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Everything posted by Ryo

  1. Make an event "evt_keypressed" out of it Would be fairly easy to make, You will just have to check the key pressed= keychosenbyyou, and return false or true.
  2. You mean integer =32767 @santa you can change max value in the properties of the scroll
  3. ah i get you now, Desaturating an image works by converting an RGB triplet to an HSL triplet, then forcing the saturation to zero. Private Const HLSMAX = 252 Private Function HueToRGB(Byval n1%,byval n2%,Byval hue%) as Integer ' /* range check: note values passed add/subtract thirds of range */ if hue < 0 then hue = hue +HLSMAX if hue > HLSMAX then hue = hue - HLSMAX ' /* return r,g, or b value from this tridrant */ if hue < (HLSMAX/6) then HueToRGB= n1 + (((n2-n1)*hue+(HLSMAX/12))/(HLSMAX/6)) ) Elseif (hue < (HLSMAX/2)) then HueToRGB = n2 ElseIf hue < ((HLSMAX*2)/3) Then HueToRGB = n1 + (((n2-n1)*(((HLSMAX*2)/3)-hue)+(HLSMAX/12))/(HLSMAX/6)) Else HueToRGB = n1 End If End Function Private Function HLS2RGB(byval Hue as integer, byval Lum as integer, byval Sat as integer) as long Dim R%,G%,B% ' /* RGB component values */ Dim Magic1%,Magic2% ' /* calculated magic numbers (really!) */ If sat = 0 Then ' /* achromatic case */ R = lum * 255/HLSMAX G = R: B=R Else ' /* chromatic case */ '/* set up magic numbers */ if (lum
  4. Wasn't me who said that ![;)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//wink.png) servers should be divided in a way to minimize communication between them; the most effective way is to make servers per region and not per functionality, they won't be communicating with each other except for global chat. and one server to host all the players information,
  5. No the player will be receiving the Same amount of packets! This is the system used by real Mmorpg btw It would be a lot of work though and no one would ever use it
  6. You want three frames movement Search for it on the forums
  7. Ryo

    Pet Help

    Didn't test the pets system But because of this : Select Case GetPlayerDir(Index) Case DIR_UP Call SpawnNpc(PetSlot, PlayerMap, GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index) - 1) Case DIR_DOWN Call SpawnNpc(PetSlot, PlayerMap, GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index) + 1) Case DIR_LEFT Call SpawnNpc(PetSlot, PlayerMap, GetPlayerX(Index) + 1, GetPlayerY(Index)) Case DIR_RIGHT Call SpawnNpc(PetSlot, PlayerMap, GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index) - 1) End Select The pet should be spawning next to you
  8. Check you spelled the name of your columns correctly.
  9. Almost the same way you render the chat box
  10. You should tell us where this is hosted too! Edit: nevermind just saw you added it
  11. Selling that too ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png) (just kidding) Well you need to be a lot clearer Are you Making dynamic or static lights? D3D Lights are good for doing dynamic lights, but for static lighting it's better to use lightmaps or vertex lighting. personnaly I'll use both the first for players and projectiles , the second for maps ok first i'm posting this from my phone and so from my memory, i may forget a thing or too or make some synthax errors. Anyway for the desaturation you need to use alphablending, i don't have your render function(neither do i know if you're rendering this in the render_screen function) so i'll assume declarations where done as they should : the most important ones and those i remember… With D3DDevice 'Set the shader to be used D3DDevice.SetVertexShader FVF 'Set the render states **.SetRenderState D3DRS_LIGHTING, True** .SetRenderState D3DRS_SRCBLEND, D3DBLEND_SRCALPHA .SetRenderState D3DRS_DESTBLEND, D3DBLEND_INVSRCALPHA **.SetRenderState D3DRS_ALPHABLENDENABLE, True** .SetTextureStageState 0, D3DTSS_ALPHAOP, D3DTOP_MODULATE 'Set the texture stage stats (filters) .SetTextureStageState 0, D3DTSS_MAGFILTER, D3DTEXF_POINT .SetTextureStageState 0, D3DTSS_MINFILTER, D3DTEXF_POINT End With then change the alpha channel value through calculations it depends if you're using lightening per tile, vertex etc…
  12. No i charge for a feature no one is offering
  13. Seamless maps? I'm selling that feature ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png) (have a server to pay…)
  14. Ryo

    Change Sprite Back

    Or just create a variable in your event to store your first player sprite and use it later to change the sprite back to the original(that's what event variables are for anyway)
  15. Would be even more interesting if the games made with this could be launched on android.
  16. Did you read the questions in the poll ? it's the title that's wrong or the poll questions, it doesn't make any sense at all…
  17. At least he's doing his own tiles U_U anyway, I prefer the trees of the last screen; I'm not an artist but I think you should add a shadow to your tree and make it darker from down to top; so it does look like it's on the ground > je préfère l'arbre du dernier screen tu t'es inspiré de pokemon pour celle la ![;)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//wink.png) > > je suis peut etre pas un aussi bon artiste mais tu devrais ajouter une ombre a ton arbre, et rendre tes arbre plus sombres du bas vers le haut > > comme si on aura pas l'impression qu'elles sont cloué au sol . > > P.s: tu devrais faire d'autres type d'arbres du même genre sa pourrait quétre benefique!
  18. The quest system is worthy of the biggest mmo companies,with no doubt it s the best system out there, For the others they are great «bases» but as a base, you should optimise and modify it to suit your needs.
  19. Ryo

    About Server CPS?

    Or unless you are eco crazy and you want to consume less electricity… Or maybe preserve your processor,locking the server is enough for that though...
  20. Yes,you will need microsoft visual basic6 to do so though, And no programming experience at all! Just search for "
  21. The code is fine,just redownload the engine you are using and replace item editor form in your src folder from the newly downloaded source,it should fix your problem And add in the itemeditorinit : Nameoftheprojectilescroll.value=item(index).projectileammo I dont know what is the name of the projectile scroll so don t forget to replace it Check itemrec for .projectileammo i don t know how it s declared neither.i m on mobile so can t check
  22. Ryo

    CPS Question

    800 and 550000 for eo based engines… You can lock the server at 25 It "almost "doesn t mean anythinng though since it s on an empty server, and almost all the code(well or poorly optimised code) isn t executed anyway To optimise it optimise mainly your serverloop.
  23. Wasn't easy but i got what he meant(maybe because i kind of had the same idea) He means that eo should only render the shown pixels and not the hidden ones(exemple: a grass beneath a rock isn't rendered) It s a good idea but can't be done since eo is tile based and not pixel based. To do this you ll have to render graphics in the vbgore way.(good luck mapping with that though..)
  24. Yes i'm sure the fps will drop drastically if this is done
  25. I took a look on the mode7 code, and yes it can be done! I may try to do this after my exams
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