting from AnyCPU to x86. Wouldn't that not all some computer to use the client then? :/
  13. > If your wanting to use it, You should be able to figure something small like this out. > > > > > > > > > > Such a helpful post, So glad you provided us some mighty insight. Hey bud. You could of lived and made our lives easier without you posting this completely unnecessary and negative post. If this is such a small problem. Go ahead and tell me how to do this, unless your too "small" for this problem also…
  14. > I tried, working! :) > > ![](http://iv.pl/images/19009302115380413384.png) What the heck? How? I'm trying to run it and getting this everytime: ![](http://s30.postimg.org/l81fx7oqp/Untitled.png)
  15. > [https://codeload.github.com/jcsnider/Orion-Game-Engine/zip/master](https://codeload.github.com/jcsnider/Orion-Game-Engine/zip/master) > > > > Orion Engine :P > ``` > > https://github.com/jcsnider/Orion-Game-Engine > ``` Have you guys tried it? I am getting this error when running client: A first chance exception of type 'System.BadImageFormatException' occurred in Orion Client.exe However server runs properly. Do we know how to fix this?
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