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Deathbeam's Workshop


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Hi all i am Deathbeam. Maybe you know me, i am creator of Eclipse Advanced, Eclipse Reborn, Miracle Classic, Prospekt Reborn and Realms of Miracle. Pretty long list huh? Atleast you can see that i can work hard and i have enought experience in VB6.

**So what can i do for you?**

* Email - required when creating character, and email activation with activation codes
* Online players displayed on site - With this, you can display your game´s current online players on your website. Working example:
* Converting tutorials - If tutorial is not working for you, i will convert it to work with Eclipse engine what are you using
* Pathfinding - I can implement one of most clever pathfinding algorithms (basically stripped down AStar pathfinding)
* Data encrypting - Do you wanna protect your graphics from stealing? No problem, i can add graphics encryption/decryption to your game. It is not limited only to graphics. Only limit is that it can´t encrypt music.
* Scripting - Do you want implement scripting to your game? I can implement base of it just for you ![](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.png)
* D3D8 - I have many experiences in it, so if you will need something done in D3D8, then hire me
* Turn based combat - Yea, i can do this too. But… More advenced one = more expensive.
* Mouse movement with pathfinding - No need to explain this
* And much more


We can discuss about pricing via PMs or Skype. Nicer people will get better prices if you will register on and you will be active enought, i am willing to do some programming for you for FREE


You can contact me here via PMs or on Skype: [email protected]


You can pay me throught PayPal. My PayPal email is: [email protected]
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> I'm glad to see you are now for hire. Your programming price is slightly to steep for me to afford but when I get some more money I will get you to program, You are very talented ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png).

Thx ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png)
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Just throwing it out there, I cannot vouch for this man's work however his prices are dirt-cheap. I charge anywhere from 15 to 20$ an hour. When it takes 10 hours or more for a extremely nice, top of the line system it really adds up for the buyer… just to put this into perspective.

Best of luck Deathbeam!

For obvious reasons I doubt I would need your services, sorry!
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> Just throwing it out there, I cannot vouch for this man's work however his prices are dirt-cheap. I charge anywhere from 15 to 20$ an hour. When it takes 10 hours or more for a extremely nice, top of the line system it really adds up for the buyer… just to put this into perspective.
> Best of luck Deathbeam!
> For obvious reasons I doubt I would need your services, sorry!

Not trying to go off topic here, but I remember a time where prices like his were even considered high lol.
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> Not trying to go off topic here, but I remember a time where prices like his were even considered high lol.

Because they are. A decent programmer could do those things in 10 minutes. If people want to waste money, let them ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png)
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  • 5 months later...
Just bumping this out. I am still available. My coding things improved and i have alot more things in my repertoary. Feel free to PM me or reply here if you wanna something for your game. I will do it for cheapest as possible (it´s holidays ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png) ). I also finally installed Skype, so you can message me also my skype acc ([email protected]).
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> Just bumping this out. I am still available. My coding things improved and i have alot more things in my reportoary. Feel free to PM me or reply here if you wanna something for your game. I will do it for cheapest as possible (it´s holidays ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png) ). I also finally installed Skype, so you can message me also to my skype acc ([email protected]).

I can vouch that this guy has valid skills.
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>! Wow. Advertising your programming skills on someone _else's_ programming shop. Using… someone else's fame to benefit yourself? Dude, no offense, I know I'm probably being a douche, but...
>! _**Make a topic.**_

EDIT: I'm an itiot.
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> Wow. Advertising your programming skills on someone _else's_ programming shop. Using… someone else's fame to benefit yourself? Dude, no offense, I know I'm probably being a douche, but...
> _**Make a topic.**_

Lol, i am Deathbeam, i just changed my name ![:D](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.png)
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New things in my portfolio:

* Online players displayed on site - With this, you can display your game´s current online players on your website. Working example: [http://eatenbrain.co…whosonline.html](http://eatenbrain.com/realms/whosonline.html)
* Mouse movement with pathfinding - No need to explain this
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