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Eclipse Mega


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I'm not sure what that exact error is unless you can tell me a way to reproduce it,

I did run the map editor through using vb6 and after messing around with the map properties section of the map editor, I was able to make it error out. I made some changes and I stopped getting the errors but I'm not sure if those are the same errors you where getting.
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I added in a toggle for Player Levels on/off on the Options panel (although if someone can redo the GUI image so it looks better then my edit it would help)

Under the spoiler is an example of what it looks like with levels on

>! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/ea8dd90dbc340afdc89d8684d333afb8.png)
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Nice feature. Would it be possible to make an autoupdater bundled with this project, something like [http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/128899-download-tutorial-joyces-fixed-updater/](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/128899-download-tutorial-joyces-fixed-updater/) but with a news file like Deathbeams Prospekt Online (rather than a news.html file)?

Good work so far!
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Sound bug still isent fixed. You might want to rip fro ed like u said, and the editing a player from the server dosent load the player, but the account name is correct.
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> Ummm what? I don't see a slash anywhere and there is no download out yet for this…
> Anyways, little Update: I'm currently porting all of this over from the base of EA 3.0.7 to 3.0.10.


Press Enter then look at the bottom left of the chatbox, you will see like a small cut in the graphic.
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> Sound bug still isent fixed. You might want to rip fro ed like u said, and the editing a player from the server dosent load the player, but the account name is correct.

Ya, when I switched over to EA 3.0.10 I didn't put in the sound fix again. I'll put it into the next version.

I'm not sure what you mean by editing a player from the server doesn't load the player but the account name is correct… It loads the player from the character name, not the account name.
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I'm not sure if I should do the change or not… I know it was left out of EA so that maps could still have sounds and am not sure if people would like it better the other way or not.

Also a little update. I fixed the choppiness in moving GUI windows. Before it would only move if you clicked the outside of the window and not the middle but you could move the window by left or right clicking. Now you only move the window by hold down the right mouse button and dragging. I changed it to this since all the checks for things in the windows being clicked uses the right button (except dropping items) an by changing it to left click I can make it so you can click through moveable GUI's and don't need to only be clicking on the edges. The fix will be in the next version


Also now coming in the next version is a working Minimap with a toggle in the options window to display or not. It is set to only show other players on the minimap if they are in the same party as you.![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/3b5bfae30acdc6618699d5c1d9c7c05b.png)
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The MiniMap now looks like this (Due to me wanting to use the white tile for Event Tiles)


But by changing the colors in the image minimaph.ping that will be in the new client files


You can change that to have whatever colors you want in the spots. So you can change the background color of it all to take away the pink tint if you wish.
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